should this guy be banned?

should this guy be banned?

  • no

    Votes: 15 19.2%
  • yes

    Votes: 43 55.1%
  • give him a warning

    Votes: 20 25.6%

  • Total voters


1/2 cocked
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2004
Southern California
It's a stupid post and most of the good 'cappers here will recognize it as such. No one in their right mind would rush out and bet this game based upon the info he supplied.

As soon as he said "game of the Century" he lost me.....


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
BobbyBlueChip said:
Democracy doesn't work Jack. Go back to the benevolent dictatorship that's worked so well in the past. . . and ban 888 and take Soul Train with 'em

Watch what you say BBC or Francis (Soul Train) will beat you up after he's done with me :rolleyes:


I'm trite!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
GoTerps said:
myi personal feeling is if a jackazz posts something like this, the other members will quickly respond and warn any bettors relying on the info that it might be long as bettors are warned that the post could possibly be bs, then let them decide if the post is legit. If it is.. cool, if not, like SunTzu said...caveat emptor

This is exactly correct. Let these idiots come in here and get flamed by the good posters. The newbies will learn not to deal with these idiots. I doubt they will be here long if they are treated accordingly. :)

Keith 1

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 7, 2005
Long Island, NY
of course it's Jack's site, and he can do what he wants. That being said, I think it is a dangerous thing to start leaving these kind of decisions (banning someone) up to a vote. Sorta becomes a popularity contest. Personally, if he wants to trumpet a big play, I don't see why that is a bannable offense. He didn't insult anyone and he wasn't pumping his own service. Of course it is ridiculous that he would have inside information on TONIGHT'S game, while it was still in the middle of LAST NIGHT'S game. The people here are smart enough to realize that on their own pretty quickly. That is why I voted "no".


Forum Member
Mar 29, 2005
Jack, no disrespect, but I emailed you back last night about this. I told you myself that I think his insider Information that he tells me he has is bullshit. Frankly, I dont care if he is fukkin with me or not, he wins. Also, I told you I wouldn't post anything like that again. I said I would just put my buddies play, nothing more. Whether you or anyone else believes me or not, the guy helped me hit over 60% last year in hoops, and yes that is documented, and Im not lying. Its your forum, and your choice, but like Keith said, I really don't see how this is a bannable offense. Especially when I emailed you about it. If Atlanta loses, then I won't post here again, and there will be no reason for the banning. This is a great forum, and Im glad to be apart of it, but I have followed the rules here 100%, and can't believe that there is even a poll on this.


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
888 said:
Whether you or anyone else believes me or not, the guy helped me hit over 60% last year in hoops, and yes that is documented, and Im not lying. .

Kudos with the nice self promoting throw in. Not many could have pulled that off in a thread about their being banned! :clap:

Nothing gets in the way of business :mj07:


Forum Member
Mar 29, 2005
IntenseOperator said:
Kudos with the nice self promoting throw in. Not many could have pulled that off in a thread about their being banned! :clap:

Nothing gets in the way of business :mj07:
IO, I haven't promoted shit on this site, Im just saying that the dude is good, so play it or don't. This site doesn't allow promoting, giving email addresses, websites, and all of that, so if I was just wanting to promote shit, I wouldn't be wasting my time here. I really like the site, and hope Jack gives me another chance.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles

Heres the deal. I don't know you and probably never will. You might be a swell guy, you might be an ass. I'll probably never know.

Madjacks as other message boards, are out in cyberspace. I don't know anyone personally,but maybe I'll make it to a superbowl party one year and meet some of them. The point is everyone basically exists in anonymity. All you really have is your credibility.

Post winners, post losers, it really doesn't matter. Just don't make an ass of yourself. Nobody loves the boisterous type even when you win.

Personally, I have never made a play after looking at others posts on madjacks. I make my plays for the day and then come and read the board. I don't follow anyone, but hope everyone wins. Madjacks means a little something different to everyone and people use it differently. I use it to kill time while spending endless hours playing cards online and any nuggets of information I can learn are a bonus. Some use it to blindly follow people and some use it to act obnoxious. It really is something different to everyone and Jack has a great site.

