PORTLAND +15 vs Hawaii (Entire Account Play!!!)


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2001

hello there blew his entire account a couple months ago playing Minnesota (a huge home favorite) on the ML in the NFL. Yes he won this time, but the point still stands that he will lose eventually and all we're trying to do his help him if anything. . .can't win all the games. . . even huge favorites. . . money management is the ONLY way to survive in this game


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 31, 2001
Good call on this game, however putting your entire bankroll on a game is pure stupidity. I did like Port here but layed off because I decided to take my winnings from earlier and run. I think it is completely insane to put all your money on any team, especially a .500 on the road. This will kill you in the long run(or short term). It would have been one thing if you only had $100 left and took a shot, but this is terrible money management. It took you how many months to recover from that Minn loss just to put it into one game?? Any successful gambler knows this is a marathon and not a sprint. I know I am rambling, but I feel you need a wake up call. At this rate you will be playing 4 games a year. Don't mean to criticize as I am not anywhere near the best, but putting it all on the line on one game seems stupid to me, especially with a decent size bankroll. Use these forums and great handicapers(Fletch,Raymond,Sneaks,Hoops,etc) to make money in the long run. Trying to make a huge profit in one day will kill you. Trust me, I have learned from my mistakes. Best of luck in whatever you chose.


Sorry if I missed any of the to 'capper around here, and sorry if I rambled to much, it may be the vodka talking.

hello there

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001

1-0 (+10 Units!!!)

Congrajulations everybody who had Portland too!!! We got the HUGE win guys!!!!

I don't bet everyday or week on lots of plays like most on here, I look for that SPECIAL play, hopefully one will come along again....sooner than later.

Everyone else, thanks for the advice, I always appreciate it!!!

[This message has been edited by hello there (edited 12-20-2001).]

hello there

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
Some people said Portland was lucky to get the cover, but it was no luck. Did anyone read my first post, here is what I wrote...

"...lets just say Hawaii somehow is up by 10 pts with 2 minutes left in the game, they aren't the best free throw shooting team, so I don't see them increasing the lead, instead they'll end up choking and letting Portland back into the game!!! THIS ONE SHOULD BE AN EASY WINNER!!"

Yes, Hawaii did get the double digit lead way earlier than I expected, but basically, in typical Hawaii fashion, they choked just like I said they would(Hawaii shot poorly at the free throw line, only .565 at the line, which I also wrote about) and they let Portland back into the game, which I expected, so I don't see it as lucky, when I expected this to happen. They have great outside shooters that can take the lead especially at home, that's no surprise, but their weak inside game and mediocre defense and poor free throw shooting allows teams to come back so it was no surprise Portland made a game of it as the game went along. It was not luck at all.

I also wrote this,
"This game is going to be close, Portland could win this one outright with no pts!!!"

What matters is not how a game is like early or at the half, but what it's like late in the game, in which Portland came within 4 pts late in the game, and if Hawaii made mistakes and Portland made some shot at the end, the upset could've happened.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
Nice win, kid.... but seriously, take Fletchers and the others advice-- money management is the key to long-term success in this game.
Once again, congrats on the Portland winner!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 16, 1999
Concrete jungle
It's gonna be a nice feeling this morning or afternoon if you party like I do when I win, but just remember the feeling when you place such a huge bet. The wins are never as powerful as the losses. Congrats and good call last night however.


Sick Dog

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2001
High Plains of Kansas
Nice job

Now take is slow I didn't what to say anything before your play because you did this two times before and lost. I see no reason to rub someone's nose in it but we need to learn from our mistakes. Glad to see you hit this one but you know what will happen if you keep doing this. This is not a get rich fast thing take it slow and build you self a nice bankroll.



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 12, 2000
Tampa Bay Florida
That was a terrific call on Port
Don't understand all the criticism.
You had a nice winner.
What you bet is yor business.
As for saying "he was lucky to win"
now thats stupid.
I guess when you win, it was all
scientifically figured out huh??
How are you bringing people down by giving them one game. And it wins!!
I've followed cappers here that post
5 an 10 games a night and lost my dhirt.
I'm not complaining, I'm the stupid one
for gambling.
Give the guy credot. hesaw something nobody else did.
Anytime you get aother hot one like Portland
let us know.



Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Congratulations on your win - hope you get many more. Remember that one win doesn't make a season. Gamblers that gloat don't last long. Best of luck and holiday cheer to you.

hello there

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
I just wanted to mention, the money I bet with has nothing to do with my family(I don't have any kids or wife). It's my own money to win or lose. No one else gets affected by it except for me. Thanks for the advice everyone
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