Back to you building blocksjunoir,that is if you didn't lose those too.Boy,I love you guys that can't pick a winner and get mad and those that have that ability. What a freekin coward and mope you are you Junior O.J. Hated by all,respected by none.
Blow it out your asshole JuniorMint and LEARN how to lose.You seem to miss that point,you have to win and lose the same WAY,plain and simple once again. Until you understand the "BASICS" of Sport Investing,you are doomed,to say the least... So try to find a job to pay off your 'beats' or are you one of those pieces of crap that f's the book. I would'nt be too surprized at that answer too. O.K. Junior, back to you little building blocks.Too bad I always stuck up for you ,when the mob was ready to fry your ass.My error I guess,so stick it where your Dildo is and enjoy your little 'fun'you have with yourself. Good luck and try to find a winner or two before Christmas.WE are all off to Hawaii for 3 weeks,I made all the cash many times over.
Seasons greetings from the soon to be Hawaiian Spanky.Enjoy New York,it must be lovely this time of year,with all the rain and snow...