I didn't vote in the poll, but I think you have an idea where I personally stand. Stay or leave is of no importance to me. I've read some of your posts as I read all posts, because of what the site means to me. Its to kill time and learn information that otherwise I might have missed. I can't count how many times, its helped to see listed pitchers changed, or so and so out of lineups. I also have contributed myself posting winners more than losers. If I didn't I wouldn't post, but I would still read the boards and contribute something.

I guess the problem I had with your situation last night is that you posted inside info. BIG TURNOFF.
The two teams in question were involved in close games. I mean what info can you possibly have. You have no idea if the games are going to go long and pitchers will get abused in extra innings or not. How about injuries, what if Andrew Jones collides with Marcus Giles and they're both out tonight. I mean WHAT INFO can you possibly have unless you are claiming the game is fixed? All you really had to say is that someone you know who is very good likes the braves alot tomorrow. End of story. People can do with it what they want. Like I said, I hate to see people get banned except High Roller who has probably died of a heart-attack by now getting so excited at people. I wish you luck, no ill-will toward you, just don't appreciate inside info comments that are blatantly false without any details.

gl in your plays


Forum Member
Mar 29, 2005
BleedDodgerBlue said:

Heres the deal. I don't know you and probably never will. You might be a swell guy, you might be an ass. I'll probably never know.

Madjacks as other message boards, are out in cyberspace. I don't know anyone personally,but maybe I'll make it to a superbowl party one year and meet some of them. The point is everyone basically exists in anonymity. All you really have is your credibility.

Post winners, post losers, it really doesn't matter. Just don't make an ass of yourself. Nobody loves the boisterous type even when you win.

Personally, I have never made a play after looking at others posts on madjacks. I make my plays for the day and then come and read the board. I don't follow anyone, but hope everyone wins. Madjacks means a little something different to everyone and people use it differently. I use it to kill time while spending endless hours playing cards online and any nuggets of information I can learn are a bonus. Some use it to blindly follow people and some use it to act obnoxious. It really is something different to everyone and Jack has a great site.

I didn't vote in the poll, but I think you have an idea where I personally stand. Stay or leave is of no importance to me. I've read some of your posts as I read all posts, because of what the site means to me. Its to kill time and learn information that otherwise I might have missed. I can't count how many times, its helped to see listed pitchers changed, or so and so out of lineups. I also have contributed myself posting winners more than losers. If I didn't I wouldn't post, but I would still read the boards and contribute something.

I guess the problem I had with your situation last night is that you posted inside info. BIG TURNOFF.
The two teams in question were involved in close games. I mean what info can you possibly have. You have no idea if the games are going to go long and pitchers will get abused in extra innings or not. How about injuries, what if Andrew Jones collides with Marcus Giles and they're both out tonight. I mean WHAT INFO can you possibly have unless you are claiming the game is fixed? All you really had to say is that someone you know who is very good likes the braves alot tomorrow. End of story. People can do with it what they want. Like I said, I hate to see people get banned except High Roller who has probably died of a heart-attack by now getting so excited at people. I wish you luck, no ill-will toward you, just don't appreciate inside info comments that are blatantly false without any details.

gl in your plays
Nice post man. I myself believe the insider info he says he gets is bullshit. Frankly I don't care as long as he keeps winning. I guess I was just trying to stress how big of a play it was, and got carried away. Maybe he has info, maybe he don't. All I know is he has helped me out alot, and I wanted to pass the info along to you guys. If I get banned for that, then I guess so be it. I just ask for one more chance, thats all Im asking for.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
888 said:
I myself believe the insider info he says he gets is bullshit. Frankly I don't care as long as he keeps winning.

Well, you should care. You can't just be a little bit pregnant. Either the guy's a liar, or he isn't.

If you think the "info" is bogus, what is the point? Why would a guy throw that into the mix?

I know new guys come here to get their dicks stroked, but they come and go every season. Football season brings these guys out in spades.......always has, and always will.


I'm trite!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
yyz said:
Well, you should care. You can't just be a little bit pregnant. Either the guy's a liar, or he isn't.

If you think the "info" is bogus, what is the point? Why would a guy throw that into the mix?

I know new guys come here to get their dicks stroked, but they come and go every season. Football season brings these guys out in spades.......always has, and always will.

The voice of reason.
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