Got it
Got it
Ratings were 7-8-5 and the no. 8 got scratched. I liked the no. 1 and the no. 9 was a bit of a looker.
double tickets too.. cause I wound up betting 5 t/b 1,7,9 and 7 t/b 1,5,9
I'm about ready to rock and roll about now.. :Kid1:
Ah, maybe not cause
now I see that zackta had no Philly candy in it
only paid $29 Hmmm. I was thinking closer to $50 but I guess bettors didn't hit the no. 10 in the zacks as hard as I thought they were. Good thing I had it doubled up.
You know what tomorrow is, right?
Just one thing of interest today - That cwazy WHALE musta played Philly again today, HUGE bet to show in a maiden race today. That bettor must be nuts, there were hosses in that maiden race that never ran before. The horse he/she bet on only ran one wace and LOST it. It's figures were tops though and it won, but that bettor must be Kookoo. The horse to bet like that today could have been that there no. 1, "Sailor" horse. Actually, there ain't any hoss worth betting like that and that goes double for this race twack. The whales that do it at N.Y. (not Saratoga though) twacks are only half nuts. That same (I'm pretty sure) bettor got creamed last time he/she did that here at Philly, remember the race with that humungous Place/Show payoffs recently?.
Hope there's
an MJer with a keyboard around tomorrow even if there is .. if there's too many playables, I won't be. That gets too hectic ESP. if I bet a little more seriously. HOPEFULLY, there'll be exactly 4 playables and then I will be here even if just for our "Guests".
KELSO I accepted your invite to be friends, not sure if I did it correctly but think I did, if you're around, check your "Friends" thingy. Actually, Friends doesn't make any sense. PM (personal msgs.) DO. Anybody can read "Friends" stuff, just post a reply in your friend's thread that's much easier, right? PMs are DISabled here at MJ... :facepalm:
How bout that Fed/Joker finale? .. LOL.