Hey Riff,
we spoke many times last yr during the cbk tourneys and the big dance.
I remember asking you if you could put "strong" or something similar next to your very top plays, and I just started dabbling again in cbk and see that you did this! Great!!
You certainly deserve more "attaboy Luther!!'s" than most anybody!
Amazing amount of time/effort goes in to what you have been doing.. absolutely!
I haven't been around much these last few months, some family issues, a passing, moving, etc... life happens lol
But I was certainly putting the hours in last Spring, and have gone thru yrs of system research, tracking and posting and know how much time it takes.
And that was w/a LOT LESS gms than you're working with...
By the way, I'm not sure if you've ever tracked over any "length of time" how the 10u's do, or the 9's, etc...
I'm guessing it's a better % than the 6's etc... but reality is I simply cannot play as much action as you do. I get overwhelmed lol
For me, what has worked best is when I take your best plays and compare them to a few others I try to look at... when they line up, it's a very good thing!
Doing this for your living, it is a full time job.
The research you do, and the time to place the wagers and post here, amazing!
I thank you for taking the time to post....
I barely have time to see any posts during the wk (from the few I look for), and then start searching for the gms and lines I have (cuz they move ya know lol), and it can wear me out. but that's me.
Your other night was fantastic, I got in late and hit a few of the later ones, yay!
I know I speak for others when I say we'd hate to see you go....
Obviously, it's your choice.
But as a part-time bonehead, I truly appreciate your posts!!
What I might suggest, is that you consider a "filter" to shorten your posts, ergo your time spent.
What if you posted just the 1-3, or even top 5 or so "Strongest" type plays??
I try to focus on your 9's and 10's only, but I can't/won't play that much action to begin with... and, I have trouble being near my phone or computer enuf to catch them all... and, my book has pretty severe limitations on "added" or "extra" gms... so I can't parlay em, play for much, or even tease or buy pts... again, not your fault, but just sayin lol
I missed your "strongest" play both days I've been here looking... but that's on me, not you.
I'm trying to say, for your own sake you can certainly cut bk on what you post...
for "our sake", I'd like to see only your "top plays" posted... IF you wanna do it.
And, I know that if I had specific questions about a certain game, there's a high probability that you know more about any gm on the board off the top of your head, more than most for sure!
Honestly, I just haven't ever wanted to pester you, seeing how busy you must be w/all of it!
Either way, your efforts ARE appreciated and recognized!!
and whether you decide to continue/reduce/stop posting completely...
I sincerely wish you best of luck and good fortune!!
Best o'Luck ~ Lord o'Balls :toast: