Public hasn't figured out that Avs are the better team!


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Forum Member
Jul 14, 1999
Westminster, CO USA
The line continues to run Avs as the underdog. I have bet every game of this series so far and will continue to bet every game on the Avs.

How can you loose when the better team continues to be posted as an underdog.

1st game win at +110 (at home no less!)
2nd game loss by 1 point
3rd game win at +160
4th game line at +170

I again contend that the Western Confrence is much better and tougher than the east. Couple this with the fact that the Avs just want this more...! Avs have scored 9 in 3 games, Devils 3.

Good Luck!

Mr. Promises Delivered

Forum Member
Dec 1, 1999
New York
I'm glad someone else is wondering why the hell they keep putting up these bad lines.

The biggest joke was when they had the W. COnf +165 to win the cup.

Let them keep putting these bad lines up, we'll just keep profiting


Registered User
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Jan 16, 2001
charlotte, nc, usa
I wouldn't say that the AVs are the better team. This series is a case of my goalie is hotter then your goalie. Roy is playing AWSOME! I do find it unbeleivable that the oddsmakers are favoring the Devils by so much. How can the books give no respect to Colorodo scoring 122pts during the regular season. If the avs had forsberg would the line be $25 lower?


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Forum Member
Jan 16, 2001
charlotte, nc, usa
The Devils outshot the AVs 35-12 tonight. Better team? My ass. I'm not trying to rip the Avs I think they are a great team but the Devils are just as good and they're deeper. I agree that the money line is ridiculously high and the only way to bet is on Colorodo but until they unseat the champs they're only the 2nd best team.

Mr. Promises Delivered

Forum Member
Dec 1, 1999
New York
Being outshot means nothing, overall play, quality of opposition etc make a good team.

The Avs have played better overall & except for some bonehead mistakes, the Avs easily would be up 3-1 or could have swept as in Game 2 they were so close to blowing the Devils out of the water before they stopped the pressure.

The Devils are overrated & will continue to get no respect from me until I see them beat some credible teams on route to the finals & actually beat a team that isn't outdated like the Stars were when the Devils won.

If you call playing in spurts throughout this series & throughout the playoffs a better team then I'd hate to see what a bad team is.


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Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
the devils had more shots in game 4 and more scoring chances. The devils beat who they had to beat to get to the cup, what else can they do.
I do not know who will win but it will probably go 7. great series

[This message has been edited by selkirk (edited 06-03-2001).]

Mr. Promises Delivered

Forum Member
Dec 1, 1999
New York
This series will end in 6 as the Avs easily could have ended this series already.

The Avs are the better team & will show that in the end. No team is going to win the cup playing in spurts like the Devils have.

They put together pieces of periods together instead of playing a solid game overall straight through & that will catch up with them in this series as they were lucky to get by Toronto playing as crappy as they did.


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Jul 16, 1999
I guess we will see, would like Ray Bourque to win one cup before he retires. The devils have been outplayed in this series (not in game 4), however in the end the scoreboard will tell all. Devils seem to play better on the road than at home, so game 5 should be big.

Mr. Promises Delivered

Forum Member
Dec 1, 1999
New York
As far as yesterday goes, it was yet another example of how they don't play a complete game as parts of that game Colorado controlled and when the Devils kept cycling & dominating a period, look who ended up scoring.

I'm confident we'll win Monday & then go to Jersey on Thursday & celebrate on their home ice as I would love to see that.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 14, 1999
Westminster, CO USA
To play a game as the Avs did last night and still have a chance to go OT or win I believe proves my point. The Avs are the better team here and the lines continue to not reflect it....

Good Luck to all!


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Forum Member
Jan 16, 2001
charlotte, nc, usa
If you look at Quality wins during the season then how can you ignore the Devils dominance of the avs, Stars and Wings? The only difference in the Avs 2 wins has been the superb play of Roy and he's the one that cost the avs game 4. As far as shots on goal not meaning anything I'm quite confident the Devils will win the cup if the Avs get 12 shots a game the rest of the way. Eventhough the Devils have been inconsistent when they are playing hard and not making stupid mistakes they are the best team in hockey!!!


