Physical gold and silver thoughts

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
I am still buying monthly; a dab here, dab there mostly small gold eagle coins tenth and quarter ouncers; premiums about 7-10% above melt.

Facts are still like the elephant in the kitchen,

The stock market is still kept alive by the Billions produced out of thin air.
Politics as usual, kick the can down the road, only the can is getting monstrously big.
I think these current prices 1342 gold 22.82 silver will be looked
back on one day soon and people will say "Gosh, why did I not load up"
China, Russia among others buying every gold scrap they can. They know there is to be a big "Monetary Reset".

As a matter of fact, a huge Chinese company (flush with dollars) just bought Chase Manhattan Plaza for 725 million dollars.....Interesting in that the building has the world's largest commercial gold vault....JP Morgan (when they weren't manipulating the silver markets) kept their stash there.


Forum Member
Nov 29, 2011
Milwaukee, WI
I am still buying monthly; a dab here, dab there mostly small gold eagle coins tenth and quarter ouncers; premiums about 7-10% above melt.

Facts are still like the elephant in the kitchen,

The stock market is still kept alive by the Billions produced out of thin air.
Politics as usual, kick the can down the road, only the can is getting monstrously big.
I think these current prices 1342 gold 22.82 silver will be looked
back on one day soon and people will say "Gosh, why did I not load up"
China, Russia among others buying every gold scrap they can. They know there is to be a big "Monetary Reset".

As a matter of fact, a huge Chinese company (flush with dollars) just bought Chase Manhattan Plaza for 725 million dollars.....Interesting in that the building has the world's largest commercial gold vault....JP Morgan (when they weren't manipulating the silver markets) kept their stash there.

You're right on DM. You get it. Bow down to our new economic bosses, the Chinese. Gold has been manipulated down in price for the sake of appeasing our new Chinese masters. Think Im joking? China holds 1 trilluon dollars in treasuries and could crush us in a minute by dumping that paper wholesale. China isnt pleased with the US shell game of printing our currency to oblivion so the US cut a silent deal with China to hammer g old prices down so China can move their dollar denominated holdings to Gold. The great Reset is coming.


Forum Member
Nov 8, 2013
Good information.

My plan is to buy a dab every month .

I am looking at physical gold and silver as kind of a "insurance policy."
Hope you don't need it, but it is "in hand" for immediate cash, if you need it.

Couldn't agree more. In fact, I've used the "insurance policy" comparison in posts elsewhere.
There's no need (unless you want to) to buy silver as a typical investment. It's a store of your current buying power for use in the future.

Dead Money

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Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Gold keeps

Gold keeps

Getting cheaper in USA (gold $1233 silver 19.60 countries keep raising import taxes on it. India has recently raised the
import duty on gold jewelry from Thailand to 15%.
Gold and silver jewelry in many countries is the common persons personal "bank" and protection from ever increasing inflation.

China is actually encouraging its populace to invest in gold, they are the biggest importer. What better way to spend those American Dollars, buy something that will always have value.
Meanwhile, the USA prints and spends, prints and spends..backed by ZILCH.
Analysts are calling for a near future gold backed Chinese currency becoming the premier world money.

Buy some gold and silver for Xmas stockings...Coin Stores have silver 1 ounce special Xmas ingots for about $21-$22. A tenth ounce 2013 Gold American Eagle coin is about $135.00-$140. A 2013 silver eagle dollar sized coin about $24-$25.

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
More gold and silver

More gold and silver

Still picking up a dab of gold and silver monthly.

Gold and silver not doing much $1300 gold silver about $20.

Fortunately, I am not doing this as an immediate income producer. Just looking down the road at the inevitable dollar devaluation.

Don't think it hurts anyone to have a stash other than dollars. (Even bought a few cases freeze dried dinners)
The current world peace climate looks very dim, the economy + job market are running on fumes, and the rich get richer, as the middle class shrinks ever more. We will see a tipping flash point in next ten years.

Meanwhile, enjoy spring, see a ball game and get a hot dog and beer.:toast:


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Jul 16, 1999
my biggest gold holding is YRI and have covered calls on it, even with the calls looks like dead money this year.

They are taking over osiko gold, they will go 50/50 with agnico gold. makes sense for agnico gold, however the mine is in quebec and they have some good prospects the takeover as it stands does not make sense unless gold can hit around 1500.

will continue to sell calls against the positon. $10 cdn. calls.

ABX Barrick gold and Newmont are looking at a merger, they should just join a joint venture as they have large mines in Nevada, and it makes sense as both would run better and cut costs. the savings in a merger is probably limited however could be between 1-3 billion dollars a year. the downside to both of these merging if they do is that a combined company would have debt north of 12 billion dollars. and if gold stays below 1500 both would in time be in trouble, though not to worry in the next year or two.

only own some silver coins which bought cheap before.

Gold is not acting well, when there is trouble in the Ukraine oil rallys, and so do some fertilizers, ie. grains. but US debt rallies. and golds moves are muted.

will wait to see if it rallies, and sell calls against my yri position.


