Probably bs but if he passe the lie detector!


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
Wouldnt count on him losing in a landslide if he gets the nomination. There are just way to many people willing to vote for him just because he is black. Not a reason at all to vote for any candidate.

Actually went to see Hillary at a ralley on Sat at the Brat Stop. Never went to one before so I thought I would check it out (and drink beer and eat Brats). It convinced me to vote for her tonight. I figure McCaine can beat Hillary with ease. All she has to do is talk like she did on Sat. It wasnt hard to pick out the BS she was talking..(ie..most students are paying 20-25% interest on there student loans..maybe if they defaulted). Then we have the Q and A session. They gave the mic to a little girl because she had a question. Her question was "Is there anything you can do so my mommy dosent lose our house?" Tell me that shit wasnt set up. Told the wife I bet the idiot had an ARM loan. BINGO.....we have a winner. They then gave the mic to the mother and she said she did have an arm loan. Then Hillary started in on how she will help her by freezing the interest rates..bla..bla..bla.

They are voting for him because he's black ?????? :mj07: I guess that explains it. If that's the case ? Why no Black President in America all these years ? Some people ask. Is America ready for A Black President ? I ask the Question. Do we deseve A Black Preident ? Are we smart enough to take the best candidate of the three and vote for Him ? As long as I have posted in this forum, I have said there is not much that seperates the far left and right... It's all about keeping power and the masses in their place. Obama is the right person at the right time with the right message. I really don't think it's so much him. It's so much about, not them. We need to change the way Americans look at ourselves. We need to change the way the World looks at us. We need a President for the People. The haves will take care of ourselves. We always do. We need a President to bring the bottom closer to the top. We can't carry this much dead weight anymore. We have to reinstate the realistic posability of the American Dream. It all comes down to people getting up every day and believing they have a chance. What do we have to lose. We spend Billions on intelligence and our military and we allowed 911 to happen. There are billions missing, unaccounted for in our government right now. Why are we holding on to this stucture of power ? What are we afraid of ? President Bush has said : you are either with us or against us. Simplicity at it's best. To bad He's done nothing to bring the American people and the rest of the World together . We need a President that's with the some of us, that have never felt part of the us.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
They are voting for him because he's black ?????? :mj07: I guess that explains it. If that's the case ? Why no Black President in America all these years ? Some people ask. Is America ready for A Black President ? I ask the Question. Do we deseve A Black Preident ? Are we smart enough to take the best candidate of the three and vote for Him ? As long as I have posted in this forum, I have said there is not much that seperates the far left and right... It's all about keeping power and the masses in their place. Obama is the right person at the right time with the right message. I really don't think it's so much him. It's so much about, not them. We need to change the way Americans look at ourselves. We need to change the way the World looks at us. We need a President for the People. The haves will take care of ourselves. We always do. We need a President to bring the bottom closer to the top. We can't carry this much dead weight anymore. We have to reinstate the realistic posability of the American Dream. It all comes down to people getting up every day and believing they have a chance. What do we have to lose. We spend Billions on intelligence and our military and we allowed 911 to happen. There are billions missing, unaccounted for in our government right now. Why are we holding on to this stucture of power ? What are we afraid of ? President Bush has said : you are either with us or against us. Simplicity at it's best. To bad He's done nothing to bring the American people and the rest of the World together . We need a President that's with the some of us, that have never felt part of the us.

I agree with all of that. Change is coming.

The old guard has to be gone.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
at the Brat Stop. Never went to one before so I thought I would check it out (and drink beer and eat Brats). It convinced me to vote for her tonight. I figure McCaine can beat Hillary with ease. All she has to do is talk like she did on Sat. It wasnt hard to pick out the BS she was talking..(ie..most students are paying 20-25% interest on there student loans..maybe if they defaulted). Then we have the Q and A session. They gave the mic to a little girl because she had a question. Her question was "Is there anything you can do so my mommy dosent lose our house?" Tell me that shit wasnt set up. Told the wife I bet the idiot had an ARM loan. BINGO.....we have a winner. They then gave the mic to the mother and she said she did have an arm loan. Then Hillary started in on how she will help her by freezing the interest rates..bla..bla..bla.

Good luck with your McCain vote.:shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
They are voting for him because he's black ?????? :mj07: I guess that explains it. If that's the case ? Why no Black President in America all these years ? Some people ask. Is America ready for A Black President ? I ask the Question. Do we deseve A Black Preident ? Are we smart enough to take the best candidate of the three and vote for Him ? As long as I have posted in this forum, I have said there is not much that seperates the far left and right... It's all about keeping power and the masses in their place. Obama is the right person at the right time with the right message. I really don't think it's so much him. It's so much about, not them. We need to change the way Americans look at ourselves. We need to change the way the World looks at us. We need a President for the People. The haves will take care of ourselves. We always do. We need a President to bring the bottom closer to the top. We can't carry this much dead weight anymore. We have to reinstate the realistic posability of the American Dream. It all comes down to people getting up every day and believing they have a chance. What do we have to lose. We spend Billions on intelligence and our military and we allowed 911 to happen. There are billions missing, unaccounted for in our government right now. Why are we holding on to this stucture of power ? What are we afraid of ? President Bush has said : you are either with us or against us. Simplicity at it's best. To bad He's done nothing to bring the American people and the rest of the World together . We need a President that's with the some of us, that have never felt part of the us.

I agree with a lot of this. My main problem is that the "new" guard is just the "old old" guard. The "old" guard was the "new" guard before. And the beat goes on.

If you've read Atlas Shrugged, basically the two factions of evil described that try and dictate your life are represented perfectly by our two parties that have this country in a choke hold.

Until we get another party in a position of power, we are fecked. It's just a matter of the brand of lubrication.

If you have not read the book recently, you really should spend the time (it's not a quick read by any means).

I think most people take it that the book is pro-Republican, but I don't think that's true at all. It just so happens that the Democrat-esque example is in power at the time of the events in the book. The Republican-esque people referred to over and over simply aren't pinpointed because they are not in power at the time.

Damn, I hate the state of our political system!
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