Parole in 10 years for raping/murdering Iraqi girl?!


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

FORT CAMPBELL, Kentucky (AP) -- A U.S. soldier was sentenced to 100 years in prison Thursday for the gang rape and murder of an Iraqi girl and the killing of her family last year.

Sgt. Paul E. Cortez, 24, also was given a dishonorable discharge. He will be eligible for parole in 10 years under the terms of his plea agreement.
Cortez, of Barstow, California, pleaded guilty this week to four counts of felony murder, rape and conspiracy to rape in a case considered among the worst atrocities by U.S. military personnel in Iraq.

In his plea agreement, he said he conspired with three other soldiers from the Fort Campbell-based 101st Airborne Division to rape 14-year-old Abeer Qassim al-Janabi. The girl, her parents and a younger sister were all killed.

Earlier Thursday, tears rolled down Cortez's face as he apologized for the rape and murders. He said he could not explain why he took part.

"I still don't have an answer," Cortez told the judge. "I don't know why. I wish I hadn't. The lives of four innocent people were taken. I want to apologize for all of the pain and suffering I have caused the al-Janabi family."

The military judge hearing the case, Col. Stephen R. Henley, issued a sentence of life in prison without parole, the maximum for the charges. Under military law, the defendant is given the lesser sentence unless he violates terms of the plea agreement, which requires Cortez to testify against others charged in the case.

Psychologist Charles Figley testified that Cortez and the other soldiers likely suffered stress brought on by fatigue and trauma.

"It eats you up," Figley said. "It's a horrible thing. This is not unique. We've seen this in other wars."

Five soldiers who served with Cortez in Iraq testified that his actions were out of character and described the hardships of war they experienced, including sleep deprivation and the lack of running water.

"I just never would have seen it coming," said Staff Sgt. Tim Briggs, who has known Cortez for five years and served with him in Iraq.

Prosecutors said the stress was no excuse for the actions of Cortez and the other soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division, based at Fort Campbell.

On Wednesday, Cortez described raping the girl in her family's home in Mahmoudiya last March, along with Spc. James Barker, 24. Barker pleaded guilty in November to rape and murder and was sentenced to 90 years in military prison.

Cortez said this week that former private Steven D. Green raped the girl in front of him; shot her father, mother and sister; and then shot her in the head. He also testified that the soldiers attempted to burn the girl's body; burned their own clothes; and threw the murder weapon, an AK-47, into a canal in an attempt to dispose of the evidence.

Cortez was found not guilty of more serious charges of premeditated murder and conspiracy to premeditated murder.

Pfcs. Jesse Spielman, 22, and Bryan Howard, 19, await courts-martial. Green, who is accused of being the ringleader but was discharged from the military before being charged, will be prosecuted in a federal court in Kentucky.


If you were friends or relatives of the girl and her family, would you want to kill American soldiers?

Parole in 10 years is a joke. Each of those soldiers needs life with no chance, or death.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
The fact that this criminal who plead guilty to murdering 4 people, raping a 14 year old and conspiracy to rape iss eligible for parole in ten years depicts how frighteningly close to the end of western civilization this society has come. We invaded their country, murdered and raped their citizens and this guy may get out in 10 years.

Thank God we liberated these people. The funny thing about this criminal is that in 10 years no one from the dead Iraqi's family is going to complain about this burr headed, right wing puke getting out of jail. This murdering scumball will walk. Won't even make the paper.

God bless the United States of America. Strike that, ...... God forgive the United States of America.



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I guess this forum suddenly turned sour on victims' rights and found sympathy for rapists of children and murderers.

One neocon needs to step and post that these soldiers deserve life with no parole or death - OR THEY ARE FRAUDS.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
I guess this forum suddenly turned sour on victims' rights and found sympathy for rapists of children and murderers.

One neocon needs to step and post that these soldiers deserve life with no parole or death - OR THEY ARE FRAUDS.

