problem with the rules for PPPP contest

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
Unless there was a rules update I missed, this was the last statement on how mulligans would be handled:

These are posts from the original contest thread:

4. Each player will be allowed to miss one day without being disqualified. This will be your 'mulligan'. When I post the standings, there will be an (M) next to your name if you have used your mulligan. .If you're mulligan is used, you're average score for the rest of the year will be added into your final score

03-04-2002 01:25 PM

******RULE CHANGE******

I believe that one of my rules is a bit too stringent.

Now, instead of just one mulligan, each player shall receive eight (8).

The number of mulligans used will still be noted to the far right of the player in the standing threads. For instance, if 3 mulligans have been used, it will be noted as such- (3M).

The amount of mulligans used will be multiplied by the players average daily score at the end of the contest and added to final total.

03-04-2002 02:24 PM

From what I can tell, you're longer going by these rules. Don't you think it's funny that Patrick McIrish got a zero on the first day and hasn't posted since? I know why.....he's smart!!

That's why the rule you were using was much more equitable.

I don't think we should change the rules in the middle of the game. If I missed something, I sincerely apologize.


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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
Yeah, i noticed something fishy on Saturday, then forgot about it until I read what you said. I did a search on all of Petey's posts and couldn't find where it stated he had changed the rule. It looks like he just started doing it that way for no reason. I'm open to the idea that I missed something, but I don't think so.
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Registered User
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Jan 10, 2002
I don't think there's a problem...this is what he says:

4. As detailed in the initial rules, everybody will have a score everyday, regardless of whether they use a mulligan or not. The average of actual scores to date(non-mulligan days) will be used to fill in the mulligan days. For instance, if somebody starts tonight and scores 23, their total score will be 69. 23*3. Then say that person plays tomorrow and scores a 40, then takes a mulligan the next day. Their score for that mulligan day will be 32. (2 "live scores" of 40 + 23 divided by 2 =31.5. We round up in this contest).


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Nov 6, 2000


You are missing the point. In the contest Patrick McIrish has a score of 0 you can + and x all you want. Under this rule he's already the winner with 0.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
that's not true.
he's already used 6 mulligans so he can only go on doing this for two more days.
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Where's our boy, to clear all of this up?

I would make the assumption that once you go past the alloted "mulligan's", you are DQ'ed.

Step in anytime, Pedro.....


Registered User
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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
nostromo said:
I don't think there's a problem...this is what he says:

4. As detailed in the initial rules, everybody will have a score everyday, regardless of whether they use a mulligan or not. The average of actual scores to date(non-mulligan days) will be used to fill in the mulligan days. For instance, if somebody starts tonight and scores 23, their total score will be 69. 23*3. Then say that person plays tomorrow and scores a 40, then takes a mulligan the next day. Their score for that mulligan day will be 32. (2 "live scores" of 40 + 23 divided by 2 =31.5. We round up in this contest).

What post was that in?? I never saw it.
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Private Petey

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Mar 4, 2002

In my post on 3/6, at 8:10 AM, I stated the following:

"4. As detailed in the initial rules, everybody will have a score everyday, regardless of whether they use a mulligan or not. The average of actual scores to date(non-mulligan days) will be used to fill in the mulligan days. For instance, if somebody starts tonight and scores 23, their total score will be 69. 23*3. Then say that person plays tomorrow and scores a 40, then takes a mulligan the next day. Their score for that mulligan day will be 32. (2 "live scores" of 40 + 23 divided by 2 =31.5. We round up in this contest)."

This was posted in response to us getting some prize money, to tighten up the rules. Look it up. If "your open to the idea that I missed something", then I accept your apology. There is nothing "fishy" going on here.

njsf25g said:

" Thats exactly the point I was gonna bring up Nighthorse...
somethin aint right"

I answered your question in the other thread. it should also be answered by my reply to nighthorse above.


You seem to be the only person in this thread with the acumen to understand the rules. It's not that complicated, really.

Dude said:
"You are missing the point. In the contest Patrick McIrish has a score of 0 you can + and x all you want. Under this rule he's already the winner with 0."

Dude, you disappoint me a bit. There is a limit of 8 mulligans for each person. After tonight, Patrick McIrish will have 7. I don't know what tonight will bring, but I will let you in on a secret. If Patrick goes over 8, he's gone. But let's say he's playing along and uses his full 8 mulligans and has the score of "0", well, your average is so good that I would take 5 or 6 mulligans and use your great average and wait for what patrick comes up with. If he doesn't play anymore, then you have nothing to worry about since he'll be dq'ed. Once he starts playing again, if he does, then he will have a score greater than zero, unless he hits every score for the next 37 days on the head.

