President Bush was warned one month before 9-11 attacks


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Nov 4, 2000
Yes RR im off the deep end there. What Im saying is theres more coming acrosse that border then we think. For the other part 9/11. All im asking is our top officials to take warnings and other info very serious. They screwed up big time with Pearl Harbor. I lost some family members there. I don't know if anyone here lost friends or family on 9/11. But there was enough info there for it to have been taken serious. I don't remember any warnings. Hey it falls on the top guy. It always has. Bush out of all these folks running there mouth, should be asking. If he was not given good advise. Why he did not get it. He just happens to have the job right now. Next guy might have some other chit that happens. But when are we going to start to pay more attention. He wanted the job. Sometime the chit comes with the job. If there more info we have not been told. We all deserve to here it. I don't give a chit if god was president.

Red Raider

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Nov 27, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
A lot of good points being made here. I was a little out of line, stereo typing liberals as I did.:( I wrote that on my 3rd day of my latest attempt to stop smoking, and have been a little short lately!

As far as the failure of our government (and it was the whole government, CIA, FBI, Intelligence advisors, presidents, congress.....everyone) its way easy to look back in hind sight and say we sould have seen the warnings. There have now been (2) attacks on our country. Pearl Harbor and 9/11. But I garuntee that there has been thousands of threats, warning signs, intelligence reports, etc. where nothing ever happened.

It very difficult before the event to know which one is going to happen. In fact the over whelming odds are that nothing will happen. If every threat had to be dealt with, then everyone in this country better be ready for a lot more "inconviences". Hell its only been 8 months and people are already complaining about taking the shoes off at air ports!

Living in the free society that we do, by its very definition, makes these things harder to stop. It amazing to me the incredible job thats done keeping these things from happening.

I do think that we need to understand the level of the threat, and I think middle east terrorism is pretty much as high as you can get, so special attention MUST go to any behavior from people in this group.

Let just hope that everyone in the government works together to prevent anything like this from ever happening again.

As far as the polititions are concerned....I think we all agree that ALL of them will use anything they can to make the other look bad.

Peace to all!


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Nov 4, 2000
Ryson have one that goes back to 1988. At least Ollie North takes credit for these remarks. Ollie to then Presient Bush's the older one's CIA director. Bin Laden is one of the biggest threats to the USA. He should be watched as close as one shaving him self.
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Nov 4, 2000
djv said:
Ryson have one that goes back to 1988. At least Ollie North takes credit for these remarks. Ollie to then Presient Bush's the older one's CIA director. Bin Laden is one of the biggest threats to the USA. He should be watched as close as one shaving him self.
:shrug: :confused: Have no idea how I got so much from one little post. What the heck :nooo:
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Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Bin Ladin has been doing this for yrs

Bin Ladin has been doing this for yrs

Bin Ladin has made numerous threats in the past years...this is a ploy by the Democrats to demean Bush and make any futile attempt to belittle him as they know their is little chance in hell they will get their democratic president into office. All news casts, NBC, CBS, ABC are democratic newscastors and they are looking for anything they can in their attempt to make him look bad and move their way into office....Its not working..his approval rating is and will remain one of the highest in history....


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
It will remain high if the economy doesn't go into the toilet. Remember, it sank daddy. It's ALWAYS the economy.


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Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
Also it is just not Islamic jihad nuts to worry about. Have we forgotten Oklahoma City already???


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Aug 24, 1999
After Desert Storm, George Sr. actually had the highest of all time, I believe it was something like 92%. I think everyone remembers his defeat to slick Willy a few months down the road....It can and DID happen b/c of ONE reason; the Economy! Most Americans greatest concern in life is how much money they have in their wallet. If they feel a particular individual will increase their bankroll, then that's usually who winds up being the Prez. for the next 4 yrs....


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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
one thing junior learned is not to let the war end too early. Americans have a short attention span. As long as there is a war, I believe Bush and his party will get plenty of support. Because we have an ongoing war against terror, Bush can start an offensive whenever he needs to. You can be sure these nutballs will provide him with plenty of reasons to respond with force in the near future.

