rather watch Oprah then these sports......

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
speaking of NASCAR

speaking of NASCAR

There is nothing special about Nascar. More than half the
country drives too fast, and a good percentage of those people
have even mastered the skill of driving fast and trying to get to
an actual location, as opposed to driving around in a circle five
hundred times. I'm not even sure if your average Nascar driver
knows how to make a right turn.

The real aim of Nascar is a three hour commercial.
Get this:
People actually tune in to watch a bunch of signs go so fast
that they become blurs. It's kind of like shaking your head really
fast when you see one of those sign trucks on the road.

And just like real driving, there are crashes. But here's where
the Nascar people get it right. Instead of stopping traffic and
then letting one car through at a time, which creates one hell of
a rubber neck induced traffic jam, the Nascar people put out a
caution. With the caution up, each driver gets to fulfill his
voyeuristic fantasies, without the delays. Maybe the cops
should simply have curious motorists go around the block.
There could be signs posted by every accident: "To proceed:
go straight; to see this grizzly scene again: circle right."
But mostly, the Nascar people get it all wrong. At the end of the
race, the "winner" gets a trophy, a kiss, and a big bottle of
champagne (unless he has the misfortune of being sponsored
by Coke or Pepsi). What kind of crap is this? Listen up, folks.
Driving around in 500 circles faster than everyone else is
nothing to celebrate. It simply proves to the world that you had
absolutely nothing better to do that day.
Of course, Nascar proves that most of the world has nothing
better to do on a weekend.

Who are these people at the races?
Seeing them there is pure torture. I mean we've got all of these
morons in one place (finally), and some nitwit built a wall
between them and the cars careening out of control. Dang!
Talk about a missed opportunity. I'm really serious about this.
Most reasonable people spend their lives trying to avoid traffic,
but these dipsticks actually spend the week rubbing their two
remaining brain cells together just to earn enough money to
watch traffic.

You might be wondering how I know so much about Nascar.
Well, I watched it once. I watched it for a whole minute. I saw
everything I needed to know.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2000
Arlington, TX
I have three friends at work that can't stop talking about how great last weekend's NASCAR was. They do this every freakin' Monday. They have even asked me to save up some cash and join them at one of the races. Please!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 29, 2003
djv.....I can understand all the nascar hits in this thread....as far as it becoming the fastest growing sport, yes, it is in direct proportion to the number of rednecks in this country....

more rednecks, more nascar fans....

1....Nascar....left turns driving in a circle....announcers southern drawl equalled by none...more reasons in number 2

2....Golf....the second tv in the bar is turned to golf, the other tv is on nascar.....both tv's have rednecks cheering for someone as though it is thier son competing....golf announcers whisper as though they are standing three feet behind the golfer making a putt.....Tiger "Pouter" Woods misses a 60 foot putt by 2 feet and puts out his disgusted look like he should have made that one.....I know a place where they run both fantasy nascar and fantasy golf: fantasy gambling meets the number crunching redneck who desperately needs a life.....

3....WWF......Feigned injury mixed with self-induced bloodletting mixed with an overdose of boxer's attitude......Add a third tv to the bar and it will be tuned to this....

4....Baseball.....ok to bet on but painfully difficult to watch....too few athletes in motion at one time and little violence involved to keep my interest......this sport is definitely in need of a shot clock to cut down on the time spent playing a game of catch.....

5....figure skating...

Not only that, but some of these hillbillies that dedicate thier time to watching golf and nascar are talking about the participants as being "athletes"......excuse me, but what can these guys do beside hit a golf ball or strap on a seatbelt and drive in a circle?

Can they even run? Yes, run....that thing that fit, real athletes like Football and basketball players do for a living....nascar fans talk about all this endurance and all the g-forces the drivers face.....Christ, they'd get winded jogging to the infield to get another donut....

When nascar drivers are athletes then card players are athletes too because they have to hold thier piss in for long periods.

