Parx 7/6/14


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Dec 15, 2005
Letting you know I was here

Letting you know I was here

...and I can't believe you didn't catch that 2nd race wiener, HAMSTER :)

Don't see that TIGER in your 8th race plicks, maybe we can catch an 8<->4 jobbie.
Reply if you're around and i'll post "L@@Kers" that might help us in the later waces. Weather has turned around down here (rainy) so I should be around for the rest of the races.


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Dec 15, 2005
DEFINITELY see something going on in this 4th race...

DEFINITELY see something going on in this 4th race...

which is why I'm posting this anyways ---> something up with the no. 3 and 4. No. 3 is a L@@KER and no. 4 is either irritated or is "ready to roll".

I'm ok with the no. 3 but I may need to throw a few bucks on the no. 4 to WIN to cover my zacks.


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Mar 4, 2000
Sacramento, CA
GL Jimbo on the remaing card. Going to play in a pool tournament.

O-2 start for the first several races, but saw your post about the 3 and caught the exacta.

Will add the Tiger into the mix before I leave.


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Dec 15, 2005
Cha Ching (or something like dat)

Cha Ching (or something like dat)

Notice how the nos. 3 and 4 took off and led down the backstretch? That what "LOOKERS" do when they work. It's definitely an edge for the bettor even if they don't win. So far today, one of them did. :0053

Put a few bucks on the nos. 3 and 4 to win and already had the zacta in early this morning. Zack (3-2) paid $44.60 and wiener paid $19.60.
BTW, no. 1 sqwatched so I got that exacta moola back. Sometimes things just work out so well... yeah, and sometimes thems don't too.

NICE start today.


EDITED: Just saw your reply, Hammy. Wish I knew about a pool tourney around here; I think I'd like that cause I used to shoot pool too. When I first moved down here, one of my NEW Florida friend's who happened to be a pool hot shot, saw me coming home from work and invited me to go the local bar and play some pool for beers. I didn't touch a pool stick for about 15 or 20 yrs. but took him up on his offer. We played something like 5 games (8 BALL) and I WON ALL 5 OF THEM. He started acting drunk and I told him, " What's going on, I'm doing all the dwinkin and YOU'RE getting drunk?" LOL
I remember that day like it was yesterday. Actually, I NEVER played pool that well before or since that day, shot WAY over my head that day. Great time.
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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Oh well

Oh well

Me, Hamster, he's having fun shooting pool and just leaves his computer on, and 6 keyboardless "guests" . :facepalm:


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Dec 15, 2005
Let's see

Let's see

... .. . R8: EX 3-4-8

Have a great racing day.

8th race results... ah.. 3 Won.... er, 4 Placed.. ... DANG, 8 Showed

WOW, I gotta make a sign "Hammy Rules" .... NICE plicking, Ster.

$10 wiener and a $28.80 zackta.

Way to go :00hour

Sorry bout that no. 7 hoss, see my thread for details.


Forum Member
Apr 16, 2014
This is the result of 8th race...
Off at: 3:48 Race Type: Claiming
Age Restriction: Three Year Old and Upward
Purse: $13,000
Distance: One Mile On The Dirt
Track Condition: Fast
Winning Time: 1:38.50
Source: equibase


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Dec 15, 2005
Hammy, I don't know what the hell is goin on around here. Haven't been to my "Friend" page in a LONG, LONG while. You know, I just post my stuff, read other threads SOMETIMES and hit the road. I thought I'd drop in my "Friends" thingy and then went to yours.

Do you know how this happened -> ALL my posts from this forum are on your profile page :0
I don't get it. :mj03:

ALSO, it looks like we have a new "friend" in here :mj03: :mj03:

BTW, I may not post anything today cause in the 4 playable waces, I'm coming up with freakin favorites. However, I will write here for you that there is one exception.. race 9. The no. 10, Neshaminny (something like dat) is the logical favorite and I won't be on that one at all. This one doesn't have the early speed to overcome it's poor post and I think it may have trouble mowing them down in the stretch. Thinking this one may have traffic problems cause there are plenty of speedsters in this race and plenty of horses that run wide as well. The no. 10 just may not get through to do it's thing.

I would LUV to play no. 1, Skittles, who will be winging it early. BIG problem is the fact that Skittles comes equipped with a big anchor. I still may play that one on the side despite the anchor. I got written down for the last race .... 5,7 <---> 8,9 zacks. I gotta see who gets scratched before I bet the 9th.

Good luck and beware of the wackoes LOL.


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Looks like it's me, you, and Steffi, Hammyi

Looks like it's me, you, and Steffi, Hammyi

DT may have had his fill of hosses or maybe just takng a break?

Set up my zactas wrong in the 2nd race 1,6 t/b 2,3 .... Dang! Yeah and the result was "Magic" too.

