EAE said:Sorry Auspice. If I was as you described me above, I would be a Democrat.
EAE said:Auspice and Kosar:
I'm a modest person but, who do you think is more worthwhile, me who works 50 hours a week or the bum under the bridge whose borrowing money for booze from every passerby.
EAE said:Hey Ctownguy:
I've always respected your views and generally think you are right on target.
kosar said:Ohhhhh, you're a LOT more 'worthwhile' than those bums. Modest too.
I can see this character is gonna be fun. I think this is the neo-con version of 'tossing salds'.
auspice said:Kosar
EAE wrote...."Well, at least I can drive over these ingrates on my way home....." and then claimed it was symbolism.
What do you think it's symbolic of? Putting a white sheet over your head and burning someone's house? Or tying them to the back of his pick-up and dragging them around for a little Republican 'round-up'? Or maybe it's symbolic of putting them in a pit and gassing them much like crazy adolph was being symbolic.
Your thoughts would be appreciated as you understand both Kleon and Republican having grown up among them.
:clap: :clap: :scaredkosar said:That's strange, I don't think my man ctownguy has ever really presented a 'view'.
He's the league leader in smilies though.
kosar said:Auspice,
He was just joking around, ya know. He mentioned that he would be concerned about getting sued if he actually *did* mow down the homeless. He's got a point there. This country has gotten so lawsuit happy that there is a real risk these days of getting sued if you intentionally run people over with your car. Even if it's just the worthless homeless people. You know, the ones who get all the breaks.
All this suing just isn't the Christian way.
EAE said:Thats not to say injured war veterans should be put out to pasture. Rather, they gave their limbs for this country and should be taken care of.EAE
EAE said:Kosar, with all modesty, I am. I work, support a familiy, pay taxes, from which these freeway dwellers benefit, go to church on Sunday and try to treat people honestly and fairly.
Look, I'm sure some of these people are mentally ill and all but my tax dollars go to support shelters and welfare. Look what I'm giving and look what there taking. What is wrong with saying that those that aren't mentally ill should be working.
Based on your past posts, you are quite a bleeding heart liberal. I mean hand outs just don't work. If someone told me I could make money be just sitting on my ass and the government will take care of me instead of working for a living I would sit on my ass and get the handout.
But I have some self respect. I am going to work and feel good about who I am not sit around with a 7-11 styrofoam coffee cup looking for quarters.
As much as you may not want to hear this but it is a dog eat dog world and as in nature, the strong should survive.
Thats not to say injured war veterans should be put out to pasture.
No, no, it appears you and guys like you would rather get touchy feely by giving these people who choose to live under bridges my tax dollars.
Those tax dollars should be used to build a strong military, reinforce family values and build highways. Yeah, highways that go over those bridges that Clintons proteges live under.
EAE said:Man, all they have to do is pull themselves up by there bootstraps, get the job at Burger King, stay at a shelter until they get themselves on there feet, and start going to church.
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