Right Wing extremists at it again....

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
those who fought in the crusades should have just sat back and got slaughtered like Ghandi did in India

like the non-Muslims are doing in Africa

and what these wackos protesting in the streets want for America

its amazing after hundreds of year of history, how people can be so ignorant of what these militant fasciist Islamic terrorists really want to do....

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
"Go, Freeze, go!!!"

GW, from what I understand, the Republican party was formed some roughly 900-1000 years ago. You see Richard the Lionhearted begat Jebediah the Bush, who begat Richard the Cheney, who begat Karl the Rove, etc.

GW, your description of most of the protesters as"...mangy, pseudo hippies and anarchists...malcontents and losers..." I sure is quite distasteful to you. Obviously not as well dressed, behaved, and manicured as those inside MSG.

You see scumbucket, those on the outside who do not look like Lynne Cheney and Katherine Harris are what some might describe as the have nots. You know, not Georges' base.

Some of those "losers and malcontents" as you describe them are the mothers and fathers of dead American servicemen killed in Iraq who condemn this regime (rightfully so) for the deaths of their children.

Yep, GW, you are starting to sound about as insane as Freeze. You are also reminding me of the horrible women at the end of Farenheit 911 who came up to the mother of a dead American serviceman and said "this is staged."

Yeah we shouldn't protest the wrongfull killing of tens of thousands of people. Yeah we should just quietly get in line and goose step along with our elected (kinda) leaders as Onward Christian Soldiers is played in the background.

Wow, you really think funny.



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
my friend garden, although I have never met you, generally you are one of my favorite posters here at Jacks place. and although we don't always necessarily agree, I know your opinions are genuinely felt & well thought and researched. I do however take some issue with your categorical generalization above of protesters.

Indeed I am sure many will unfortunately represent what you have vividly described above. Sadly majority speaking you are probably correct. I however... don't believe ALL PROTESTERS constitute what you have portrayed. We're I come from literally, there was many rebels, thugs, malcontents, undesirables etc. etc., the King and British represented them as such and much worse in their pamphlets and literature of the period. These rebel undesirables formed protests on a daily basis, some of the more famous were called the Boston massacre, Boston tea party and the battle of Lexington and Concord. These malcontents of their time had a better idea of life, and through their unselfish rebellions they threw the British and the King out on their asses, giving all of us a better place and a better life called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

now I don't pretend to know everything, far from it. But I believe in equality, civil rights, and rights for women etc. And I'm sure in those given times there were more than their share that didn't believe in the above. Our current daily moral beliefs came only from the protests rebellions and sweat of those before us. Now I suppose some would count the women and blacks minorities etc. that protested & marched on Washington as you so eloquently described in your above post. I'm not one of them, and I know your not either. Thank Christ I've never had to be on the other end of a police baton, German shepherd teeth, or water cannon to receive what I genuinely believe in. Honestly I don't believe EVERY PERSON THAT PROTESTS, is the scum that you describe.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Would agree with you Shamrock that there are legitamate protesters but what you have formed from the left are many what I would refer to as professional political protesters incluing websites designed with instructions on how to create anarchy and mayhem.
These professionals lead the minions who who are angry at their social status in life and look for someone else to blame rather than point the finger at themselves.Whose only chance of prosperity is a lawsuit or lottery ticket
The determining factor of election will be the moderates on the fence and in my view these protesters maybe the deciding facter in proving just how radical and dangerous the left is to them.
Ponder this for a moment.Despite Clinton controversial administration how many conservatives did you see protesting carrying signs and protesting and causing mayhem. None that I can think of.Most have jobs and are to busy taking responsibilty of their future to participate in such nonsense.If you or I are going to take day off I am sure we'll spend it on golf course or some other place we enjoy, not walking around carrying a sign--leaving bar at 3am--sleeping till noon--then hitting the streets is not much of a life in my view--but to each their own.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
You all did not see real protesters. To see them you have to go back to the 60's. For sure the convention of 68. Now your talking goons. Yesterday with Mothers and Fathers and the show of flagged draped coffins was a small reminder of our failed police in Iraq. More folks in poverty. More with out health care. More out of work. Local taxes and State taxes going up to make up for loss of funds from the Feds. Most seeing now a net loss in there so called big tax break. Deficit out of site. Killing of our men and woman continues every week in peaceful Iraq. Ya things are just fine. Terror alerts every other week so the powers can rule by fear not hope. Borders are like open gates. But yet we can send tons of money overseas.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
yes there are legit protestors in the mix..i believe there may actually be some cops and firemen....that`s fine....it`s a free country...agreed...maybe i painted with to broad a brush...