Dead Money

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Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Still stacking a dab here and there

Still stacking a dab here and there

Gold 1315 Silver 20.95

..there is talk the mint may change the reverse of the silver eagle. It has been the same since 1986.

I have not received my Silver Dollar Baseball Hall of Fame coins from the mint yet; they are struck on a curved blank.

Amazing to me the stock market keeps chugging along....somebody is propping it up.

I keep expecting a big sell-off, never materializes.

Just keep on stacking gold and silver...someday we will see serious financial changes.

Currently, Russia and China have ditched the dollar in their energy trades altogether. The cracks are in the dam.

Dead Money

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Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Limited edition 24Kt gold Kennedy half

Limited edition 24Kt gold Kennedy half

Hard to believe the mint has been striking Kennedy halves for circulation since 1964.

I remember getting a shiney new 1964 on first day of issue from a bank (one per customer, they were 90% silver then)
and selling it to a coin dealer for 60 cents....profit 10 cents ....add 2 cents and you bought a Superman Comic book.

The mint starting tomorrow is taking orders for a pure gold Kennedy half containing three-quarters of an ounce for $1240.00

Here is site for interested parties

Found a better pic here

I am not getting one, think with the popularity, they will make way too many for any price appreciation. There is NO limit on the production number at this point.
Many of the past mint products are often available below mint issue price.

The last "Home Run" for collectors was 2011, the mint announced only 100,000 American Silver Eagle 25th anniversary 5 piece sets would be produced.
They were $299.00 mint issue price.
At the peak of the market, these sets traded between $1300 and upwards of $2000. Now they can be had for $700-$800

The 2014 Baseball silver dollars were hot when first released trading for upwards of $200-$300
Now available for $80-$100 cost was $55ish

The mint is notoriously slow getting their products into collectors hands. Getting them first and unloading them during the hype is key. Mega TV coin dealers order them by the pallet full, and due to their volume ordering, ALWAYS seem to get them first. They create the hype, cash out, await the next issue, repeat the process.

A pure FULL ounce of gold can be had for about $1340.00
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Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Make that $1178 today. Down 9% in three months. Sounds like one of my stupid investments. :0corn

It definitely sux as an investment if you are in the fast turn camp.

I think long term you will be "Golden". Lots of pricing manipulation happening with the metals markets.
Punch a search on gold manipulation in google and you will be picking up more at these depressed prices.

I am nibbling at $16.50 silver and $1185 gold....again, long term. (3-5 years) Silver is a third of its 2011 high. Gold at 1175 is about two thirds of its 1900+ high.

We are witnessing a newly formulated historic organized world wide attack on the sovereign dollar as the world's reserve currency.

By printing zillions of unbacked dollars, we have been exporting our inflation at the expense of the world for years.
That game has run its isn't going to end pretty.


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Aug 2, 2000
I wonder why COMEX introduced this>>>>

effective 12-21-14

The Operation of New Rule 589 for Metals Futures and Options

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Stll buying a dab here and there

Stll buying a dab here and there

Best time to buy Precious Metals is when no one wants them.....every Tom Dick Harry buying stocks....

Gold and silver eagles are very reasonable right now.
Buy and sell for cash at your local coin dealer, no taxes, no records, totally anonymous on buy and sell.

Back before 1929 crash smart money exited when they saw the shoe-shine boys buying in.

How long can the stock charade continue?

Gold around 1200 per oz, silver about 16.00

Buy the physical and hold it in your paper promises.

Going to get very interesting in the near future.

Dead Money

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Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Texas sees the reality of the current financial craziness

Texas sees the reality of the current financial craziness

No Texas sales taxes on bullion if purchase over $1000, by the way. I have noticed that even if you are in a state where it is taxed, if you pay cash, very few people charge it.
Believe California is no tax on bullion over $1000 purchase also.

Gold dipped below $1200, China and Russia re-patriating those "dollar toilet roll currency" issues for serious tonnage of gold.

My read is they are going to establish gold backed currency to hobble the dollar soon.
It could get interesting.....if you got some extra cash, pick up
some gold and silver; it can't hurt.

Texas could create its own 'Fort Knox' to store gold

By Mike Ward May 26, 2015 Updated: May 26, 2015 7:11pm

AUSTIN - Texas could get its own version of Fort Knox, the impenetrable repository for the nation's gold bullion, if the Legislature gets its way.

Under House Bill 483, approved unanimously on Tuesday by the state Senate, Comptroller Glenn Hegar would be authorized to establish and administer the state's first bullion depository at a site not yet determined.

No other state has its own state bullion depository, officials said.

Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, R-Brenham, said the state and its agencies have more than $1 billion worth of gold that now is kept in secure facilities in other states. She said there is concern that fortune should be in Texas.

An official analysis of the bill explains: "The establishment of a Texas Bullion Depository would allow the state, state agencies and private individuals to store precious metals utilizing a secure Texas-based depository to reduce reliance on out-of-state facilities and to insulate their assets from unstable market forces."

