Presidential Poll

Presidential Poll

  • I am voting for John Kerry / John Edwards

    Votes: 14 41.2%
  • I am voting for George W Bush / Cheney

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • I am not voting

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
smurphy said:
What president would not have rallied with the firefighters, cops, and rescue workers in New York? The nation wanted to support it's leaders at that time - and we did. We all came together. It would have been the same regardless of our president.


One thing that I look for in a President is
compassion. Many people do not have that
as a trait. I believe its particularly important for our President to have compassion and be able to show it. After all he has his finger on the button that signals the end of the world.

Not all Presidents are capable of compassion.
For example , you wouldn't have seen
Richard Nixon embracing that fireman.
Nixon may have hugged like a Sammy Davis Jr but thats a whole other story.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I'll do a write in before I would vote for any of these idiots including Nader. This big country and we get stuck with this chit to vote for. As bad as he was I rather have Bush 41 back. Even Clinton.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
The Football

It follows the President where ever he goes and is never more that a few steps from his side. It is carried by a military officer who must undergo the nation's most rigorous security background check - the "Yankee White". It contains a secure SATCOM radio and handset, the nuclear launch codes known as the "Gold Codes" and the President's Decision Book - the nuclear playbook that the President would rely on if he would ever have to decide to use nuclear weapons. Its real name is unknown but it is popularly known as "the football".

The concept of the football came about in the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis. President Kennedy was concerned that some Soviet commander in Cuba might launch their missiles without authorization from Moscow. After the crisis, Kennedy ordered a review of the U.S. Nuclear Command and Control system. The result was the highly classified National Security Action Memorandum that created "the football".

The White House Communications Agency which oversees the military unit in charge of "the football", was created with personnel from sections of the Defense Communcations Agency, composed of units from the Defense Communications Operations Unit (responsible for communications and emergency power engineering) and the Defense Communications Support Unit. To work in these units, a candidate must pass a special security investigation, called "Yankee White." The criteria include U.S. citizenship, unquestionable loyalty, and an absolute absense of any foreign influence over the individual, his family, or "persons to whom the individual is closely linked." The aide who carries "the football" comes from the four military branches and are ranked Lt. Colonel, naval Comander, or Marine Major. They must be knowledgeable about all aspects of the overall SIOP, as well as the various options available to the President for implementing the war plan.

SIOP strategic targeting involves four groups:
Russian Nuclear Forces
Conventional military forces
Military and political leadership
Economic/Industrial targets
The "Black Book" is said to contain 75 pages of options, to be used against these four primary groups. The options are further divided into:

Major Attack Options (MAO's)
Selected Attack Options (SAO's)
Limited Attack Options (LAO's)
The SIOP also allows the President to select Regional Nuclear Options (RNO's) for use against enemy forces leading a conventional attack against U.S. forces. These plans allow the President to execute the SIOP during an attack. He may decide to activate Launch on Warning (LOW) or Launch under Attack (LUA) plans in the event an actual nuclear attack.

The National Security Agency is in charge of distributing the daily Gold Codes to the White House, Pentagon, STRATCOM, and the TACAMO aircraft. Use of the Gold Code constitutes an order to execute the SIOP by the National Command Authority (NCA). The National Command Authority (NCA) consists of the President, the Secretary of Defense, or their duly deputized alternates and successsors.

Sit through a few meetings on this stuff and then tell me what President Bush was thinking during that 7 minutes sitting with the children.

Figuring out whether to be offensive or defensive could mean American lives lost. I am sure the thought of launching missiles must have occurred to George W as he sat there comtemplating what to do. Talk about pressure. Talk about courage under fire with the responsibility of the Presidency on your shoulders. One thing George W did know and that was the terrorists would pay for what they had just done. They would pay big time and we would not quit.

And maybe even the kind of courage that Kerry does not posess as he rushed out of the boat,found the wounded viet cong with the RPG and killed him. Sounds like a medal and a early release to me.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
djv said:
I'll do a write in before I would vote for any of these idiots including Nader. This big country and we get stuck with this chit to vote for. As bad as he was I rather have Bush 41 back. Even Clinton.

