I sound like I'm drowning in a puddle when I sleep, and that's in any position I try. Joker, most people snore the worst on their back, but I could snore standing on my head. It was affecting my quality time with my wife, because she couldn't sleep anywhere near me, so I had the overnight study and got the cpap right afterwards. I had 40 "events" an hour :scared
You also don't have to be a fat bastard to have it :mj07:
I have the nasal pillows, and the first time I used it, I slept 8 straight hours. I don't have the energy rush a lot of people report in comparison to their past sleep, but I do not constantly wake up. However many times a night you feel like you wake up while sleeping (if you snore and unrelated to going to the bathroom), multiply that by about 10 for the actual amount of sleep disturbances you have per hour :scared I felt like I woke up about 4 times a night when my body was a actually having a sleep related event 40 or more times each hour!
My wife can sleep in the bed now with me, and I don't wake up with bruised ribs from her pushing and kicking me all night so I will stop snoring, so it has been a life changer for me in that regard.
The only other suggestion I have is if you do get the nasal pillows, have some generic Afrin ($1.99) on hand to use before bedtime in case you have nasal congestion. It's nearly impossible to use the nasal pillows when you have the congestion. Be careful to only use the Afrin a maximum of twice a day though, because its more addictive to your body than crack. It is easily abused, and you will be in a world of hurt if you use it too much.
Lastly, I see undiagnosed/untreated sleep apnea all the time with patients in the hospital. More than a few times, I have had patients in a stepdown/unit bed when their primary problem was untreated sleep apnea. It can cause some major heart arrythmias and low Oxygen levels. The most severe example I ever saw was this January. A 34 year old guy who came in with chest pain. I figured out within 2 minutes what his problem was. The dude was almost falling out of bed in mid conversation! He walked to the bathroom and fell asleep on the toilet and then while he was standing straight up :scared
His heart rate went down to 38 and his Oxygen level to 75% :scared Anyway, I got some interventions started, and I saw him a few weeks ago, and he feels like a new man with his cpap.
It's easily treated, so if you're wife or kids, etc tell you that you snore like a motherfucker or worse quit breathing when you sleep, get it checked out!