The new depository would be operated as an office within the comptroller's agency.

"Would this be like Fort Knox?" asked Sen. Juan Hinojosa, D-McAllen. "If I have gold in my possession, can I deposit it?"

Yes, Kolkhorst said, the new depository would be available for his deposits and those of other Texans, and would save the state money.

"The state has gold, and several years ago (the University of Texas Investment Management Corp.) purchased just under a billion dollars worth of gold," she said. "Most of the bullion depositories are in New York - there may be a small one in Delaware - and they charge the state a fee to store each bar of gold."

The United States Bullion Depository, located at Fort Knox in Kentucky, adjacent to a U.S. Army base by the same name, was built in the late 1930s to hold the nation's gold reserves. Its name has become synonymous with impenetrable security. In addition to holding the country's gold reserves, Fort Knox has been used as secure storage for vital documents over the years, including the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Kolkhorst said UTIMCO in March had 5,610 gold bars in its portfolio, an investment worth $645 million, and was being charged a storage fee of $108 per bar by a bullion depository in New York City, a total of more than $605,000 a year.

HB 483 was filed by Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, R-Southlake, the president of a private equity company, and is co-authored by 31 other colleagues. It passed the House 140-1 this month.

"New York will hate this," Kolkhorst said of the bill that now goes to Gov. Greg Abbott to be signed into law. "To me, that and the fact that it will save Texas money makes it a golden idea."

Mike Ward, Austin Bureau Chief, Houston Chronicle
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Dead Money

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Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Good article on China becoming gold market maker

Good article on China becoming gold market maker

Would be interesting to see the traditional market makers (London Ny) taken out.

Big banks using derivatives to suppress precious metals....the deck looks stacked to me.

An excerpt..."Obviously fraud and price manipulation are at work, but no heads roll. The Federal Reserve and US Treasury support this fraud and manipulation, because the suppression of precious metal prices protects the value and status of the US dollar as the world?s reserve currency and prevents gold and silver from fulfilling their role as the transmission mechanism that warns of developing financial and economic troubles. The suppression of the rising gold price suppresses the warning signal and permits the continuation of financial market bubbles and Washington?s ability to impose sanctions on other world powers that are disadvantaged by not being a reserve currency."

REST here
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Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Gold + Silver being smashed....

Gold + Silver being smashed....

Gold 1088 Silver 14.49

The more I read, the more I see price manipulation on a grand scale.

JP Morgan and the Federal gubberment behind it, they want all the excess money in stocks and bonds.

Someone is in for a major fall...probably the little investor plugging along in good faith.

The premiums on most precious metals have been going up with the paper market going down.

Silver Eagles were available at about $3.00 over spot, now $5.00 if you can find them.

My local coin stores have nothing available to sell' and if they do, the premium is sky-hi.

Can't blame them, i would not sell at a loss either.

pirate fan

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Aug 24, 2002
gonna start buying gold soon

gonna start buying gold soon

Usually lags this time of year, but will be buying in September - October time frame for sure. Looking for opportunities now. Once dollar starts to weaken in October, Gold will start to fly I believe. Going to buy the 3x NUGT etf. Was under 3 couple weeks ago, now over 4 today. Hoping to get another shot at it. Also buying some long term calls on it. Jan 3's or 4 calls 2017

Dead Money

Registered User
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Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Usually lags this time of year, but will be buying in September - October time frame for sure. Looking for opportunities now. Once dollar starts to weaken in October, Gold will start to fly I believe. Going to buy the 3x NUGT etf. Was under 3 couple weeks ago, now over 4 today. Hoping to get another shot at it. Also buying some long term calls on it. Jan 3's or 4 calls 2017

Metals suddenly waking up now that Dow has been hammered.
I think "smart money" is buying in.

With the world's financials,I think the time to act is now.

Have you considered physical possession?

It exists, and is in your hand. I'm not one for online hoping.

Some of those electronic funds have near ZERO product, just based on near pure speculation.

Saw this at wikipedia..

"In the United States, sales of a gold ETF are treated as sales of the underlying commodity and thus are taxed at the 28% capital gains rate for collectibles, rather than the rates applied to equity securities."

good luck

pirate fan

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Aug 24, 2002
yep, prefer physical ownership rather than through an etf. The etf is just a leverage play. I have bought the long term options - Jan 2017 3 calls for under $2 now. Just gonna hold for a year. NUGT and a couple others are having reverse splits Oct. 1 - 10 - 1 for NUGT

I think all these commodities are near bottom and will show good gains over next 6 months to year. Buying oil and some oil industry stocks. Sea drill SDRL under 7, coming off couple downgrades and they are all beat up due to industry. Start accumulating. :)


Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
Jun 27, 2002
Chicago, IL
I agree - been on the metals sidelines for a while. I bought some GLD, GDX, and SLV calls the past couple days.

This stock market is going to CRASH!! It's getting closer
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