Question for the anti-Obama spammers...


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Forum Member
Feb 13, 2008
wow. Keeko, do a little research. How much was the dollar worth 8 years ago? What was the debt? How much did gas cost? "He will make Health care affordable to everyone who wants it"

Holy shit.

I agree, Spending has gotten out of control.

I don't believe that it is a birth right to have health insurance. I just don't believe it.


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Feb 12, 2000
Seriously, don't you want to sell your candidate a little? People get tired of endless nonsensical bashing. You don't sell a product by doing nothing but mock the competition.

This, unfortunately, is the only way Presidential campaigns have been run for several years now.

The only real selling point on Obama is that he's not Bush-esque. Unfortunately, this is quite a selling point, though.

McCain - I was going to try and say something really positive, but I couldn't come up with anything specific because I don't follow it too much.

Both candidates equal bigger government, so it really doesn't matter.



Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
What the hell does that even mean? Beantown Jim is Irish too. Pride comes before the fall. It's empty bumper sticker rhetoric.

that mean i like a war hero who has put he country before himself and is is own man , and has exp in the job , obooma is a one term senator is is being coach by his party, clueless

i will vote for the mick :SIB


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Forum Member
Feb 13, 2008
that mean i like a war hero who has put he country before himself and is is own man , and has exp in the job , obooma is a one term senator is is being coach by his party, clueless

i will vote for the mick :SIB

You tell em Ray!!:00hour

The Judge

Pura Vida!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
John McCain Will Reform Health Care Making It Easier For Individuals And Families To Obtain Insurance. An important part of his plan is to use competition to improve the quality of health insurance with greater variety to match people's needs, lower prices, and portability. Families should be able to purchase health insurance nationwide, across state lines.

John McCain Will Reform The Tax Code To Offer More Choices Beyond Employer-Based Health Insurance Coverage. While still having the option of employer-based coverage, every family will receive a direct refundable tax credit - effectively cash - of $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families to offset the cost of insurance. Families will be able to choose the insurance provider that suits them best and the money would be sent directly to the insurance provider. Those obtaining innovative insurance that costs less than the credit can deposit the remainder in expanded Health Savings Accounts.

John McCain Proposes Making Insurance More Portable. Americans need insurance that follows them from job to job. They want insurance that is still there if they retire early and does not change if they take a few years off to raise the kids.

John McCain Will Encourage And Expand The Benefits Of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) For Families. When families are informed about medical choices, they are more capable of making their own decisions and often decide against unnecessary options. Health Savings Accounts take an important step in the direction of putting families in charge of what they pay for
Even if McCain were to be given the chance (which he won't) he would not accomplish a single one of these lofty goals with the possible exception of the last one.

McCain himself does not even believe this.

Do you, Keeko?


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
You really have to be more specific here.

Yes, I grant you this. McCain has a great deal of experience.

Not sure what you mean. All American born citizens 35+ years are *qualified*. If you are speaking of experience, then you are being redundant since you already brought that up.

distinquished veteran
Yes, he is. Appreciate that a lot. It's too bad that you did not regrding Kerry. ...Or really ever when that vet is not representing your party.;)

distinuished miltary family.
I notice you are working this angle lately. It could just as easily be argued that what Obama has overcome family-wise proves his good character.

We are not our parents or grandparents. If we were, Bush 43 wouldn't have sucked so bad.

Now your turn on Obama--i've drew blanks from everyone else since day one--other than hope -change and my leg tingles :)
Lets' just say people see great upside potential with Obama. Ever since the GOP congress took my Pinnacle away, I've been itching for something to gamble on. I like the idea of choosing this intriguing wildcard instead of the same old thing.

He already has a leg up diplomatically. And lets face it - the world is small, so that's a very important quality.

It will come down to what kind of people Obama puts around him. He is already a great organizer and inspirer. If the right people are in the right positions in his administration, then at the very least the country will take a positive attitude turn.

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
Like when he called his wife a cunt, or all this tasteless jokes he's running off at the mouth with?