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Nov 12, 2000
Quebec PQ, Canada
You know, I've decided to keep away from this thread for some reason.

But here, with the topic almost on fire, it's too tempting and I'll add my 2 cents.

I hate to say it this way, but I really feel like some of you guys show some serious lack of objectivity. With all due respect - and btw MPD, hope you don't take this bad, you know how much I respect you - even if, yes, it's true, SOGs don't mean much in a game, when you're being outshot 35-12 there's an obvious problem. The Devils would never allow such a thing happen, however the Devils are able to be that dominant, while the Avs aren't - well not without Forsberg anyways. Patrick Roy and what I call the random-factor (luck) are the main stories of the series so far. Switch the goalies, more luck on the Devils side (or less on Avs side) - like all those shots hitting the post (how many for the Devils so far... something like 4 or 5? Now how many for the Avs? maybe 1? ...) - and it's 3-1 Devils, game 1 being a total aberration. Plain simple.

Saying that the Avalanche are underrated is one thing, and I agree 100% with that (especially as a road team), and I'll probably bet on them again in game 6 if the lines are still that crappy, but saying they clearly are the better team... Hello!? Earth calling Moon?!? When it comes to sports handicapping, better forget about your feelings and keep your wheels on the reality highway.

The Devils are unquestionably the better team here, and it doesn't take a genius to realize it. The deepness is the major point. However this game is all about hot streaks and momentum, and the Devils, no matter for which reason, started the series at their lowest level while the Avs were at maximum momentum right from the start. Now you can see the curves change sides.

It's a good thing this is a best of 7, because if it was something like a best of 50, some of you guys wouldn't believe your eyes. In a best of 50 New Jersey would end up as a winner nearly 90% of the time (considering Forsberg's status of course). Being a best of 7, the Avs still have very good chances with the series tied at 2 and the H/I advantage. Like scrubbo said, NJ seems to play better on the road, but that crowd in Denver is rather scary to say the least.

But anyhow, I think we're witnessing the best modern (D-style) SC Final of all time and I enjoy every moment of it. All I can say here is "merde!" for the rest of the series, no matter on which side you are.

Mr. Promises Delivered

Forum Member
Dec 1, 1999
New York
Actually when I bet, I don't bet with my heart, I bet based on what I know & see.

I'm glad you respect my opinions Katt as I respect yours as well.

I admit do I want my team outshot 35-12 a game, hell no I don't but at the same time I find that particular stat to be a little overrated depending on the situation.

The play of your goaltenders is the most important thing obviously & if a stat like being outshot is going to be brought up then we must focus on who has been the better goaltender.

Patrick Roy has outplayed Brodeur this whole series and at times it looked like anything would get past him. Those 12 shots were of mostly good quality & even being outshot so badly didn't matter much as if Roy didn't make that bonehead play, the Avs still would have won.

As far as the regular season goes, I look at this way. We don't know if they're were any factors that led to the domination the Devils had over the Avs as maybe one was on a long road trip, etc.... I would have to go back & see that but I don't have the time now.

Also you can't judge a whole season as to what a team did against 2 or 3 teams. I look at the whole season & when you do that, it will clearly show who the better team was & the standings don't lie.

The scary thing the Devils backers must realize & I'd hope agree with me is the fact they have yet to play one good complete game in this series & that won't win you the cup, I don't care how deep your team is.

They dominated only in spurts & in the end they had to comeback to win as their hardwork did not produce them with a comfortable lead nor did they have a comfortable lead in any of the games so far.

I look at this way, how can you really say the Devils are the better team if the Avs had every chance to win every game & were short handed on top of that.

Honestly look at each game, we know they dominated in game 1, in game 2 they had control and if it wasn't for Brodeur early on, they would have gotten killed, game 3, they were the better team & in game 4 eventhough at different periods they were dominated, they had a legitimate shot at winning.

Take away a few minutes of this series & this series would already be over. The Devils system just doesn't matchup well against the Avs overall & if this series were to go long, it wouldn't benefit them at all.

If the Avs execute the way they know how & have done for the most part in this series, they will win the cup as they are the better team in my opinion & I will continue to back them as they continue to show absolutely no respect to the best team in the league.

Good luck gentlemen & enjoy game 5

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