YYZ said:
Where's our boy, to clear all of this up?

Right here dickweed. I didn't notice you in this contest.

"I would make the assumption that once you go past the alloted "mulligan's", you are DQ'ed.

Step in anytime, Pedro....."

Right, jerkoff. Anybody who goes over the alloted mulligans is dq'ed. And you are in this thread, WHY?



dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
changing the rules in the middle of a contest kind of makes the whole thing a joke in my book.......Patrick McIrish should be the winner if he decides to never make a pick again......horribly run contest yields horrible results.....gotta stick to the original rules to save any bit of legitimacy.......i say give McIrish the money


Registered User
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Nov 7, 1999
St Petersburg, Fl
Here's one for ya........

I've posted plays on 2 separate days and the Private Prick has just decided that because he doesn't like my plays, he will not include me in the standings. Seeing as how this contest is sponsored by MadJacks it amazes me that this is allowed to take place. Just because I feel this is one of the most useless contests I've seen on a gambling forum, doesn't give this Prick the right to eliminate ANYONE from the contest. Oh well, just my 2 cents.
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Private Petey

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Mar 4, 2002
Dr. Freeze, once there was money involved it was obvious that a few of the rules needed to be tinkered with. In any scenario, under any version of the rules, McIrish would not have been able to never make another pick and win the contest. In fact, under the original rules, he would have already been dq'ed, so I have no idea wtf you're talking about when you say that McIrish should get the money. Not only is this contest not horribly run, it is the premier contest on the net right now. Still time to join, young man!! But not much.

Barfly, i'm sorry, but here at the PPPP we don't recognize disruptive posts. If you keep your mouth shut for the rest of the contest, i'll make sure you get yourself a madjack t-shirt. Or at least an old Molly Hatchet concert jersey that I have lying around here somewhere.


Registered User
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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
Why did you find it necessary to change the rule? What's the logic behind it. (Please keep in mind my limited acumen, I may not understand if you use big words and stuff)

Private Petey

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Forum Member
Mar 4, 2002

The reason for the change is that if we had kept it the way it was, then nobody would know exactly where they stood until the contest was over. There would be numbers thrown into everybodys score at the very end. The current way, where everybody gets a score every day, everybody can see exactly where they are at every day.

Thanks for being part of PPPP, the premier contest on the net!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
That makes sense, I just think that if you make significant rule changes in the middle of a contest, it's probably best just to start everyone over so that we all play under the same rules for the entire duration of the contest. At the very least, you eliminate the possibility of discussions such as this one.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
And you are in this thread, WHY?

When did "running" this lame contest make you an administrator? I'll hop in any thread that I feel like adding to, and believe me, your threads need some additions!

Now, I know you think I'm a clown, and in a way, I am. I'm the clown like at the rodeo, who tries to save the idiot who fell off the bull that he had no business being on. Now, dust yourself off, and stay off the bull!

Not only is this contest not horribly run, it is the premier contest on the net right now.

:D :eek: :D :eek:

"That's a doozy, Judge!"

Perhaps you can go to the golf threads, and get a contest going on the total penalty strokes in this weeks event?



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
I kinda know how it must have felt living behind the iron curtain.

1) Ministry of propoganda keeps telling you things that any thinking person would know are not true.

2) The Fearless Leader has a severe inferiority complex.

3) Nobody in power tries to stop him.

4) Dissidents are punished.

He's worse than Khadaffi. At least Momar made himself a Colonel. This guy didn't even have the good sense to make himself a corporal.....

If this is the premier contest on the web, then the web has a helluva long ways to go.
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Patrick McIrish

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Feb 23, 2002
Not to interrupt an argument......

Not to interrupt an argument......

.. but I posted only once because I was going on vacation. I didn't not post for any other reason. To make it fair I will recuse myself from the contest and allow others to win if asked to. I was in no way "taking a shot" at the rules or anything else.

I assume I was pretty close on the day I entered since my name was mentioned? See I still don't even know the rules. Let alone have figured out a way to work around the rules. Hope that helps.

If it is determined that I have entered unfairly or have an unfair advantage I will stay out of the contest. Looked like fun when I read the rules so I entered. Doubt I can go the rest of the year without another mulliagan anyway.

So Pete, am I in or out? :confused:
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Patrick McIrish

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2002
I will stay though if it gets worked out and they determine I am eligible. Just don't want to be the reason the contest is taking heat. Check my posts though. I have been out of town until last night.

If I am allowed in please let me know and I will continue on. Either way great job by the owner of the site to put up money and the guy taking time to do the thing. Props.