Thepoolguy you are so right. Do you know if you like something you may tell 10 people. But if your pissed off you may tell upto 100. This comes from studies done many times on the subject of like or dislike. Do any of you think it surprising when some one is doing good how a few folks posted it here. Or are we to say leek the info out. But now becarefull if you go the other way. That is called being a bad ass. Strang world we live in. All news should be able to be avaliable to whoever wants it. I dont care much about any of it anymore. But as said above. Set the rules to be followed. Then there is no guessing. Let the good with the bad leek out. Or cut all service out of here and there freebies to. Just get back to the good old boys exchanging there picks. When I joined here thats what is was all about.