Saturday hoops

Box and one

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Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
Michigan -4 over FSU **
The line is where I thought it would be..between big advantage on either side...will lean towards Michigan...but if anyone watched FSU defense over Zaga it was amazing..they shut them down...Zaga coach after the game said " we couldn't run any of our offensive plays : the entire game.. but Michigan is a little different and if they continue to shoot 3's they could be playing in the championship game..didn't have time to post doing " walk and run " race with my granddaughter...then to a movie "Sherlock and the Gnomes" terrible movie and had to be awaken 3 times sitting in those recliners...
But on way home we stopped at a snow cone Texas they call it "shaved ice"..we don;t have that in coconut....omg.... are right about the over 65..I made it by a year but I'm married to a converted Catholic and they are the worst...she says you can't just change all the rules ....the rules were laxed when I was a kid...if we sold so much or raised so much money the priest as a reward would allow us to eat meat on friday...anyway we can always sin and then go to confession and get forgiven carte Blanche....and since we are on the subject...Loy students are sending "sainthood" applications to the Vatican to get sister Jane "sainthood"...the criteria is you need a miracle..she has 2 already and working on one today...

Yesterday did Ok in the mens but lost the womans...


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 1, 2005
Des Moines
Yep, Box.

Sister Jean got in my pocket today. I pondered the possibility of Loyola making it to Final 4... next weekend is Easter. Then I thought, naw. Nice feather for Missouri Valley again.

Heck, we might have a Catholic final the day after Easter.

Best of luck rest of the tourney Box :0074
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