Then again, if you were handed 60 million, would you give it back if you really didn't have to?
If only there was someone on the forum in a similar situation, only for less money, that we could ask this moral dilemma to.....
Then again, if you were handed 60 million, would you give it back if you really didn't have to?
Not sure but if you do a little more digging you'll find out that Chris was mostly responsible and mostly financially rewarded. He was getting over a million a month and knew it was players money.
If only there was someone on the forum in a similar situation, only for less money, that we could ask this moral dilemma to.....
No one gives a shit anymore. We have all moved on. :0008
So I went and found a few articles that explained in detail the circumstances of how Full Tilt went down and you're right. Holy shit. He basically kept 60 million while giving the government over 3 million (what was left in his Full Tilt account) and said that he wouldn't be involved in internet gambling ever again. Wow.
Maybe BDB will inject his opinion since he was probably affected in some way.
Trust me when I say most of them are complete scum.
from pokerlistings report on today's $10,000 NLHE 6-max championship:
"At one point, Ferguson noticed that Nick Petrangelo had gotten a few extra chips due to a dealer error.
Ferguson repeatedly talked to the floor, asked for a supervisor and asked them to go over the security footage.
Ferguson spent one break talking to tournament staff and kept the issue going when play started back up.
The supervisor told Ferguson that they were aware of the mistake, but the hand had passed and there was nothing they could do.
Ferguson had been wronged and he wanted it to be fixed." balls on this dude, man oh man what a set of balls on this guy:scared
I read about what this dude did, the balls on this guy to show up at WSOP, wowzers:scared
The worst part........he doesn't seem remorseful at all, it is like he's proud of himself for getting away with it.
Finally, when asked about whether he intended to apologize to the poker community, Ferguson said, ?What are you talking about? No comment,? and walked away.
But none as bad as Serena.
wrong forum ... 3 day ban :SIB
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