Hammer, sometimes stupid doesn't know it's stupid if you don't let it know. Buddy has been told repeatedly that his hero isn't going to be allowed back on the forum and instead of accepting it he decides to bash the forum and tell everyone how unusable and boring it now it.
If those are truly his thoughts then he should just go post somewhere else and interact with Gary elsewhere or keep it confined to the Hippo forum. Buddy has a history of shoving his agenda down everyone's throats here and this example is no different. What Gary did was reprehensible. You and Gary are a lot alike, you both pretend to, or really do, have money and belittle people that don't. I've said my piece on that, but there are real people on here who need to work and need to keep their jobs. Gary attacked their ability to do that in a very real way, what he did was so far out of bounds that nobody should be defending him.
However, if you and/or Buddy are so like minded that attacking people in that way is acceptable to you then the rest of us have the right to explain why it isn't, AND WE HAVE, over and over and over. It's like talking to a wall and yes, sometimes it does get to the point when all you have left to say is "fuck you". It's to that point with Buddy. So, either Buddy still doesn't get it or he gets it and just doesn't care. Either way it's way past the point he needs to let it go. That's on him, not the rest of us.