Good luck with this one.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
i agree it's a hideous thing (it's at least 10 years) but how come i don't hear any of you victim rights people being outraged by judges in states like vermont giving similar cases suspended sentences...i guess you have more sympathy for iraqis being sexually abused than americans...


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
i agree it's a hideous thing (it's at least 10 years) but how come i don't hear any of you victim rights people being outraged by judges in states like vermont giving similar cases suspended sentences...i guess you have more sympathy for iraqis being sexually abused than americans...

Post a case. Let's discuss.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
Post a case. Let's discuss.

i don't have time to look for this now..but will definitely do it first chance i get....but if you get a chance you should watch o'reilly & oprah...them along with a former federal prosecutor, wendy murphy have been on a crusade exposing these judges..


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Hey - I want consistency - YES - anything remotely similar in the US deserves maximum sentence. I am not soft on punishment of violent crimes in any circumstance.

What hurts so bad in this case (which is barely even mentioned by supposed liberal msm by the way) is that it works against everything we strive for in Iraq. How do you get them on our side when something like this happens, and the criminal is likely out of jail in 10 years? How do you tell them that's anything different than with Saddam.

Hell - take away the crime itself and these guys should still receive maximum punishment for TREASON against the US. They probably hurt our country more than we can calculate.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
This piece of shit should be executed and nothing less. If he gets out in ten years he will be in trouble within six months. I love to see his rap sheet before this.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
Post a case. Let's discuss.


i just started checking this out for the specific cases that you asked for...i found this on the o'reilly website...

No Justice in Vermont?
Tuesday , January 16, 2007

By Bill O'Reilly

For the second time in less than a year, Vermont child has been brutally assaulted and a sexual predator allowed to escape justice. We first reported story last Friday. And tonight, we have more information for you.

The victim is a little boy, four-years old, who told his aunt he was scared to be around 37-year-old Andrew James. The woman checked his story and learned that that James had been abusing the boy in a terrible way ? too terrible to describe on television.

The Manchester, Vermont police were called. And according to the affidavit, the boy told investigators and a social service agent that he had been molested 10 times by James. And the child described what happened to him by pointing to a series of drawings.

The little boy is poor and may have a learning disability, but his story was backed up by his older brother and his mother, who said this to "The Factor" about how the little boy is doing:


MOTHER OF VICTIM: They told me he was having problems in school, you know, acting out a little bit and stuff, when it was, well, mostly happening.


The predator, Andrew James, has two previous assault convictions, one felony where he attacked his wife with a screwdriver in front of their children. For that, he served 30 days.

For molesting the 4-year-old, James will serve no prison time at all. Judge David Howard sentenced James to probation and treatment. If he violates probation, he could go to prison.

Prosecutor Andrew Costello asked for probation, but the judge could have rejected this ridiculous sentence. He had the power to do it. "The Factor" producer Jesse Watters caught up with Judge Howard:


JESSE WATTERS: Hey judge. Jesse Watters with the FOX News channel. How are you doing? Can I talk to you for a second about that?


WATTERS: That guy sexually assaulted a 4-year-old and you didn't give him any jail time. Can you explain that, sir? Don't you think you owe us an explanation? What, you don't believe in punishment? Judge, don't you think you need to ? owe us an explanation?


As we told you on Friday, Vermont authorities say putting the little boy on the stand would have harmed him and might have led to an acquittal. But with testimony from the mother, the aunt, the brother, the police and the social services person, it is hard to believe James would have beaten the rap.

"Talking Points" believes Vermont authorities simply don't care about this poor child and are OK with James being out on the street where he is right now.

That, of course, is appalling.

The local newspaper, The Bennington Banner, is in the tank for the prosecution and did no original reporting on the case. We confronted Banner editor James Therrien about that:


WATTERS: Are you guys going to run an editorial? What's your position on the case? What is the editorial board's position on the case? You guys approve of the sentence?