Is this meaning the war he fought in?? If so did he order commands or take them?? What experience is there when it comes to presidency----I dont think either canidate has experience in being a leader of the free world!!!

I guess this is because of the previous 2 reasons, again moot points.....anyone who gets elected to represent there respective party is obviouslt deemed qualified

distinquished veteran from distinuished miltary family.
Validated, but the only flaw is the family wont be calling the shots(or shouldnt be---or maybe that WOULD be BEST) but HE IS A VETERAN so you've got 1 outta 4 by your explanation

Now your turn on Obama--i've drew blanks from everyone else since day one--other than hope -change and my leg tingles :)

Call me corny or whatever but I am tired of the hate that is so widespread around the country/worldAnyone who can unite THE PEOPLE can help overcome and conquer the inferior mindset of the world that you are better then me and we are better then them, in my book step one is to unite and as a nation WE THE PEOPLE help the situations of ones neighbor(lend a hand versus chopping one off) as the Nation embraces the crimes lessen, the hate lessens, and sooner rather then later this place will become pleasurable to be again. NOW McCAIN MAY HAVE THE ABILITY TO DO THESE SAME THINGS, but HE ONLY SEEMS INTERESTED IN HIS KIND AS HE MOCKS HIS OPPOSERS AND BE-LITTLES OTHERS NOT OF HIS STATURE... and even some of his stature. He in my eyes has deep character problems and needs to ATLEAST HIDE THOSE FLAWS(which its too late) until the election is over!!
I have no THIS WILL MAKE OIL CHEAPER, or FIX THE SCHOOL SYSTEMS BY DOING THIS PLANS...but to love thy neighbor and help those who need it(NOT WELFARE HELP) can only be a good start in helping US AMERICANS TO STOP WHINING:mj07:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
You really have to be more specific here.

Yes, I grant you this. McCain has a great deal of experience.

Not sure what you mean. All American born citizens 35+ years are *qualified*. If you are speaking of experience, then you are being redundant since you already brought that up.

Yes, he is. Appreciate that a lot. It's too bad that you did not regrding Kerry. ...Or really ever when that vet is not representing your party.;)

I notice you are working this angle lately. It could just as easily be argued that what Obama has overcome family-wise proves his good character.

We are not our parents or grandparents. If we were, Bush 43 wouldn't have sucked so bad.

Lets' just say people see great upside potential with Obama. Ever since the GOP congress took my Pinnacle away, I've been itching for something to gamble on. I like the idea of choosing this intriguing wildcard instead of the same old thing.

He already has a leg up diplomatically. And lets face it - the world is small, so that's a very important quality.

It will come down to what kind of people Obama puts around him. He is already a great organizer and inspirer. If the right people are in the right positions in his administration, then at the very least the country will take a positive attitude turn.

Will concede to you that point of experience and qualification go hand and hand.

On issue of charater--

I believe him to be honest--especially for politician--

Issue of courage is not in question.

Is his own man (integrity) -- does not kiss ass of party or anyone else if he disagrees with them-

Is one of few from either side that is fiscal conservive-one of handful in congress that preaches against wasteful spending (pork) and practices what he preaches (0 pork for his state)

On your Kerry remark--goes to issue of courage
You have one man tortured for years who refuses to be released before his comrades-
-the other uses the the ole splinter-bruise and friendly shrapnel in ass to get out of combat zone in less than 3 months.

on Obama I would agree on your assessment--he is great great organizer and inspirer
--but that doesn't make my leg tingle and goes back to the- all hat no cattle--hope/change rhetoric. If he was running to replaceTony Robbins I'd be right there with you--proclaiming he's the man.

--but I have problem with person whose vision on terrorists in this day and age is--

Obama wrote in Chicago's Hyde Park Herald just eight days after the September 11th attacks. Obama wrote: "the essence of this tragedy... derives from a fundamental absence of empathy on the part of the attackers." And why did Obama say Al Qaeda lacked empathy? Was it radical Islamist hatred? No. Obama wrote that Al Qaeda's lack of empathy grew out of a "climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair."

Now where have I heard that before ;)
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