Translation = djv votes for Kerry


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

One thing that I look for in a President is
compassion. Many people do not have that
as a trait. I believe its particularly important for our President to have compassion and be able to show it. After all he has his finger on the button that signals the end of the world.

Not all Presidents are capable of compassion.
For example , you wouldn't have seen
Richard Nixon embracing that fireman.
Nixon may have hugged like a Sammy Davis Jr but thats a whole other story.

Point taken. And I was certainly not critical of Bush at that time (aside from his irresponsible fiscal actions and "clear skies" nonsense). I was with Bush's international policies clear up until we started rolling into Southern Iraq. Lots of issues at that point, and whatever compassion points he had were buried under wrecklessly bad strategies. Since then I add more fiscal irresponsibility, 'healthy forest' debacle, as well as poor response to job outsourcing to my list of major dissappointments about Bush.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
DJV- if you honestly aren't going to vote, and you honestly have as many complaints with Bush decisions as you seem to based on your posts, you are doing this country a disservice by not voting for Kerry, esp. since Wisky is such a swing state. Believe me, if I could absentee vote there with my school address at UW rather than have a meaningless vote here, I would in a second.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
smurphy said:
Since then I add more fiscal irresponsibility, 'healthy forest' debacle, as well as poor response to job outsourcing to my list of major dissappointments about Bush.


I will try to find some stuff on these two items.

The sad thing about it though is every president
can be tagged with the fiscal irresponsibility. It just depends where they choose to spend our money.



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
OK if it helps Kerry. I'm afraid with Bush in 4 more years I could go broke like the country. Thats good enough reason. And of course the economy. 3 more months I here is the new cry across the land just 3 more months.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"OK if it helps Kerry. I'm afraid with Bush in 4 more years I could go broke like the country. Thats good enough reason."

The prob is you had no confidence in Bush. In his 3 years your (and the rest of your comrades at ASD) stock retirement would have almost tripled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You asked for that one my friend :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 16, 2002
Almost trippled?. Somebody screwed me outa my share. Our 401k's are invested with VANGUARD group of funds. We have several different choices of funds, as well as a guaranteed savings rate we can invest in. These are a few of the fund prices in 00...01...and the close yesterday.

US Growth...47.13...23.90....14.37
Prime Cap....73.58...59.92.....54.79
500 fund....141.03..121.37...101.73

Of course it would be unreasonable for me to blame Bush or to credit Clinton for the higher prices in 00. I personally believe that the big money boys HAD to pull the rug out from under the economy because of all those "babyboomers" that were poised for early retirement. THAT would have been disasterous for our economy in my many of those boomers are forced to work a little longer.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Tony I was referring to the stock price of company he (DJV) retired from American Standard (ASD)

Todays price 37.56 --its price on 11-7-00 when Bush took office was 14.79 per adjustment for 3 to 1 stock split this year.

Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close*
7-Nov-00 44.69 44.87 44.19 44.38 292,400 14.79


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
spang said:
This poll has a flaw.

You did not account for Factsman's 14 votes.

LOL spang ! I think factsman is in the dumpster.

KERRY is coming on strong ! 40%

Watch out George W ! 56.6%
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

Alot of people despise this guy, but
one thing I will say about him is he is
the hands down best at a interview
that I have ever seen in Goverment.
Says all the right things and you can't
pin him down on shinola.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 16, 2002
Sorry about that...I thought you were referring to most Americans 401k's. I misread your post. Yeah, our company stock too is up in value from 3 yrs ago...more than double....all of the oil industry has been making a killing. Unfortunately that isnt one of our 401k stock options with Vanguard.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

I call tax-cuts for the wealthy at a time when our deficit is racing to $400 billion irresponsible. We will be paying this back with interest - ALL OF US, not just the wealthy.

I also call not planning for Afghanistan to be in the 2003 budget fiscally irresponsible. He planned so poorly, he actually thought we wouldn't need anything there. Ridulous lack of sound strategy.

