Pepsi tastes like a flat Coke with its lid open all night. I mainly drink the leaded stuff but tried my damnest to start drinkin' diet and diet only. Most folks said that it would take about 2 weeks to finally start liking it. I tried Diet DR, Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, Diet Sprite, Diet MT.Dew, TAB, etc...etc... I actually tried it for nearly a month and just couldn't acquire a taste for any of the diet colas. They still tasted like chit and I just don't see how in the hell people can drink these damn things. I will say thought that Diet Rite makes the best diet drink on the market. They don't use aspertane like the rest of 'em and you can sure tell it. That Diet Rite Lime drink is a pretty good drink as well as the reg. stuff.
I drink 'em all; Dr.Pepper, Coke, Mello Yellow, SKI(my 2nd favorite--nutin' better for cotton mouth), 7 Up, Fruitopia, Lipton, Yoo Hoo, etc..etc.... SKI has been my fav. for years and years till I stumbled upon the this little jewell that took my breath! It was THE best thing I've put in my mouth for a long...long....long....time. And the winner: ?????
The sum bitch that put this little recipe together should get a nationwide parade named after him! It is some really really really good stuff!!