Should a guy who molests a 4-year-old boy walk off scot-free? Is that the position of your paper? To let something like that slide?

Wouldn't the people of Bennington want to know that this guy's running around?



The Bennington Banner is owned by the Media News Group. We have invited CEO William Singleton to appear on this program tomorrow. We doubt he will show up.

You'll remember that last year, Vermont Judge Edward Cashman sentenced a man who raped a 6-year-old girl over a four year period to just 60 days in jail. The outcry embarrassed the state of Vermont, but still Jessica's law was voted down by the legislature.

Republican Governor Jim Douglas continues to behave in a cowardly manner, failing to speak out. Vermont Attorney General William Sorrell also says he has no comment on the James case. Vermont Senators Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders have declined comment as well. Leahy, as you may know, is a big human rights guy but apparently not in his own state.

We have posted e-mail addresses for the governor and the two senators on If you do contact them, please be polite when making your points.

"Talking Points" is considering boycotting Vermont. But if that happens, thousands of good people will get hurt because the state depends on tourism. Many Vermonters are just sick over the situation.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's absolutely not OK. It's ? he should be put in jail forever or the death penalty. It's terrible. Absolutely. I mean what do they get out of a 4-year-old? That's crazy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's really a sad state, because anybody who sexually molested another child can just say oh, I did it and get away with it. It's disgusting and it's ? I don't know, sad.


It is sad, but it's also irresponsible. Vermont has become a secular progressive enclave ? a state that believes in restorative justice, that is healing for the criminal as well as the victim.

I doubt the 4-year-old boy will ever be healed. As for the criminal, he's walking free this evening thanks to Judge David Howard.

here is a follow-up to the above info....

The Disgrace of Vermont
Thursday , January 18, 2007

By Bill O'Reilly

Same song, different child molester.

You may remember last year, Vermont Judge Edward Cashman sentenced a man who sexually abused a 6-year-old girl over a four year period to 60 days in jail ? 60 days.

Cashman wanted rehab for the predator, but after our reporting, he had to up the sentence to three years ? still far too lenient.

Now, the Vermont media supported Cashman and attacked me, saying all kinds of nasty things. Well, hear comes deja vu.

On Friday, we broke the story of Judge David Howard, who accepted a plea deal from 37-year-old Andrew James. James molested a 4-year-old boy in a terrible way. Judge Howard gave him probation and treatment:


JESSE WATTERS, FOX PRODUCER: Hey, judge, Jesse Watters with the FOX News Channel. How are you doing? Can I talk to you for a second about?


WATTERS: That guy sexually assaulted a 4-year-old and you didn't give him any jail time. Can you explain that, sir? Don't you think you owe us an explanation? What, you don't believe in punishment? Judge, don't you think you need to ? owe us an explanation?


Well, today, the corrupt Vermont media sprung into action. Again, The Times Argus newspaper said, "Another year, another national condemnation of Vermont by right-wing cable talk show host Bill O'Reilly... O'Reilly... called for a national boycott of Vermont."

Well, that's a lie. I have not called for a boycott of Vermont, but I am calling for a boycott of The Times Argus, a dishonest enterprise.

The Bennington Banner, which did no original reporting on the James case while it was in motion, even though it happened in its backyard, said this: "Everyone in the news business knows O'Reily's reputation for slanting, smearing and sensationalizing."

Then there's former Vermont Associated Press writer Chris Graff, who was fired from his job last year. He said this:


CHRIS GRAFF, FMR. VT AP BUREAU CHIEF: What the leaders of Vermont are saying is that they think that Bill O'Reilly doesn't know what he's talking about.


Well, if I don't know what I'm talking about, set me straight, right? Where exactly are we misreporting?

The truth is that we have told the truth.

Vermont prosecutor Andrew Costello didn't want to take the case to trial because he thought the little boy would not be a good witness. But there are other witnesses, as we explained. And Costello hid out ? hid out ? when we traveled to Vermont to talk with him.

