School discipline USA Today Headlines in yesterdays newspaper

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Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
Front page headlines in yesterdays USA Todays newspapers on School Discipline . It was all about what high schools around the country are doing in their states and how they are dealing with it. Reasons for suspending students . Research data,etc Very interesting for me since I was a dean of discipline and an assistant principal for many years before I became a Principal. But teaching and coaching basketball is where it all started. A very interesting article which includes all the current data and research findings. Its been now 4 or 5 years since I retired . I know California and a few other states have now banned being suspended from school for being defiant. NY state and Philadelphia where my daughter teaches at. Research has now shown kids that are being suspended perform a lot worse academically, have lower college enrollment ,come from lower economic families etc etc.. You don't have to be a rocket scientist for understanding that. I had been at my school coaching basketball, athletic dir,teaching PE and Drivers Ed for 23 years. Basketball teams very successful winning sections and regionals and playing in the NY state basketball finals 3 times { losing all 3} Then an Asst Principles job opened at anther school I had completed my Masters in Education and Certified as an Administrator..By coaching at my HS I was now missing my own kids playing basketball I would come home late at night after one of my games and my oldest daughter would come down the stairs telling me her school won and she had 20 points 13 rebounds and 6 blocked shots . Then the other one a middle school daughter would come downstairs and tell me about her game. Then my son who was 6'3 ran indoor track was the anchor in a winning relay race. Then my youngest daughter would come down the steps and tell me her Middle school team won and she scored 12 points. My wife would be in the stairway hall and say these kids were put to bed an hour ago and were waiting for your car to drive up. My wife would say " how did your team do tonight"? I would tell her we won but I lost because I missed all of them tonight. It was nights like this that I realized I needed to retire from coaching so I could watch my own kids ... anyway I informed my superintendent the next day that there was an opening as an asst principal at another school and he understood where I was coming from. He was a St Johns catcher and a No 3 or 4 pick in the baseball draft. Anyway I left my school after 23 years thats its population was 99% black and hispanic to a 95% white school that had many many discipline problems.. That is why after reading yesterday's article in USA it kicked in some memories.
Will continue about the article but another favorite of my stories comes to mind I have told this before..
I was leaving my school in late October and day light saving had come It was a friday afternoon and after a party for me I had cleaned out my office and realized everyone had gone home I walked down to the gym and it was dark in there I went to the bleachers and sat where I had coached for 23 years and looked up at all the banners we had won. On every team one of my players was dead. Killed in NYC drugs,shootings etc I was crying because I knew when I walked out of that gym it wasn't my school anymore

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
Sorry have a procedure to remove a stent in my bile duct this morning Anyway I am sitting on this bleacher looking up at the banners and crying when all of a sudden the double doors on the gym open up and a ray of the hallway lites enters the dark gym Its Yashoo our school custodian and see's a figure in the gym sitting there, He screams g
get the F ...k out of here.WTF are you doing here Everyone went home. I tell him who I was but he has no idea I'm leaving for good As I get up he tells me " I just mopped the hallway so walk on the left side cursing me . I start to laugh ,,walk on the left side go into my office and collect one box of things,get into my toyato tercel and drive off crying. I am cursed out of my own school after 23 years . It was a perfect ending and if Hollywood ever wanted to make a movie about my life its where the movie would start. Have to go Will continue with the article on discipline I know its a boring story and has been tod here before I haven't had liquids or food since midnight.. Later
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Old School

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Mar 19, 2006
You make my day Tony

Your family is so lucky they have such a great human being to guide them.

Keep on Keeping On !
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Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
thanks Old south and damn They couldn't find a good vein and stuck me 5 times for the IV , The anthologist came in and went over my procedure Then the doctor came in and told me they were going to remove the stent ,scrap my duct for the lab . So after a few hours in recovery the doctor and my wife told me the stent wasn't there It passed thru and I must of " pooped " it out He did a biopsy and sent everything to the lab The doctor said everything looked good and tomorrow will give me the results but was very positive. I'm not to eat much because they don't want to upset my pancreas . I told My wife lets stop at a White Castles I'm starving She looked at me and said " we don't have a White Castles in Texas. I said I know that " how about a Sabrett hot dog stand " She now realized I was joking and said I'll make chicken broth and you can have some crackers. Tomorrow will skip racquetball with my buddies but having " biscuits and Gravy" I'm starving now Thank you old south and Smitty.. On the road to recovery.
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