I'm just glad they don't have a college nascar version....then I'd have to hear a condensed version with the whole redneck hillbilly bar crowd cheering for the same team.......such as the case with college baseball.....

I just dread when Nebraska has a record of like 50/50 in college basketball and wins like two in a row.....pretty soon all the Nebraska fans are talking about kicking Duke's ass and all the other eastcoast teams that are clearly two leagues above them...if you don't share thier viewpoint or zest it's considered sacrilegious......a few of them are already bragging up Callahan's football team and are thinking undefeated for the next 5 years.....:rolleyes:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Marco said:
When nascar drivers are athletes then card players are athletes too because they have to hold thier piss in for long periods.

:142smilie :142smilie


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
most hockey is unwatchable on TV. however saw an old game it was great. however if anyone saw the last game of the Calgary detroit seriest and the Leafs flyers game 6, those were great games.

playoff hockey is far better than regular season.

next year for the leafs. :(



Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 8, 2003
east coast
i really used to hate baseball,boring untill i started wagering on it,i caught myself waiting on every pitch, and talk about never giving up until the end most sports u know your done in the 4thQ in bases down by 4 with 2 outs a couple on base ,pitcher cant find the srike zone drama ,u think u got a chance.....grounded out to shortstop easy play to first:mad: i dont know maybe its just the $$$ im watcing??


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2004
1. Women's softball - actually don't care for most women's athletics, excluding soccer and volleyball. However, softball is more boring than baseball and features fat dykes. Fuglygedaboudit.

2. NASCAR - rednecks lookin' for wrecks.

3. Tennis - all those preppies wearing white...I would only watch if a female player was wearing a see-through blouse and a pink skirt.

4. Golf - dry yuppies and dowdy lezbos hitting a little ball and chasing it...sounds like fun to me...not.

5. Any Xtreme sport - crash and burn ya stupid potheads.


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 18, 2004
Evanston IL
What's more exciting than watching a hockey game go into overtime in the playoffs TIED AT ZERO? You have to be kidding me. The sport is unwatchable period.


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 18, 2004
Evanston IL
I find it difficult , even for Canadians , to argue that hockey is better to watch than baseball. There is so much more strategy and exciting things that can happen in a low scoring baseball game than a low scoring hockey game. NHL is brutal


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2004
I guess you don't like soccer as well.

NHL can be a methodical grind but watching acrobatic saves in a multi-overtime playoff game is pretty darn exciting.


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 18, 2004
Evanston IL
hm23 said:
I guess you don't like soccer as well.

NHL can be a methodical grind but watching acrobatic saves in a multi-overtime playoff game is pretty darn exciting.

You are correct. Soccer is far far FAR worse than hockey. And that is saying something because Hockey is incredibly boring. To your point, you are right, the goaltending in NHL postseason is excellent and there are always a few great saves per game. But I dont think that makes the game itself any more watchable. The problem with hockey is that it isnt a low scoring sport because of good defense. It's a low scoring sport because of conservative, non aggressive offense. I will say that Olympic hockey is interesting though but all in all, the NHL is a far cry from baseball.


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Nov 12, 2000
Arlington, TX
OnaJ said:
The problem with hockey is that it isnt a low scoring sport because of good defense. It's a low scoring sport because of conservative, non aggressive offense.
Hey, buddy. You're describing eastern conference basketball. Not good defense. Just poor, inept offense.


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 18, 2004
Evanston IL
CryBoy said:
Hey, buddy. You're describing eastern conference basketball. Not good defense. Just poor, inept offense.

I'll give that a half touche. You are right that a lot of teams in the East can't score. But the best defensive teams are in the Eastern Conference. You can't knock the incredible defense that Indiana and Detroit play. I know where you're coming from but NHL is still abysmal.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
baseball hands down is the most boring "sport" (if you want to call it that) to watch............what a joke baseball is....wow:eek:

throw the ball...........wait...wait.wait.wait.throw the ball..wait wait wait wait...gimmie a break!

and FWIW......hockey is the best sport to watch....non stop action
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