Once again, Vermont is a restorative justice state. It believes the most heinous criminals should be rehabilitated. Its legislature voted down Jessica's Law shortly after that horrific 60-day sentence from Judge Cashman.

Are my facts wrong on that? Are they?

Vermont is a perfect example of a state held hostage by a corrupt secular progressive power structure that is bringing shame on what was once an outstanding place to live.

You want to debate putting a 4-year old on the stand? We're up for that debate. You want to put a violent, convicted felon child molester back on the street without a court fight? We're not up for that.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the disgrace of Vermont.

i will keep on checking out different places for specific examples..
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Al, find one that involves rape and murder. These are obviously awful, but nobody was killed. That Cashman judge needs to lose his job. All rapers of children need to go away forever. I don't believe they rehabilitate.

Vermont is a perfect example of a state held hostage by a corrupt secular progressive power structure....
That's just a dumb statement by O'Reilly. He lose me when he says crap like that. ...I wonder if he (or anyone at Fox) will mention the Iraqi incident.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
as i said i agree that 10 years is not enough for rape & murder....i think the guy should get life with minimum of 25 years .

forget the crap he said about the secular vermont...i don't care about that. my point is that here are 2 cases where children were raped & received very light sentences & yet there is no out cry by fact the media in vermont is blaming o'reilly...just seems strange to me.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
That's just a dumb statement by O'Reilly. He lose me when he says crap like that. ...I wonder if he (or anyone at Fox) will mention the Iraqi incident.

except for a half hour sometimes during lunch(usually fox), i don't watch the news any more..i get very agitated watching it so i stopped...

and other than o'reilly & that occasional half hour, i don't watch fox....but fox & o'reilly should talk about this...'ll let you know if o'reilly mentions it....

do you know if cnn or msnbc, or anybody else has talked about these 2 vermont stories ?
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I don't know - I hadn't heard about the Vermont cases. I have an unsettling feeling that verdicts like that are not even particularly rare. But there are more important stories to discuss - like who gets the remains of a junkie gold digger, or whether or not Obama should apologize for something a dumb record label owner said.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I guess this forum suddenly turned sour on victims' rights and found sympathy for rapists of children and murderers.

One neocon needs to step and post that these soldiers deserve life with no parole or death - OR THEY ARE FRAUDS.

lets see...which conservative on this forum condoned/excused/sympathized with this type of criminal act?....

the sentence?....based on your "newspaper article":)rolleyes:) ....and not seeing the transcript of the case....i agree it`s very lenient....

i will say that,whether you agree or not,we`re in a war.......and sadly,these things happen in war.......

the difference is that we prosecute our criminals....criminality isn`t policy on our side....

i hope you aren`t citing a few isolated incidents and trying to make the old moral equivalence argument.....

because,if that`s the case,you`ll get you ass handed to you....


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
lets see how indignant you are about this former aclu president that was caught in the international pedophile sting yesterday....

read up on how disgusting the stuff that this guy was accessing wasn`t murder,granted...but was just about one step up from snuff films......

lets see where this story fits, in say,the nyt`s...or the la compared to the foley scandal.....or the catholic church scandal....

front page?......
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Amazing how all these that have been against death sentence now think its ok--

IMO I would not have been upset if he was handed death sentence----however 100 years was not slap on wrist--but I see most are not discussing sentence but rather when he is eligible for parole--as if he'll be walking streets in 10 years. I can flat guarantee he won't have the cozy treatment in Levonworth they have in Guantanamo Bay.

Just wish some here would be as adamant on punishment handed to terrorists in captivity--rather than make sure they have all the luxery's in captivity and no one one ridicules or embarrasses them.

On your ACLU deal GW--we know where it will go--the Eddie Haskels will be defending him the same way they do the child porn website--they'll be quoting constitutional rights--believe they are currently forming protesting groups called code sicko's to get out their theme :)
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