Right or wrong, Alan Keyes is absolutely too religous to ever garner much of a political following in this country.
In listening to Keyes, I came to two conclusions. One that he is very religous. Personally, thats fine with me. Its not like we couldnt use more ethics in politics these days. But too many of his arguments come down to whether or not an issue is moral or immoral and not necessarily how the public wanted a vote to come down. Keeping in mind that the President is an elected official, not a King handing down personal proclamations. Keyes wanted to speak out against gambling as immoral, regardless that a third to half of the country liked it, based on its immoral effect on society. (Oddly enough, the Bible says nothing of the sort. And what happened to Mark 15-24 "they crucified him. Dividing up his clothes, they cast lots to see what each would get.")
Personal preference, but I just dont want a President drawing public policy directly from the Bible, republican democrat or otherwise. The two documents he uses as his sounding board for most of his decisions are the Decleration of Independance and the Bible. It doesnt leave much room for modern day interpretation or issues that the American public is concerned about when the youngest of your documents is 226 years old. Recognition of homosexual marriages for instance, the internet, school choice, sex education orcountless other issues that may have arisen between 1776 and now.
Two, is that he had a very limited, if not an alltogether teritary grasp of economic and trade issues. He was/is very much against opening up our borders to trade. He spoke out strongly against international trade organizations. What polticians like Keyes do not seem to grasp is that among G-10 nations and like-sized trading partners, the United States is the most CLOSED economy in the world. That is pure economic fact. Making our economy more closed is NOT a good thing. First and foremost in my mind a President absolutely must have a grasp of economic issues and domestic/foreign trade policy.
However to be fair, there are two things I liked a great deal about Keyes. In general, I found him to be very literate and an excellent speaker to listen to. I attended a couple of his speaches back in 96 and found him to be almost Clintonesque in his public speaking ability. He also, to my knowledge, never significantly backtracks. He is religious, his policies reflect that, and he makes no apologies. Very refreshing in my mind. Regardless of what one's views are, I respect people a great deal who have views and are willing to stand by them.
And Larry Elder, while I dont know much about him, wrote one of the very best pieces I have read on the nonsense lawsuits for slavery reperations. One of the defining quotes of that article:
"Pro-reparations "black leaders" like the Rev. Jesse Jackson remain locked in the victicrat mantra that blames slavery for America's "black plight," while, of course, suggesting money as the solution.
Will the "black leadership" stand up and recognize the primary problem facing America, in general ? black America, in particular ? the absence of involved, responsible fathers?"
In fact in the same speech he support LL Cool J for NAACP President.