Parole in 10 years for raping/murdering Iraqi girl?!


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Just wish some here would be as adamant on punishment handed to terrorists in captivity--

Are you talking about in Gitmo? What have they been charged with? Let's get 'em charged with something first. We can go from there. It's only been 5 years.

If you think that many are just gonna take this admins word that 'these are bad guys', after all the misinformation, intelligence mistakes, flat out lies, then you are naive.

We've released something like 500 out of the original 700 that we rounded up. That's a lot of mistakes. No? I know, I know. 2 or 3 were found back on the Afghanistan 'battlefield', whatever that even is.

So let's charge the remaining group, convict them, and then we can all be 'adamant' about their punishment.

Otherwise, we'll just have to accept them being detained in a prison with no trial, no charges and no end in sight for them as their punishment.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Yep Matt I only wish we could could segregate liberals with such attitudes and release these "innocent terrorist" and confine them to their neighborhoods so they could live with their convictions--

Among the names listed in the memo is Mohammed Yusif Yaqeb (search), also known as Mullah Shazada. Yaqeb was released in May 2003. He proceeded to become the head of Taliban (search) operations in southern Afghanistan and was killed one year later in a fight with U.S. forces.

Also named is Maulavi Abdul Ghaffar (search), released in 2002 and returned to Afghanistan. As a regional commander, Ghaffar helped carry out attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan until he was killed by Afghan forces in September 2004.

One of the more notable cases involved Mohammed Ismail (search), one of two teens held at Gitmo until he was let go last year. He was recaptured four months later fighting American troops in Afghanistan. The memo notes that at the time of his capture Ismail was carrying a letter "confirming his status as a Taliban member in good standing."

ect ect ect

Let's skip the political hoopla on issue and cut to the chase--

I'll take responsibilty for all the supposedly innocent victims captured and held in facilty probably better than environment they are used to--

Will you--take responsibilty for the terroist released that fly's next plane or sets off bomb in Fla. ????????????

Bottom line --who do you want protecing your ass--the PC crowd---are the "you can't handle the truth" boys that are out there on watch 24/7
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Yep Matt I only wish we could could segregate liberals with such attitudes and release these "innocent terrorist" and confine them to their neighborhoods so they could live with their convictions--

Among the names listed in the memo is Mohammed Yusif Yaqeb (search), also known as Mullah Shazada. Yaqeb was released in May 2003. He proceeded to become the head of Taliban (search) operations in southern Afghanistan and was killed one year later in a fight with U.S. forces.

Also named is Maulavi Abdul Ghaffar (search), released in 2002 and returned to Afghanistan. As a regional commander, Ghaffar helped carry out attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan until he was killed by Afghan forces in September 2004.

One of the more notable cases involved Mohammed Ismail (search), one of two teens held at Gitmo until he was let go last year. He was recaptured four months later fighting American troops in Afghanistan. The memo notes that at the time of his capture Ismail was carrying a letter "confirming his status as a Taliban member in good standing."

ect ect ect

Let's skip the political hoopla on issue and cut to the chase--

I'll take responsibilty for all the supposedly innocent victims captured and held in facilty probably better than environment they are used to--

Will you--take responsibilty for the terroist released that fly's next plane or sets off bomb in Fla. ????????????

Bottom line --who do you want protecing your ass--the PC crowd---are the "you can't handle the truth" boys that are out there on watch 24/7

Much like Scotty, you entirely missed the point of my post.

My post was in response to your plea for more people to be 'adamant' about the prisoners punishment. That really doesn't make much sense. They *are* being punished and short of any charges, evidence, trial, I can't see how much more adamant you want people to be.

You want people to storm the White House demanding that these prisoners be killed? Or what?

In absence of the aforementioned things, what more would you like people to demand?

In this post, you quote 'innocent terrorists', as if I said that. I did not.

Remember when the old bat Barbara Bush opined that all those people crammed together in terrible conditions in Houston after Katrina, after losing everything they had, didn't have it so bad in those nasty conditions since they were poor to begin with?

Sounds an awful lot like this comment:

I'll take responsibilty for all the supposedly innocent victims captured and held in facilty probably better than environment they are used to--

As far as the silly question about me taking responsibility for released prisoners crashing planes or bombing Florida?

I'm not saying that *anybody* should be released, i'm just trying to figure out your request that more people become 'adamant' about their punishment.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
It does, huh?

I figured the first response to that post would be along those lines.

You didn't disappoint.

so what your saying is I am predictable ...

