Joker = got owned
In his race to take a(nother) shot at me he didn't realize it was a reference to something that actually happened so now he has to insult his way out of looking stupid instead of just bowing out gracefully.
Take the high road for a change, Joker, you might like it.
In no way am I bowing out gracefully. I can't even take the high road. I am good at neither. But, how anyone can be a fan of hockey for more than thirty minutes is beyond me.
I have been to many hockey games, most against my will and I can say I have a couple free t-shirts I got from a cannon. So that's nice.
(I fully admit I had no idea that was a real line. How is that a "classic". What a terrible comeback. Like an old man calling the neighborhood kids a "fool" and you guys hang onto it like he stuck it to him.)