Since we are all stuck


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Aug 24, 2004
Monument, CO
After 43 years of marriage...I asked her the other night can I get a back rub..she answered me " yes,a short one"..why did you have to say a "short one". I just asked a simple question..yes or no .. since we moved to Texas I take the dog out 100% of the time., do the wash and fold the clothes 97% of the time Throw the garbage out recyclables and reg garbage 100% of the time Cook about 50% and if we do take out 100% of picking up the food.
My wife does Yoga MWF at the Y.. aerobics right after yoga.. Hikes on Tuesdays with the Rec dept and Kayaks the Lady Bird river and Lake Austin on every I like the hikes and kayaks because she leaves the house at 8am and comes back around 1 pm.. I play racquetball every morning at 5.30 and come home at 7.45 just as she is leaving for her activities. we high five each other and I'm on my own for 4 or 5 hours perfect... I go to the library,barnes and noble,handicap basketball games etc as the Italians say " La dolce vita " the sweet I like retirement hell yes no snow to shovel,defrost on cars etc
Then the quarantined hit .. Y shut down,LA Fitness raquetball gym closed. Austin Rec dept closed...WTF..
My starbucks closed because they don't have a drive thru ..
Can I divorce my wife.... hell no.. she would get 50% of my NY Sate teacher retirement money and although I have a few $1,000 dollars in secret bank accounts she has all my IRA's ,money markets etc ..
So when I ask her again" can i have a back rub" and she answers a " short one" I'll take the short one which is better then none
I already asked Alexia on the speaker awhile back " will I get lucky tonite " Alexia said " I can't answer that " but my wife over heard me ask alexia and answered " I can answer that".. think I have a better chance of a "short backrub"
Can't wait till the quarantine to end
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