Reasons to Vote red in ‘24


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Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
You want bat shit crazy? Here's the famous Trump speech that includes his genius rant about sharks and battery powered boats. Please enjoy!

that's, uh, fake news!

please buy some $100 silver coins that are made with $30 worth of silver!

i'd ask "just how dumb does he think his followers are?", but, yeah, we know the answer to that.
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sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
You want bat shit crazy? Here's the famous Trump speech that includes his genius rant about sharks and battery powered boats. Please enjoy!

Tongue in cheek humor and plenty of common sense.

Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
Then answer this question, why is Rudy Giuliani's daughter, who says Trump screwed over her father, now wanting people to vote for Harris.?? :smilies4
I couldn’t give tar’s ass what Giuliani’s daughter thinks. Giuliani clearly has a screw loose, and hopefully he was able to take care of his drinking problem.
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Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
I Cie what you did there....

Maybe I can simplify the reasons......
“So, I think it’s very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time — and certainly this one — to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future,”
Got it!
Don't you dare question it.
Well put

Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
You want bat shit crazy? Here's the famous Trump speech that includes his genius rant about sharks and battery powered boats. Please enjoy!

I’ll say this, I certainly wish the RNC would have put out a better candidate than Trump. I guess they could have just given Trump the boot like the DNC did to Biden and just install whoever they want regardless of what the voters selected, but they didn’t handle it that way.
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Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
She didn't start a thread about reasons to vote a certain way, then not post a single reason. I bet she would have been happy to articulate her reasons.....unlike yourself.
Those reasons I’ve posted are the reasons not to vote for Harris. I’m fearful for this democracy. These people will do anything. They’ll install their own candidate. They’ll lie openly. They’ll pack the Supreme Court. They’ll do anything it takes to retain power. John Kerry out here talking about stifling freedom of speech… Stifling freedom of the press. Scary times ahead, but thankfully not everyone has their hand up their ass like Jack’s minions on this forum. . I don’t like Trump and not even sure if Trump will live through his four year term, but I know if Trump doesn’t win this country is gonna look more like Europe in four years. Insane levels of regulation, government overreach and freedom of speech cut at the knees


Registered User
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Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
but I know if Trump doesn’t win this country is gonna look more like Europe in four years. Insane levels of regulation, government overreach and freedom of speech cut at the knees

we certainly don't want to be like Europe.


PS I can't believe you're still ducking my question from before.


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Those reasons I’ve posted are the reasons not to vote for Harris. I’m fearful for this democracy. These people will do anything. They’ll install their own candidate. They’ll lie openly. They’ll pack the Supreme Court. They’ll do anything it takes to retain power. John Kerry out here talking about stifling freedom of speech… Stifling freedom of the press. Scary times ahead, but thankfully not everyone has their hand up their ass like Jack’s minions on this forum. . I don’t like Trump and not even sure if Trump will live through his four year term, but I know if Trump doesn’t win this country is gonna look more like Europe in four years. Insane levels of regulation, government overreach and freedom of speech cut at the knees

Republican scare tactics have won you over. Sad.

Your entire life both sides have tried to convince us the other side is the demise of the country. never is, and won't be this time, either.

Also, since Spain is in Europe, you seem to think you'd be fucked back there, too.

As Adrian told the Rock, ""You can't win!!!!"

Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
Republican scare tactics have won you over. Sad.

Your entire life both sides have tried to convince us the other side is the demise of the country. never is, and won't be this time, either.

Also, since Spain is in Europe, you seem to think you'd be fucked back there, too.

As Adrian told the Rock, ""You can't win!!!!"
Yeah, you So says you.

Meanwhile, I’m probably the only person in the thread who has voted for both teams depending on who I think is the best at the moment.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Those reasons I’ve posted are the reasons not to vote for Harris. I’m fearful for this democracy. These people will do anything. They’ll install their own candidate. They’ll lie openly. They’ll pack the Supreme Court. They’ll do anything it takes to retain power. John Kerry out here talking about stifling freedom of speech… Stifling freedom of the press. Scary times ahead, but thankfully not everyone has their hand up their ass like Jack’s minions on this forum. . I don’t like Trump and not even sure if Trump will live through his four year term, but I know if Trump doesn’t win this country is gonna look more like Europe in four years. Insane levels of regulation, government overreach and freedom of speech cut at the knees
LOL. You're worried about democracy and them doing anything to retain power, so you're going to vote for the candidate that tried to overthrow the government by inciting an insurrection after losing a free and fair election. The 80 year old incumbent candidate stepped down. He didn't have to. They didn't "install their own candidate", they went with the next in line of succession, and the one openly endorsed by the guy that decided to step down.

Scary times ahead if you get Trump. We've seen what the administrations are like and one is clearly better......and one is ranked as the 3rd worst in history.

BTW: Thanks for dropping the "as a black man" charade, Cie.
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Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
Happiness study? 🤣🤣🤣

I’ve got both navy blue and brown passports, so I’ll just go by personal experience over a poll
of course you will. so in your mind, those darn europeans are actually miserable, what with all the "Insane levels of regulation, government overreach and freedom of speech cut at the knees."

and the thousands of europeans who took the polls... let me guess... fake news? reality deniers? actually miserable, and you know because you have passports? OH, I KNOW... what with all the government overreach and no freedom of speech... THE GOVERNMENT MADE THEM SAY THEY'RE HAPPY!!!

wow, talk about someone who buries his head in the sand when reality doesn't match his narrative....

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