Ryder Cup 2021


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
so true Mr Burns?..this used to be most unique thread on internet per the validations of facts..Stanley?
since he left I still come weekly to check out my golf forum brothers thoughts. best bunch of guys I,ve been fortunate to know. While in the past the ?haters? have ignored this area..but seems they have moved their hate here now.

I would like to ask my friend Jack to keep these disrupters ..kick serve..yyz out of golf forum.
if not I will have an alternative

DOGS THAT BARK calm the fuck down I was just messin with the guys above, they know I am just fucking with them.

Not sure what the hell you are talking about when you say "moved their hate here now", go and show me one thread in here where there are "haters"? You can't find one, so again, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about, where are all theses "haters" you are speaking of? Oh and yyz has never posted one thread in here where he's "being a hater". If you are going to ask Jack to moderate a forum you might want to get your facts correct, just a thought.

"Off the Wall" and "On The Links" has never had one "hater", it is the same as it has always been, so again, calm down:facepalm:

And we all miss Stanley, nobody knows what happened to him, he just vanished for no reason.:shrug:

Oh I also find it kind of funny that you are complaining about "haters" (that don't even exist) when the vast majority of your posts your whining about stuff (and most of the time your complaining about stuff that never happened):facepalm:
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