san franfreakshow 2008 "up your alley fair"..warning!...offensive material..


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
:s2: :s2: :s8: :grouphug: :mj02: disgusting make sure to view the censored


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
gw... public displays of lewd behavior are a civil matter and I certainly take no issue with your condemning the City of San Francisco for condoning such behavior. Hell, my eyes are still burning from the soap after viewing those photos. But I do take issue with any implication that such abnormal behavior represents of a lack of morality inherent to liberal ideology in general.


in san francisco,everything is bass ackwards....are you guys just acting dense?....

let me see if i have this straight....san francisco has a problem with the "marines" filming a commercial or even being there....

however, this seriously depraved conduct in public is some kind of allowed expression?

have i got it?...

why shouldn't s.f.`s(maybe THE most liberal state in the union) residents be painted with the same brush after allowing this in their midst for successive years?...

their normal everyday politics,as i`ve enumerated above(i always get enumerate and innumerable mixed up) make about as much sense as this display..... why would anyone think any differently?...

stop making lame excuses...three blocks of houses that are all filled with perverts who jerk off out their windows?...

wake up!

and btw.... agent,that`s a beautiful baby....
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
have i got it?...
Apparently not gw. I don't think anyone's disagreed that it's repulsive behavior that the City of San Francisco should not be condoning.


thank you for that....

look,if this were some kind of isolated pervert colony, surrounded by barbed wire and minefields, that would be one thing. ...

but yes,some decent, civilized people with families really do live in san fran...

and the local government, with all its power to abolish smoking, trans-fats and ban marine recruiting kiosks and what have you,choose not to uphold the most elementary standards of civlized behavior. ..

it has failed in its most fundamental task, and it has done so willingly...

along with the obviously perverted thrill these people get from open-air/broad-daylight blow-jobs and worse, there's probably a big dollop of cultural/political muscle-flexing as well....."see what we can get away with?...if this is so horrible and degenerate, why are the cops looking the other way?...why is the media ignoring this?"...

a sort of sick identity-politics power....

think about it...isn`y it appalling,the inaction of the cops/health dept?..

this is a city with a massive number of immunocompromised gay men (even barring hiv/aids, if anyone has unprotected anal sex, they're compromising their immune systems), and thousands of them are running around in a milieu of every bodiy fluid there is? .....

just how many viral and bacterial mutations resulted from this "petri dish"?...

and how much of the public wealth will be required to treat the resulting diseases?....

just horrific...

i`d love to go back and forth,but,i`m in need of some sleep after a very successful night of wagering.........

as always,thanks for the discussion,my dewds....:grins:

/i miss jack,kosar,smurph ,bobby,6`5" and the rest of the guys...
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3 Seconds

Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
It's this same degradation and filth that destroyed both the Roman and Greek empires.

This is simply not true. While it may be repulsive & immoral to most, it is not was caused the destruction of the Roman Empire. There was no such thing as the Greek Empire, there was an Athenian Empire and a Macedonian Empire(Phillip & the early rule of Alexander till the conquer of the Persian Empire taking us into the Hellenistic period)


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
i think the solution is in increasing state rights-If you have voters/states than want to allow this stuff--marriages-disregard gov law on ilegal aliens and provide sanctuary--protest millitary--allow child porn under free speech--or for criminal rights--etc--


--and let each state live with their convictions--

Just find way that the voters can't skip to the other states when the chickens come home to roost and they don't like results.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
wow! :scared I knew I was a 'seed, but I never had a clue this kind of stuff existed in a completely public arena! :scared

This is obviously extreme fringe activity, but really, how is this allowed to occur when you're breaking laws? I've heard of guys getting put on the sex offender list for taking a leak behind a bush in a public yet secluded area.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
mo:..."i just got back from the heterosexual sex-fest in frisco and......."

fo::...."heterosexual sex?........what kind of stinking pervert are you??!!!!"...



Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
I know this thread is more or less dead, but I wanted to weigh in.

As an SF native I have the unique pleasure of seeing this stuff happen 2 or 3 times a year.

A few things to keep in mind. This is not a spontaneous outburst, this is a planned street fair, with event permits etc. there is a specific entrance and the streets are closed off.

This does not take place in a residential/family neighborhood.
So for the most part, if you saw any of this, you made a conscious choice to.

Aside from those caveats, there isn't much I can say that those pictures don't say 1000 times more intensely.

Overall, I have pretty mixed views about this. I am gay, I am very liberal when it comes to sexual freedom, and a lot of the original reason for these types of events, were to collectively gather as a community. Strength in numbers, that sort of thing.

Now (and perhaps then) it is basically a freak show. Freak shows have been around for a long time, and this strikes me as that sort of thing. Most people go to see something they would have never imagined seeing before. And most people taking part are the type of people who LIKE being looked at that way.

It's not my cup of tea, and I can honestly say I have no interest in going. However, I have friends who do go, as a curiosity, not that they would ever put themselves on display like that.
It is a definite specific subset of the gay culture, that actively engages in this behavior?. And I would not describe it as even close to a majority.

As far as why it is allowed to happen: The political clout of gay people in San Francisco is significant, so that part is a no brainer. The other part, of course, is money. These events bring a lot of tourists to the city, so that part is a no brainer too.

On a side note, the link that you referenced, is a pretty good site. That guy goes to all the local protests/events and takes pictures, and does a similar write up to this one for each. He is obviously somewhat conservative, I would describe him as center-right, or something along those lines. Sometimes his captions are really funny! I am not sure if it is still the case, but his identity was a mystery for the longest time, and he would get all these up close pictures of these events, almost as if he was an operative posing as a liberal trouble-maker.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
there is nothing like photos of naked fat old guys to give me the courage to be myself. :mj07: :mj07:

that wasn`t a residential neighborhood?...i saw guys "sniping"(lol) the crowd from windows....i doubt that businesses allowed them to do this...and i find it a tad hard to believe that they had this area cordoned off as if it were some swat team operation...zombie(male or female?...who knows) waltzed rigt in there..why couldn`t some curious youngsters?....

my buddy....all kidding aside...those that actually ARE gay certainly must realize that exhibiting this kind of behavior in a public setting aren`t doing their cause any favors...
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