...and yes, there are also "mangy, pseudo hippies and anarchists...malcontents and losers"...those that are basically "professional" protestors whose intent is not to just protest...but to disrupt,,divert security,destroy property and create kaos.....

and yes,they are filthy dregs that delight in causing trouble...

edward,if you think that`s not true?....then aren`t as well informed as i originally thought....

if you wish,i`ll provide some info on some of the anarchists that plan on attending the festivities..

and shammy...no disagreement....i was a little to sweeping in my comments...apologies...

i was surprised that the dems were allowed to "fence in" the protestors at the dem`s convention..several hundred yards from the festivities..understandable to keep them at a distance....but,to pen them up?..very little mentioned in the media regarding that little tid bit...i wonder why???.....lol

but i`m absolutely sure that edward was "silently" apalled at the dem`s attempt to muzzle the frredom of expression in boston...:rolleyes: ...
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
---and how do you see kerry (or anyone else )solving ANY of these probs.

lol- let me see if I have this straight. DJV lists 7 or 8 problems that were either directly caused by, or were exacerbated under Bush and you're musing about how Kerry might go about cleaning up the mess? Huh?

Strange logic. No comment on the person most responsible, yet implying that these problems are so severe that nobody really has a shot at solving them. That may be the case, and if it is then you should be really concerned about the person responsible and not blindly supporting him.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
hey, Mr.Christo, given the choice, who would you choose to get in your airplane? A 50 year old white woman carrying a Bible wearing a Jesus Saves shirt (obviously a religious right wacko), or a 24 year old scraggly bearded Arab with bloodshot eyes who is wearing a trench coat and carrying a gym bag (a possible Muslim wacko)?

There's a huge difference here, and just because you and Eddie think religion is for the retarded, that doesn't make you correct.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
lol- let me see if I have this straight. DJV lists 7 or 8 problems that were either directly caused by, or were exacerbated under Bush and you're musing about how Kerry might go about cleaning up the mess? Huh? "

and which specifically are you referring to--

If its war and expenditure I must assume you think we should have done nothing after 911

employment and economy
Considering impact of 911 and inheiriting a recession from past administration you now have 5.6 unemployment nearing end of Bush's 1st term--guess what it was at end of Clintons 1st term---5.6 the same.

However both you and DJV have a point--If you look at (the 7 or 8) points he makes it appears Kerry would be your man as his 20 year voting record in congress supports--Cutting military and intelligence to the bone and #1 liberal spender in congress on social benefits. They just about handle all the objections ;)
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Never said religion was for the retarded. Although I do not believe in God, religion in the appropriate place can do a lot of good. Hell, just watch Bells of St. Mary's. Seriously, keep it out of government and allow it to help, comfort and heal those who need help, comfort and healing.

In response to your question, I'd rather get on the flight with Abdul. Remember Atta and the other murderers were dressed like I would imagine you would look on Sunday morning heading down to First Baptist.

What if the little old lady carrying the Bible name was Gladys McVeigh. You just can't profile. Not only because its wrong but also because it won't work.



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I guess I look around and see 4 years almost gone. And I don't see where much good has happened. I cant keep going back to Clinton forever for my excuses. Sooner or later Bush has to stand up. I see a tax cut and thats it. What else has he done? And with the tax cuts many got little. And even those are about gone do to local and state tax having to cover what Bush did.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
the less Bush does the better

when there is gridlock in the government....everybody wins

i say let them keep discussing who served and who bailed and who did this and who did that

keep them out of my life.....put the armed forces on offense and protect me and trust the American people to do the rest

government go home we dont need your wasteful spending and handouts


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Doc you are correct grid lock does help many times. But lately everyones been letting the money leak out. Problem not much staying here. They reported today at 70% flow Iraq makes 31 million a week. Time to charge them.
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