you really know how to pick apart a quote and chose the words in such a way to make someone look like an asshole, eh?
"This is not true. If their speeds were different the next time they attempted the experiment they would meet in a different place."
YES. that is exactly WHAT i am saying.
their speeds are different going up and coming down. going up and coming down are TWO totally UNRELATED events. each direction travelled IS, essentially, a different experiment.
"Why are you introducing the element of going in the SAME direction here? It's irrelevent."
YES. i was making a simple point. but everytime that man leaves the bottom of the hill to go up it. once he leaves he will arrive at a different point as he did the day before. same coming down.
my statement was meant more as a mockery than a proof.
"The man is not allowed to wander. He must follow the same path down that he used to get up the mountain. If you read the first post again you'll see that there are many more controls imposed in addition to the 12-hour period."
i meant WANDERING more in a manner of his foot pattern falling one in front of the other. i did not say he left the path. WANDERING in speed ... shuffling his feet.
"Just simply stating something, or believing or doubting it as you did earlier, does not make it true or not true. See at least 3 examples earlier in the thread for clear explanations of the solution."
i am but a student at this practice. you are truly the master.
don't think for a second i don't see how you are trying to explain that it can be true. but the solution truly does defy all the laws of Newtonian physics. and if no one here can make you see that then it is truly a lost cause.
only Superman could make this puzzle work using your explanation.
1) he is the only man i know of (until he died) that could be in two places at once. (like your crazy camcorder solution).
2) he is the only man i know of that could take the one required step up the hill, wait 11 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds for the other "superman" to come WANDERING down to meet him, and still make it up to the top of the hill for the 12 hour deadline.
"There is a point somewhere on the path that he will reach at EXACTLY the same time each day"
like i said.
if you can prove to me they meet at exactly the same place on the path, at exactly the same on each of THREE days, i will believe that it is true on TWO.