Patraeus Endorses Closing Gitmo and Ending Torture

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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
General David Petraeus said this past weekend that President Obama's decision to close down Gitmo and end harsh interrogation techniques would benefit the United States in the broader war on terror.

In an appearance on Radio Free Europe on Sunday, the man hailed by conservatives as the preeminent military figure of his generation left little room for doubt about where he stands on some of Obama's most contentious policies.

"I think, on balance, that those moves help [us]," said the chief of U.S. Central Command. "In fact, I have long been on record as having testified and also in helping write doctrine for interrogation techniques that are completely in line with the Geneva Convention. And as a division commander in Iraq in the early days, we put out guidance very early on to make sure that our soldiers, in fact, knew that we needed to stay within those guidelines.

"With respect to Guantanamo," Petraeus added, "I think that the closure in a responsible manner, obviously one that is certainly being worked out now by the Department of Justice -- I talked to the Attorney General the other day [and] they have a very intensive effort ongoing to determine, indeed, what to do with the detainees who are left, how to deal with them in a legal way, and if continued incarceration is necessary -- again, how to take that forward. But doing that in a responsible manner, I think, sends an important message to the world, as does the commitment of the United States to observe the Geneva Convention when it comes to the treatment of detainees."
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
that`s his`s still america,last time i checked...

i can`t help wondering what effect being in the employ of bock has had on his "outlook" on the issue....

we`ve seen gates do a proverbial 180 on several issues(showing caskets of deceased soldiers,missile defense etc)......

i`m not impugning his motives...but,did anyone really expect him to publicly criticize the commander-in-chief on such a hot button issue?...

this is like the left crowing about obama getting greeted warmly at n.d...the naval academy or by the troops...

do they think that everybody acts like "they" do when they disagree on policy or agenda?....well,not everyone acts with impropriety like the rabid left does...

they are the ultimate in point using sotomayor`s hispanic heritage as a tool to blunt all criticism...after savaging/filibustering miguel estrada`s nomination to the d.c. district court of appeals.......

conservatives...soldiers...normal people....that work in government...for the president... still show respect for the office...


if that`s petraeus` opinion,i respect that....i disagree with him...but,i respect his opinion...

bock,on the other hand,still can`t admit he was wrong about the surge...

the difference in character is as plain as the nose on your face...
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I love this. NOW - I repeat - NOW, military leaders, and Petraeus specifically are having their opinions molded to what the new administration wants to have come out as military opinion. Now that Obama is in charge, of course these guys are going to change their outlook and just say what he wants them to say.

When I said this repeatedly during the Bush administration with Petraeus specifically about Iraq, and other military leaders in general, I was ripped for not listening and believing the leaders on the ground, the stances they were taking on torture, military actions, etc. My stance was that the leaders essentially serve the Commander in Chief, and will sometimes alter the picture based on what they are told to do or say. Considering that so many ex-military leaders and soldiers are saying opposite things than they did when they were on active duty, this seems to be almost a common sense issue. Of course these people are going to follow the line for the most part - and I'm guessing that only now conservative supporters think - like the North Korea situation - these people are changing their tune because of the leadership.

It's really amazing how a select few here want to have things both ways. I was consistent in my ripping of Bush, and maintaining the position I had here. Honestly, I don't know of many military leaders that I ever heard promote torture - quite the opposite, in fact. But under Bush, I submit, they had to change their tune and support it. Along with military actions they clearly had no real strong reason to understand, or support. An ever-changing mission and message, to quell the unpatriotic and questioners.

But NOW - boy - that Petraeus guy, he's being forced to change his tune. Things are different NOW. What a joke... :rolleyes:
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Jon Stewart

Forum Member
May 31, 2009
$100 says "Rush" the 400 Sea World GOP talking Whale attraction calls the ol General a Traitor this week ...

I guess time for Palin to make comments that the ol General is "paling around with them terrorist types"


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I'm waiting for trench to back up his heading--

Patraeus Endorses Closing Gitmo and Ending --"Torture"

I may have missed it but have never heard Patraeus refer to techniques including waterboarding as torture.

On Gitmo--Appears to me Patraeus is supporting whoever is commander and chief at the time.

