I can just see you now, with a shit-eating grin from ear to ear after leaving a Red Card. Believing that you are doing some good in internet land by knocking down those that you don?t agree with. It?s as if you are a super-hero defender of all toolboxes and dolts out there. Do you have your own cape?
Not exactly, you were practically begging for it. Maybe it's time for a moment of self reflection. Would you be one of those toolboxes or dolts? Nah, as clueless as you are you probably picture yourself as the Superhero.....
<a href="http://s1153.photobucket.com/user/Jon_Kneifl/media/superhero-white-bkg_zps38b98923.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p510/Jon_Kneifl/superhero-white-bkg_zps38b98923.png" border="0" alt=" photo superhero-white-bkg_zps38b98923.png"/></a>