problem with the rules for PPPP contest

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Registered User
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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
You are absolutely NOT the reason. No way should you drop out. Whether you went on vaca or not, according to the rule changes, it would have been the right way to play it. I just thought you were playing it smart. Hope you had a good vaca.

Good luck the rest of the way!!!!!

Patrick McIrish

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Feb 23, 2002


Wish I could say I played it smart but I didn't. Have my hotel bills to prove it. Plus no way would I use all 8 mulligans in a row. May have even used 9, not sure when it started. Either way it will be diffiuclt not to never miss another day.

Waiting to see if I am in or not. I won't be angry with whatever they say.

Private Petey

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Mar 4, 2002
Patrick McIrish,

Of course you are still in. I haven't checked the plays thread yet, but if you didn't play tonight then you will have the maximum of 8 mulligans. So, if you miss another day you will be out (provided that you didn't play tonight-if you did play, then you have 7 mulligans).

Thanks for the kind words. This takes a ton of work, and it's hard to figure where all the bad vibes come from. Well, actually i know the answer to that: YYZ, Dr. Freeze, barfly etc....

Even if it WAS your strategy to take 8 mulligans in a row, it wouldn't be unfair. In fact, as i stated earlier in this thread, there are many strategies to offset this. IMO, going to the brink leaves you with no choice but to play 36 days in a row, while others can sit back and enjoy their averages every now and then.

Thanks for being part of the premier contest on the net!!! PPPP

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no all

Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
Some of you cunts need to chill!!!!!!!
Let the guy run the contest the way he wishes.
If you are so upset you should just start your own contest? There you can make the rules your way? I'll play both of your contests!!! That's just me though.



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
Which cunts?

I think this discussion has been quite healthy. I think we've pointed out some of the shortcomings and problems with this contest.

Hopefully, it will insure a much smoother run the next time somebody wants to start a contest.

obviously, it's PP's contest to one should doubt he has put in quite a bit of effort in putting this together and keeping it up to date. For that, he deserves credit.

However, his temperment from the very beginning, multiple rule changes and the claim to be, "PPPP, the premier contest on the net!!" has left him open to lots of criticism...a great deal of that criticism has been fair.

With that said, I'll try to lighten up and move on....

Patrick McIrish

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2002
Not to up the thing again but thanks Pete for letting me stay in. If I win than you will be taken care of. Doubt very seriously I can not go without missing another day but I will go for as long as I can.

As far as Nighthorse and those guys I think they are just pointing out things that should be considered or thought out for the future. Nothing wrong with that. Heck they are helping if you ask me. The PPP Premiere contest is Petey just having fun with it, don't take it to heart and attack the guy over that. It's a lot of work. I run a handicapping tournament every year on another board for football season and it takes a lot of effort. Trust me you get way more complaints and gripes than you do compliments. Having said that good luck to all my competitors.
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