They died from Covid, while having other conditions. That shouldn't be hard to grasp if you dont have an agenda.
We've been through this several times over the last seven months. No one is changing anyone's mind about this.
- With an increase in deaths attributed to COVID-19 locally and statewide some people are wondering what factors go into determining that a death is a COVID-19 death.
This comes as local health departments are measuring mortality to better understand the state of the pandemic.
"It's really important to know how bad the disease really is so that's why the numbers are really important to find out," said Dr. Henning Ansorg, Santa Barbara County Health Officer.
Dr. Ansorg explains that dying with COVID-19 and dying of COVID-19 are not the same.
"You can die from a different condition and just by accident also have had a positive COVID test. It is pretty rare but it does happen," Dr. Ansorg said.
According to NBC affiliate KGW in Oregon, if you die in a car crash in that state and previously tested positive for COVID-19 that's automatically considered a COVID-19 death.