I think djv is much more predictable

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Assume in 1941, Japan landed ground troops in Hawaii. A squad came into a Hawaiian home (white not polynesian) armed with AK-47's. One or more of these yellow devils shoots and kills the man of the house, his wife and a pre-teenage girl in front of the 14 year old daughter and sister of the dead family. Then this squad consisting of men in their 20's, with the dead family lying around, rapes this 8th grader. She is then shot in the head and killed. Our brave defenders of freedom try to burn the house, lose the gun and otherwise coverup their attempts to liberate this Iraqi family.

Now in mitigation:

"can't explain why I took part...";
"I don't have an answer...";
"out of character";
"sleep deprivation; and my persoanl favorite
"running out of water".

Then the hired gun shrink says:

"not unique to war".

The result -- 10 years, and like I said he will be released from jail with a nary a whisper, no one will notice or care and the corporate media will not mention his release. The most likely reason will be that the war will be over, and no one will stand up for this deceased, liberated Iraqi family.

I'm sure the Japaneese soldier in my little analogy would have received the same sentence. I don't think its ironic that these murdering pigs received their military training in Fr. Campbell, Kentucky right down the road from Bowling Green.

Thats how life is here in the Bible belt, red state, midwest. Somehow I don't think these pigs were Kerry supporters.



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
IMO I would not have been upset if he was handed death sentence----however 100 years was not slap on wrist--but I see most are not discussing sentence but rather when he is eligible for parole--as if he'll be walking streets in 10 years. I can flat guarantee he won't have the cozy treatment in Levonworth they have in Guantanamo Bay.

1) Because you know very well there is a good chance he'll be out in 10 years. The 100 means nothing at that point.

2) Tell me - if this was in the US - and a guy did the same thing to an American girl and her family - would you have the same view?

3) If he walks in 10 years, how do you explain this to freinds and relatives of her or are just not sure about our occupation? How badly does this hurt our efforts? Did he commit treason?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Smurph I would be just as disappointed as you aor anyone else if he walked in 10 years--I can't see that remotely happening----

--and I'd like to know just how the 10 years--eligible was set--is it standard procedure or did they go out of way to make it so--??
--lots of questions I don't have answer to make rational judgement--however don't think the sentence was light--and a little in the dark about the probation.

Would be nice if we had a real attorney in this thread that knew something about law--and had just an inkling of military perspective.

I'll check around on probation thing and see what I can find out--would be interested on whats other find also.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Couldn't find much smurph--only that it was arranged in plea agreement to his pleading guilty and testifying against the others--I would guess that they were all pleading innocent and they dangled the carrot and he was 1st to bite --however as I said previously I believe it is a carrot he will never get a bite of.

Believe the sentences the others receive might shed some light on it--we'll see.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
If Green gets anything less than life w/out parole then there's something very wrong. I imagine he'll get death.

...Yeah, I don't really know what the possibility of parole means in this case. If he serves his time well and is let out, then I think we've done Iraq a disservice.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
""Are you talking about in Gitmo? What have they been charged with? Let's get 'em charged with something first. We can go from there. It's only been 5 years.

If you think that many are just gonna take this admins word that 'these are bad guys', after all the misinformation, intelligence mistakes, flat out lies, then you are naive.

We've released something like 500 out of the original 700 that we rounded up. That's a lot of mistakes. No? I know, I know. 2 or 3 were found back on the Afghanistan 'battlefield', whatever that even is.

So let's charge the remaining group, convict them, and then we can all be 'adamant' about their punishment.

Otherwise, we'll just have to accept them being detained in a prison with no trial, no charges and no end in sight for them as their punishment.


i believe prisoners of war were held without trials in ww2......and viet nam......

was john mccain given due process prior to the end of hostilities in viet nam?..........

they took roosevelt`s word......were the japanese prisoners given trials under democratic president roosevelt?.....

i don`t think so.....

have our prisoners in this war in iraq been given due process?......

wait a minute?....they aren`t holding any of our prisoners :thinking: ....they murder them immediately.....

this crap comes from this new generation of metrosexuals that think hard is deciding whether to watch "the o.c." or "grey`s anatomy"..........this hand wringing didn`t happen during our father`s and grandfather`s generations ...generations that were worth a damn.......

back when we actually used to WIN wars.....


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl


I wasn't calling for trials. I was simply asking in what way would Wayne have people get more 'adamant' about the detainees punishment.

BTW- citing Roosevelt rounding up any and all Japanese-Americans and throwing them in jail might just not be the best example in supporting your 'point.'
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