Referee quotes / insults

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
Joker = got owned

In his race to take a(nother) shot at me he didn't realize it was a reference to something that actually happened so now he has to insult his way out of looking stupid instead of just bowing out gracefully.

Take the high road for a change, Joker, you might like it.

In no way am I bowing out gracefully. I can't even take the high road. I am good at neither. But, how anyone can be a fan of hockey for more than thirty minutes is beyond me.

I have been to many hockey games, most against my will and I can say I have a couple free t-shirts I got from a cannon. So that's nice.


(I fully admit I had no idea that was a real line. How is that a "classic". What a terrible comeback. Like an old man calling the neighborhood kids a "fool" and you guys hang onto it like he stuck it to him.)


Thread banned
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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
In no way am I bowing out gracefully. I can't even take the high road. I am good at neither. But, how anyone can be a fan of hockey for more than thirty minutes is beyond me.

And I don't care for your book nor do I see how anyone would hire you to speak at their event as you've mostly nothing interesting to say. The book I'm sure has sold well enough and I imagine you get a few speaking engagements throughout the year.

To each, as they say, their own.

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
And I don't care for your book nor do I see how anyone would hire you to speak at their event as you've mostly nothing interesting to say. The book I'm sure has sold well enough and I imagine you get a few speaking engagements throughout the year.

To each, as they say, their own.

Ooooooh. You stuck it to me. Nice.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
And I don't care for your book nor do I see how anyone would hire you to speak at their event as you've mostly nothing interesting to say. The book I'm sure has sold well enough and I imagine you get a few speaking engagements throughout the year.

To each, as they say, their own.

Yeah, and you qualify as the most interesting Man in the World. Oh, damn, but you live in Pennsylvania by choice.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 9, 2005
at a little league game and a lady yell out
" hey ump you suck behind the plate , if I was your wife I would put poison in your coffee ! " ... he turned around and said . " If you WERE my wife I would drink it ... got a big laugh ..

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
After coaching high school hoops over 23 years I always used this playing the one catholic powerhouse in our league...the Catholic Coach always worked on drawing the offensive fouls..fake fouls and stepping in the lane...many were blocking and moving fouls but he taught them to act,fake,flop,etc....I had all inner city kids and we drive to the hoop a during warmups before the game I would go over to the two now 3 refs and say hello.. I knew all of them very well.... I would tell them just before we left our lockeroom that I was short underrap tape to tape my kids ankles... I knocked on the opposing teams lockeroom door to borrow some tape.. and no one answered. So I opened the door and Kevin B{ coach of other team] had everyone lined up with gym mats on the floor and everyone was practicing the "fake offensive foul.." unison.....then I would tell the refs " so tonight can you let my kids hit their kid 1st before you blow the whistle...please don't anticipate the call...because their flops looked good in the lockeroom especially with their sounds of getting hit"...the refs would laugh at me but I planted the seed...and it did work sometimes... I would tell them the tree has to be cut somewhat before you yell " timber".. That's what I heard the other team saying in their lockeroom.. " timber"... they always laughed and once in awhile one ref would say..."box,you need to buy some more tape...last year you didn't have any tape either...but I was always quicker and say " I know,my school is so tight with out athletic budget"...and we both would laugh...
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