In this upcomming 6th race... no. 1 is a bargain at 1 to 1. Looker Report sez that no. 2, it's primary contender is a "No GO". It also sez that no. 9 is a "L@@KER".

EDITED: Typo ... did I write no. NINE is a Looker? Does it matter (there was no number 9)? Well, no. 8 was the "L@@KER" and it did exactly what a "L@@KER" spoused to do too. Them Lookers really give the bettor a bit of an edge cause it shows a horse that feels like running whether they win or not. I've caught some mighty fine prices with them lookers; horses that I probably wouldn't have bet on.

OF COURSE, I didn't have the 1-2, that no. 2 barely beat out my no. 5 horse for place and I had TRIPLE the wage on 1<-->5. UGH!

BTW, that 6-1 zackta in the 2nd paid $69.80; forget the "Magic" tri cause those nos. didn't "come to me".

Lastly, "how bout that Federer/Joker match:? ".... thoroughly enjoyed watch ALL THOSE GAMES THEY PLAYED :)
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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Guess what?

Guess what?

No. 3 was a "LOOKER" in the 7th... photo finish and I can't tell who won :0

..... THEY JUST PUT IT UP... No. 3 was the WIENER :0053

Sorry I didn't get to post it but it looks like you're not near your puter anyways. Don't know what I'm sooo excited over cause that wasn't a betable wace and I didnt' even "L@@K" at the pps for that race. Put it in as they started to load. Only had 2/2/5 on that one; it paid $15.80 to WIN. Really something though cause I just wrote about "LOOKERS".

Stop by if you're around... 8th race is a playable


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Dec 15, 2005
Hmmm.. just noticed sumphin..

Hmmm.. just noticed sumphin..

This thread you started sez, 7/6/20014 and today is 7/7 :0

does it really matter around here though? It also shows you're still online. LOL


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Dec 15, 2005


I still gotta see more and my no. 8 got scratched.

Contenders are 1,5,7,9,10 IF THAT HELPS :(

iffy about adding that no. 10.

gotta go.


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Got it :)

Got it :)

Ratings were 7-8-5 and the no. 8 got scratched. I liked the no. 1 and the no. 9 was a bit of a looker.

double tickets too.. cause I wound up betting 5 t/b 1,7,9 and 7 t/b 1,5,9

I'm about ready to rock and roll about now.. :Kid1:

Ah, maybe not cause now I see that zackta had no Philly candy in it :(

only paid $29 Hmmm. I was thinking closer to $50 but I guess bettors didn't hit the no. 10 in the zacks as hard as I thought they were. Good thing I had it doubled up.

You know what tomorrow is, right?


Just one thing of interest today - That cwazy WHALE musta played Philly again today, HUGE bet to show in a maiden race today. That bettor must be nuts, there were hosses in that maiden race that never ran before. The horse he/she bet on only ran one wace and LOST it. It's figures were tops though and it won, but that bettor must be Kookoo. The horse to bet like that today could have been that there no. 1, "Sailor" horse. Actually, there ain't any hoss worth betting like that and that goes double for this race twack. The whales that do it at N.Y. (not Saratoga though) twacks are only half nuts. That same (I'm pretty sure) bettor got creamed last time he/she did that here at Philly, remember the race with that humungous Place/Show payoffs recently?.

Hope there's an MJer with a keyboard around tomorrow even if there is .. if there's too many playables, I won't be. That gets too hectic ESP. if I bet a little more seriously. HOPEFULLY, there'll be exactly 4 playables and then I will be here even if just for our "Guests". :)

KELSO I accepted your invite to be friends, not sure if I did it correctly but think I did, if you're around, check your "Friends" thingy. Actually, Friends doesn't make any sense. PM (personal msgs.) DO. Anybody can read "Friends" stuff, just post a reply in your friend's thread that's much easier, right? PMs are DISabled here at MJ... :facepalm:

How bout that Fed/Joker finale? .. LOL.


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
LAST post for this thread

LAST post for this thread

Hammy, I just checked MY profile/friends page and sure enough just about EVERY thread I ever posted plus the replies
are in there for anybody to read.

Just ridiculous. What do we need Friends for; just view the threads. I guess if two or more members want to discuss something that doesn't pertain to the Forum theme. That is - not for only the Forum Admin and/or the particular member to read but for ALLl memebers to read. Sheesh ! Maybe it works for the big foums like football during Bowl week, but it is just worthless for our little Horse Palace with the 3 or 4 chairs we got here.

BTW, I gotta take Joanboski (the Mrs.) to the airport today (TUE$) which is about 50 mins. away so that means AT BEST I may catch the last 1 or 2 races live. May not make it to the forum at all just in case I find a "place of interest" on the way back. ;)

This would never happen on my most impotant day of the week (LOL), BUT - her brother picks her up at the the destination airport and he's off from work on Tuesdays.
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