should records be erased for players found to use steroids ?


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Jan 12, 2001
Hell yes they should be erased...

Hell yes they should be erased...

I can see both sides of this in the thread, and good arguments are made both ways. However, a wrong does not make a right just as 20 wrongs do not make a right. Steroids are a banned substance and players who are caught using them should have their records erased that season, and I believe they should be banned for the rest of the season. I hope MLB adopts a policy such as this one. It may never happen, but I hope it does.

When I was in high school I used to wrestle and compete in track and you would be surprised by how many kids used steroids to gain an edge on the competition, a lot... Some of them did very well, others not so hot. Regardless, they were cheating their team, the sport, and they lost their integrity IMO. I was offered them many times but always refused them. I just think steroids are a cheaters drug in my opinion and its side effects are nasty (acne, mood swings, change in voice, etc.). I saw this happen to some of my friends who used them and it was not pretty.



Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
Leave the records

Leave the records

The players...if found by some future means to definitelty be using any enhancing drugs.....names should all be put on a monument for all to see forever. People can decide whether or not to regard previous records set with any merit.;)

They may start dropping dead soon anyways. That a pretty high price to pay. Ask Lyle;)


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Nov 4, 2000
You know this reminds me of MR Rose. He lied and gambled. He's throwen out. We have players that use drugs. They get 2/3 maybe 4 chances. Where is the line that makes one ok, the other not. Or is it wrong to compare the two?


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
Seems lot of people act like it is just baseball, I can either tell you of ways every sport almost that has cheating in it, and if i don't know it I could find out about it from someone, and lot of sports i name have been told to me from people or coaches in the sport , but a few ex of sports that cheat, fb, baseball, hockey,basketball, soccer, swimming, track, tennis, fishing, horse racing, auto racing, hunting, golf, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics, softball, field hockey, only a few i can't think of but all of the above I know of ways to gain a advantage that is not with ih the rules.

Now don't know about these but sure there is a way, bowling, darts, pool and these are just ones I know of, and in one thread don't know whos one person said it tainted the team and the player them self, well i donot think I did either and have no problem in what i did as a player. wake up it happens in every type sport for the most part and it did not make me a bad person, there are more people out there doing different things that are cheating to gain a advantage then you really know or really think about, I know this as fact not just what i think, it does not all have to be juice, lot of things fall into this and there are other drugs besides juice and used way more that are used in a way that a nomal dr would not give a regular person pain killers and speed are your number 1 and 2 most abused in terms of medacation and pain pills or shots for pain local by far are over used 10 fold over juice in sports. To what degree you rank cheating is up to you as a person like six-five said cheating is cheating and I say the same and also said I did more then 1 type of cheating to inhance my preformance or at least try to and to think I am going to feel it made me a bad person for life , that is a joke, this is the way the sports world is. never throw stones in a glass house even non athletes cheat in life at something in their life just think about it, taxes ,a test all kinds of little things you might not even think of having some one write a paper for you in college, could come up with all types of life time things people do , no one is a saint and not 1 person can say they have never cheated in something ever their whole life I would never believe that at all. So it goes on in the world not just sports, only person I would dare to say never cheated at anything at least 1 time would be Jesus that would be the only person i would think could be clean on this:shrug: If you have not cheated even the smallest thing 1 time at something in your life then you are some type of a saint.
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pirate fan

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Aug 24, 2002
I agree with you fletch that everyone has cheated at something at one point or another. Yeah, I also accept the fact that it is everywhere in all sorts of facets in life, including all sorts of sports. Baseball is more of a stats kept game relative to any sport. Comparing one to another goes directly to batting, fielding, slugging, on-base, strike out, etc, etc. The game is no longer apples to apples as one may be juiced while the other is not but may have his bat corked.:shrug: Barry Bonds came up through the pirates so I've always liked him but I must admit I've lost respect for him but who am I or what does he care, it is his life and he has to live with it.
How can we even compare who is so called great and who is just average. I love the game of baseball, even with all its modern day problems but we have to watch and read knowing there probably should be asteriks all over the place if the truth be known. I think the focus in this thread is on baseball because of the original thread but we are all aware it is everywhere. Still, it is not right nor should it be accepted only because it is so prevelent. Cheating is wrong in any form or fashion.:nono:


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May 15, 2003
cheaters are cheaters. there are players out there that don't cheat. if it can be proven, erase all records. i don't care if 95% cheat, it is just an excuse.


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Apr 29, 2003
No Cal
How could this be proven? Even if they catch a guy 'dirty' today does that mean his previous years were automatically juiced? We could all assume this to be true but is that fair in any way? Either way I completely agree with fletcher. Players have always tried to get by in baseball by doing whatever needed to be done. Many times poeple have been caught and punished. Taking away stats is not a historical punishment for MLB and it won't ever be.

Don't we need to watch what happens this year to get a little taste of what effect steroids really played? No one in their right mind is gonna play juiced this year. Let's see if how it plays out.

My prediction is that not much will change w/o steroids. Players will still be looking for that edge by taking the top of the line legal supplements, having personal trainers and personal chefs and will still be as potent offensively as ever. We shall see.


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Nov 4, 2000
I just wish Hank would have had a little more juiced up ball for a few years. And what about Ruth. You ever been inhall of fame and seen the balls these guy played with. Some them balls must have beem alittle soft by the 4th/5th inning. And if you watch some old videos. They just didn't throw all them balls out after a little knick. Im guessing only. But I would say they go through 3 times as many balls in a game now days then back before 1965.
Fletch you are correct about cheating. I scuffed the ball up best I could get away with. In golf how many here have just moved the ball alittle bit.
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