Sammy Sosa


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Oct 14, 2001
Hamilton, Ontario
I don't recall Sosa ever being that big. I think I now know why he was so upset when asked if he would be upset if they tested baseball players. He looks like a walking ad for steroids.


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Jan 16, 2001
I have yet to find a reason for Sosa or Bonds to not take a steriods test now after all the talk about juice...............The only possible reason not to is because they are on them.

Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
From now on, I'd like to see Major Leage Baseball list the players in boxscores and in statistics leaderboards, as follows:


Berkman, Hou -- 29
Sosa (S), Chi -- 28
Bonds, SF -- 27
(S) -- Steriod User

Just as you see in horseracing, the horse under Lasix (a stimulant) are noted with an (L) in the racing form, these pumped up druggies should be able to keep their records, with full-dsclosure of HOW they got that way. I'll bet if you gave Alex Rodriquez a couple of blasts of blow before the home run circus, he'd be hitting 500 feet shots, too.


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Aug 21, 2001
Mt. Prospect, IL
I think Sammy is smaller than in 1999. I saw him in spring training that year and he was heavy; maybe 240-245. Have you ever seen footage of him when he was w/the Rangers? He couldn't have been more than 175, tops.

Nolan---I think you can add the (S) to Bonds and possibly Berkman, as well as Brady Anderson, Canseco, Caminiti, Albert Belle and even Cameron.

Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX




Nolan Dalla

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Forum Member
Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
Very funny, Monk.


But, I atttribute my 200 to 240 leap in weight over the last year to a couple of things:

1. Good old-fashoned Romanian cooking. My mother in law lives with us and cooks gourmet meals every day.

2. A bottle of wine a day. I used to drink beer most of the imte, but wife and I took some wine classes a few years ago. Now, we polish off a bottle a night.

3. Cooking shows on TV. I love the Food Channel. Great recipees

4. Free food in California cardrooms (I'm out there quite a bit). If you play 10-20 and up in CA, most of the rooms have an extensive menu. I've ordered off a Korean menu, then two hours later, ate a hamburger, then a half hour later, a hot fudge sundae. Fvck it, it's free.

5. Great cheap food in Las Vegas. There are more great places to eat for under $20 in this city than any place in the world.

6. A seditary lifestyle. Screw exercise. There's a cooking show on TV I'd rather watch.


Felonious Monk

Site Owner
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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
LOL, I hear ya Nolan!

I'm sure you're aware of all the red meat and Tex-Mex joints here in Austin from your College days. Although I seemed to have picked up the bald gene rather than the fat gene from my family bush, I still weigh in at a svelte 205 but I'm noticing that it is starting to reside in my gut. :)

Not much of a wine drinker as I usually stick to my daily Bud Light medication but once I arrive in Vegas for the annual SB party, I intend to eat like a fool and sit in a deck chair by the pool while my coronary arteries swell like garden hoses.



Senior Pats Fan
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Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
I was really into getting in better shape and eating right for the past 18 months. I was never overweight, in fact I am underweight by a few, but never ate right and never worked out. Tried to change all that.

Then Darryl Kile up and died. If a superstar athlete in top shape can keel over without knowing it, what hope do I have. Bring on the Sam Adams, give me a 4 pound lobster soaked in buttah and a big steak on the side.


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Nov 9, 2000
Acehistr8......Its in the genes.It doesn't much matter that Kile was an athlete.Kile's father died also as a young man from heart disease.His doctor's should have known about Kile's family history & then order the necessary tests to check his ateries.My doctor,during a normal exam,asked me about my families history & referred me to a cardiologist.This heart doctor upon learning about my family history ordered tests.I had no symptoms,like Kyle,but they found I had a clogged artery upon reading the results.I had an angioplasty.I watch my diet,exercise on a regular basis & now am in my best shape in the last 20 years.

If my doctor's picked this up,there is no reason why Kile's doctor's couldn't find this.Sounds like malpractice to me.

Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
Really funny stuff, gentlemen. Amazing how we hijacked this thread away from the Sosa Steriods issue. :)

Monk, I don't know if they still have them in Austin but I used to eat an Ponchos Mexican food 3 nights a week. They had $3.49 all you can eat. Food was pretty good considering it was all volume.

Damn, I love Mexican food. Good thing there isn't much of it around here, or I'd be tipping the scales closer to 300.

Only thing that worries me about weight is -- the choloesteral factor. I think I'll get on that Lipotor or something. That way I can make a pig of myself without paying the price. Wife likes me more fat, says that she is not as worried about me skirt-chasing on my out of town trips if I look like a slob.

Nolan Dalla

Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
Not sure if you want to call Pancho's "Mexican food", or even food for that matter, but you are referring to the now defunct Pancho's that used to reside at Lamar & South 1st St. right there on the corner.

Ahh the memories of that place. When I was younger, we had a friend that used to take us there every Sunday for the delicious buffet. I think the real reason we ate there was for the Sopapillas with honey that they always gave you for the dessert.

Thanks for the blast from the past! :D
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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 10, 2000
Austin, TX
I thought there was still a Pancho's along 183. Maybe even one on Burnet too if I'm not mistaken. Not the greatest food in the world, but you gotta love the all you can eat buffet. Raise the flag!

Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
Those soapaillas were awesome. They would come around with basket of hot sqaures, and you hit the center with honey. In the many restaurants I have visited since then, I have NEVER had soapaillas as good as were at the rinky-dink Panchos. And to think -- they didn't cost extra and were INCLUDED in the price.

Note: I was in Galveston Island with wife about four years ago and they had a Panchos there. It was Mariet'a first time to expereince Panchos, so it was a special moment. When the girl came around with a basket of soapillas, I swear I had tears in my eyes. I wonder if the entire chain went under, or was it just the place in Austin?

Also, I was in Huntington Beach, CA lat year and nearly wrecked the car swerving off the PCH when I saw a Panchos sign. But, it wasn't the same chain.

Thanks for the memories.



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Oct 14, 2001
Hamilton, Ontario
Nolan that's an interesting thought. The truth is though that no one remembers or cares whether a horse was taking Lasix or not. Can you name one champion horse in the past whose status you've disqualified because they were on lasix??

IMO, everyone should be able to take whatever the hell they want to (providing it's legal) and let it be. Why is it our business or concern whether Sosa is on steroids or not? If he wants to destroy his body so be it. Technically if we are worried that they are on steroids then we should be concerned that they take tobacco also.


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Jan 16, 2001
What I find amusing about the whole steriods issue in sports is that everyone thinks the only ones doing steriods are the big guys...............far from the truth............steriods help in the muscle recovery process so even though a guy may be only 190 lbs he could still be juicing. Look at track athletes, a lot of them are on juice and are fairly small. Also bodybuilders who weigh in at 170-200 lbs juice, so just because a guys doesnt have 20 inch biceps doesnt mean hes not on............


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Jan 16, 2001
AR.........Tracksters and bodybuilders probably are tested but believe me........the docs trying to beat the tests are light years ahead of the docs administering the tests. Thats why drug testing will never work unless its random and year round........which will never happen.
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