I'm a Bush supporter and I'm not so cynical as to think that he'll start something just to ensure his approval ratings and electoral chances. However, he has many underlings whose job it is to do just that. They will have influence over his decisions. Look for some kind of large-scale offensive before the 2nd week of October. The length of the operation will carry us through the November election.


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Nov 4, 2000
You know guys they do have away in treating us all like were a bunch of dum asses. First they have warnings. Don pay agreat deal of attention or don't connect the dots, what ever. Then it comes out they has some idea what was going on. They should have payed more attention. The answer is what. Well Now they give us a warning ever 5 hours. Are they trying to be jokers.


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Nov 9, 2000
I agree,djv.The Bush Admin.was criticized for not keeping the American public informed.Now they are at the other extreme,giving warnings every "5 hours". This is the little boy crying wolf syndrome,the alerts will lose it's effectiveness.

I wouldn't be so critical of the democrats for criticizing Bush over this issue.As I stated previously I believe if the rolls were reversed,the republicans would criticize the democratic president.That is just the way politics are.As sickening as it is.

This war on terrorism is going to take years.I hope the American public stays focused.


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Nov 4, 2000
AR182 you are right. They should take the politics out of it and have a committee of none elected folks. They can call folks like we have right here. Let us have the facts and deside. That would be the real American way. But don't count on it. Yes this war if the wish to call it that forever will go thru many differant stages and differant elected officials including Presidents. In a way this started about 1989.

Night Owl

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Sep 4, 2001
Bremerton, WA
I find it almost amusing that NOW we are hearing that President Bush "knew" a month beforehand that the United States was about to come under attack. Maybe I missed something along the line....lord knows it's totally possible with me :shrug: But what EXACTLY was he supposedly told? That "SOMEONE" hated the U.S. and was planning on hijacking four planes and flying them through the world trade center twin towers as well as the Pentagon on the morning of 9-11-01?? NO!!!!! Nobody ever had that type of knowledge and the hijackers sure as hell weren't going to let him in on the plan. To have "general" knowledge of something or be "warned" is sooooooo totally different than having specific knowledge. What I'm trying to say is there is basically NOTHING Bush could have done to prevent this without knowing specifics. :nono: That'd be like someone saying they are going to do something "really bad" and then telling everybody else "you better prepare yourself for that really bad thing." Prepare for WHAT exactly? And if you don't know EXACTLY what, when or where, then how the hell are you going to know HOW to prepare.

Bottom line is in any event there is only so much you can do. Could he have closed the twin towers on a daily basis due to fear....or concern...or precaution? Seems pretty unrealistic doesn't it? What are we REALLY supposed to do about threats of bridges being blown up? Shut em down....all the time....? Never drive on them again? Again not very realistic. And how about apartments? Let everyone live in the streets? Kick out any and all arabs? I mean I don't know.....sometimes I wonder if someday it might have to come to that.

All in all, there really isn't ANYTHING that could be done to prevent terror if a person or group really wants to carry out a terrorist activity. If it happens, it'll happen sudden and fast and with all the billions of people in this world, who really knows WHERE they are, WHO they are, WHEN they'll try to strike again or HOW.
If anybody honestly thinks they know what Bush could have done ahead of time, I'd love to hear it!!! Or in the future, for that matter. What EXACTLY can we do to prevent terror from happening. We can't prevent other crimes from happening, right? Why do we dare to dream that terror is going to be different? Don't get me wrong....I think it's great to fight it the best you can....that much is a responsibility....just like trying to fight crime. But to totally prevent it from ever happening? I just don't see it.
My one answer would be to strengthen airport security as much as you can. Has that already been done? I hear it has....and I hope it has.

I agree that we need to learn and pay attention to things and be vigilent and all that good stuff, but at the same time an attack is just that. Like I said, it's sudden and swift and you've got to realize as an individual and as a nation there is going to be a time sooner or later where you are going to be vulnerable no matter what. You think the Japs might've attacked Pearl Harbor on a Sunday morning because we were least suspecting of it and most vulnerable to it at that time? Yeah, me too. Think those flights were hijacked because they were early in the day and didn't have many passengers as to pose much opposition to the terrorists? I agree. So paying attention and being on the lookout, so to speak, can help some......but people dead-set on doing (especially bad) things are going to find a way sooner or later to get them done.