They same is occuring in Iraq. From $87 billion to $120 billion to....whatever the next generation will cost.

FISCAL NIGHTMARE! the dude has no concept of money.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
smurphy said:

I call tax-cuts for the wealthy at a time when our deficit is racing to $400 billion irresponsible. We will be paying this back with interest - ALL OF US, not just the wealthy.

I also call not planning for Afghanistan to be in the 2003 budget fiscally irresponsible. He planned so poorly, he actually thought we wouldn't need anything there. Ridulous lack of sound strategy.

They same is occuring in Iraq. From $87 billion to $120 billion to....whatever the next generation will cost.

FISCAL NIGHTMARE! the dude has no concept of money.


I was just about to go in and check on the 'healthy forest' debacle to see what I could find. Then you throw this out on the table.


yeh right

Tell me this to start out with.

Lets say I am a wealthy man. I give to charity, drive the best cars, have a million dollar home, wife, two kids, few dogs.

I make 800K a year.

How much taxes did I pay in 2003 ?

take a whack at it.

ok back to a healthier forest search.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
President George W. Bush's environmental record can be dummied down to one simple word: devastating.

Not only has Bush gutted numerous environmental laws ? including the Clean Air and Water Acts ? he has also set a new precedence by disregarding the world's top scientists and the Pentagon, as their concerns about the rate of global warming grow graver by the day.

As Mark Townsend and Paul Harris reported for the Observer in the UK in February of 2004, ?[The Pentagon report] predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents.?
Indeed, one of Bush's first actions in office was to forge the dirty ?Energy Policy Act of 2003?, which calls for a slash in renewable energy funding and an increase in fossil fuel consumption. The bill was authored by Vice President Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force; it took a reported 39 oil lobbyists and executives to form the outlandish legislation. Portions of the bill are still hung up in Congress.

And like his predecessor, Bill Clinton, Bush saw nothing wrong with the disastrous practice of hill-top strip mining, and overturned a federal ruling that had banned the practice during the Clinton years, despite some top Democrats', including Al Gore's, dismay.

Then, in another bold move, the Bush administration pandered to corporate timber barons and authored a new radically bad forest plan, titled the ?Healthy Forests Initiative?, mirrored after Clinton's Salvage Rider bill and the language Democratic Senator Tom Daschle slipped into a bill in the summer of 2002. Daschle's legal jargon, backed by the Sierra Club and other ?green? titans, allowed logging on First American's land in South Dakota without having to abide by environmental restraints or lawsuits. These very holy lands were once visionary refuge for Lakota Sioux elders, including Crazy Horse and Black Elk.
As environmental writer Jeffrey St. Clair wrote at the time, ?the logging plan was consecrated in the name of fire prevention. The goal of the bill, Daschle said, `is to reduce the risk of forest fire by getting [logging] crews on the ground as quickly as possible to start thinning'. It's long been the self-serving contention of the timber lobby that the only way to prevent forest fires is to log them first.?

The ex-governor of Texas loved Daschle's cunning style, and Bush's own forest plan ? supported by the majority of Democrats in the Senate (John Kerry forgot to vote that day) ? authorised over $760 million in the hopes of preventing wildfires. The legislation, however, accomplishes no such thing and, instead, sanctions the pillage of over 2.5 million acres of federal forest land by 2012.

Shortly following the forest debacle, Bush began pushing his Clean Skies initiative which calls for a reduction in the limit of harsh chemicals allowed to be released by industrial polluters. The legislation currently aims to cut the US' ?carbon intensity? by measuring the harsh pollutants with an economic model, rather than a scientific analysis.

And now, the proposed Republican budget for 2005, with the support of many Democrats in the Senate, calls for almost $2 billion in cuts for environmental protection.

This quick look back on Bush's environmental report card reveals grades far worse than any on his Yale transcript. It is just too bad the blame for nature's continuous ruin isn't Bush's alone.

This guy sure sounds like a hater. Now I will read
this and see if it makes any sense to me.
I can't remember worrying about trees for awhile.
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