However I am have a great time watching the moveon crowd (and trench's fav Huffington post) supporting P now. Maybe another full page ad retracting the other would be in order. ;)

Now to the crux of the matter--If they close this ultra modern facilty--where do they plan to house those captured in afgan or iraq--or do capture and release :)

--or maybe O could do the rendition to another country like Bill did--which I actually like--especially with Bill and O in charge where you have to rely on- You have the right to remain silent-- and a hand job in obtaining info from terrorist.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
DTB... Weasel's a pro-torture guy just like you but he won't answer this question, so let's see if you've got the courage to answer it...

Aside from the inner circle of Bush chickenhawks (none of which I consider "military leaders"), could you please name one U.S. military leader that's come out in support of torture? Just one?
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I'm waiting for trench to back up his heading--

Patraeus Endorses Closing Gitmo and Ending --"Torture"

I may have missed it but have never heard Patraeus refer to techniques including waterboarding as torture.

No, not EXACTLY the EXACT words you are framing the issue with, no, but there's nothing to suggest he doesn't consider it torture, is there? But specifically, he did say that ending harsh interrogation techniques would benefit the United States in the broader war on terror. And more to my point above, that was again ignored by both you and Weasal - NOW Patraeus is only backing up his President and you hint that he probably doesn't really believe what he's saying, I guess. But when I said this could certainly be the case for this exact person when Bush was President - along with other military leaders "on the ground" and elsewhere, you guys ridiculed my point and dismissed it.

So, here we are - you guys trying to have it both ways, and blame Obama. Nice job. I've pretty much given up on getting any answers anymore - you guys seem tied up with the other folks these days. Understandable, I guess, considering the subject matter.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
I'm waiting for trench to back up his heading--

Patraeus Endorses Closing Gitmo and Ending --"Torture"

I may have missed it but have never heard Patraeus refer to techniques including waterboarding as torture.

Gen. Patreaus said we "violated the Geneva Convention". If he's not talking about waterboarding, whadaya think he's referring to DTB... taking away their milk & cookies?

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
--stop the dancing and admit "your editing" was false.


I'm waiting for trench to back up his heading--

Patraeus Endorses Closing Gitmo and Ending --"Torture"

I may have missed it but have never heard Patraeus refer to techniques including waterboarding as torture.

Been a day and apparently you and the other spinners are still drawing blanks-again
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Wayne, would you consider waterboarding to be a form of harsh interrogation techniques? If not, what authority do you base that on? There certainly are military and other officials who have labeled it as such, just wondering if you are going to stand on your opinion to make this narrow distinction, or if there is anything else you are using as fact?

You don't have to say torture, but since you are being so specific, the question stands...


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
--stop the dancing and admit "your editing" was false.
I edited nothing.

I included the link to the story in my first post, then in a follow-up post included video of Gen. Patraeus saying we violated the Geneva Convention. Not sure what else the good General could possibly say to make it any clearer.

The only one I see on the dance floor is you.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
DTB... Weasel's a pro-torture guy just like you but he won't answer this question, so let's see if you've got the courage to answer it...

Aside from the inner circle of Bush chickenhawks (none of which I consider "military leaders"), could you please name one U.S. military leader that's come out in support of torture? Just one?

weird that you never got an answer to this one. Go figure.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I can only presume Wayne hasn't seen the two questions he has posted to him here - both I was eager to see his "take" on. He usually doesn't avoid questions... and some of his "answers" are pretty entertaining when pressed.

In the spirit of the new comradeship here in the political forum, I just wanted to extend the courtesy of time to respond, my friend... :)
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Actually, JW, I was being pretty serious - Wayne and I usually try to follow up with some kind of response - at least as far as I'm concerned. In that comment, I was not personally challenging that. I do often find that Wayne will change the subject at times to frame a situation in his way of looking at it - which does change things, of course. Especially with the way this forum has been the past month or so, it's easy to lose real questions and comments in the clutter of insults, I'm sure I've missed posting on some topics when asked an opinion or a question.

This one would seem to me to be a tough one to answer, though, that's why I stuck with it...


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Actually, JW, I was being pretty serious - Wayne and I usually try to follow up with some kind of response - at least as far as I'm concerned. In that comment, I was not personally challenging that. I do often find that Wayne will change the subject at times to frame a situation in his way of looking at it - which does change things, of course. Especially with the way this forum has been the past month or so, it's easy to lose real questions and comments in the clutter of insults, I'm sure I've missed posting on some topics when asked an opinion or a question.

This one would seem to me to be a tough one to answer, though, that's why I stuck with it...

yeah, that's the ticket. easy to lose the questions. :142smilie :142smilie :142smilie I hope you are trying to be funny.