So I'd say just live your life and don't blame Bush. I'm not going to say I like the guy, but 9-11 is NOT his fault!!

Night Owl


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Jul 16, 1999
How can it be a war against terrorism when you do not even go after the people that funded Al Quadia?

talking about the large funding it appears Bin Laden got from Saudia Arabia. Of coarse it does not matter......Saudia Arabia was not identified by the state department as a terrorist state. OIL......not everyone in that country backs Al Qaudia but that is where most of the funding came from, he must have had some powerfull and rich backers.....of coarse that will not matter much.........OIL....

events before 9-11 that should have caused increase security especially at airports, and assistance to the Northern Alliacne and trying to bring down the taliban.

1. two US embassies blow up
2. Bin Laden inditated by US court as responsible, nothing is done, he is put on a giant wanted poster. 1998 do not even support northern alliance against the Taliban/Al Quadia. Bush and Clinton both refused, not one weapon or dollar.
3. 18 US soldiers/sailors die, in Yemen. US responds with US cruise Missiles in the desert blowing up a few buildings "major blow against terrorism"???????? still do not use armed forces against taliban/bin laden or help groups opposed to them.
4. pull of their lead investigator who is causing diplmatic problems. apperently he was trying to get to the money trail to pull off the operation. someone in Saudia Arabia with power. US does not want to offend Suadi Arabia, after all...... 18 soldiers in Yemen will not be a major new item for more than a few weeks..../sadly
5. US customs official (forgot his name/hero) stops a man at the Canadian US border with a car load of explosives, was going to pick up some more and meet some people in the US. Going to blow up the LA airport on New years eve 1999.

believe correct action was taken after 9-11 on Afganistan, still why did it take 9-11. the 5 points above should have been enough. Maybe the US should find out who in Saudia Arabia was funding Al Quadia before it is to late...............that is probably more important than a war against Iraq.




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Nov 4, 2000
Selkirk, very good points. The sad news is they know much more. They did before 9/11. A lot of dots were not connected. But don't count on ever hereing it all. Im not that pissed at Bush. But he's at the top now and that's what you get when your there. The good and the bad.
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Nov 9, 2000
Selkirk,I couldn't agree with you more.Even with the oil issue,I cannot understand why Saudi Arabia keeps getting a free pass.Didn't 15 of those maniacs from 9/11 come from Saudi?Don't they teach their children,like some other Arab countries,to hate us?

I read an article in yesterday's Wash.Post that revealed how screwed up the FBI was,pre 9/11.Since I don't know how to cut & paste I will summarize what was written.
The article talks about the Phoenix FBI agent,who is now front & center in the news & how he seemed to be the only agent who was awake.This Phoenix agent,named Kenneth Williams,sent a memo up the proper channels of the FBI on 7/10/01.He requested that the FBI should canvass all US flight scools in the US for alQaeda terrorists.In his memo he said that 8 Arabs were students in an aeronautical school in Prescott,Arizona.He went on to note that they were enrolled in courses including pilot training,aircraft mechanics & security.Williams said that the men,who were under investigation for suspected ties to terrorists,might be a threat.He asked for an analysis of people coming into the US for aviation training.He requested help from the State Dep't. & Dep't. Immigration.
Williams' memo was forwarded to counterterrorism chiefs at FBI headquarters & the NY field office.But one of the terrorism units in Wash. decided in early August that Williams suggestions were largely unworkable in the midst of more immediate cases.The Post said that officials in the counterterrorism division was swamped with urgent matters,including a large volume of intelligence reports indicating a possible attack,& the investigation into the terrorist bombing of the USS cole in Yemen.
The article states that neither FBI director,Mueller,nor Attorney General Ashcroft learned of the Phoenix memo until AFTER the 9/11 attacks.The newspaper also states to this date,Bush still had not seen the memo,but was briefed on it in the last 2 weeks.

The people in the FBI should have been aware of the events that Selkirk listed in the previous post.Then after reading Williams memo,a red flag should have gone up.
If the FBI was a private company,instead of a Gov',people up & down the chain of command would have been axed.
Don't know about others,but the lack of awareness by the FBI,is sickening!
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