
Registered User
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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
You guys and gals should be PROUD!
I promise you that you will look back in a few months and moreso in a few years........and say that one of the most important and significant things that I accomplished in my life , for me and my family, was to quit smoking! NO is at least that important..........
To anyone who has fallen and I'm sure there are a few on the list.
(this is tough) Pick yourself up and start again..........YOU CAN DO IT!! and It is too important not to..........GREAT DAY FOLKS!
DAY 3 coming up and it WILL be better each day!
Good Luck and stay stronger than nicotine! Thats saying something!



not banned
Forum Member
Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
it is OFFICIAL!!!! this is HELL!!!!!!

I want to be put into a drug induced coma for the next 72 hours if it plans on staying this brutal!!!!

not smoking for a couple of days has always seemed like a breeze, (with a patch on) but trying to break the nicotine addiction is a whole different ball game. So it's almost like i'm trying to break 2 addictions at one time....... if i need a patch or gum i have lost.... can't break the addiction by still putting it into my system :( if that worked, cutting DOWN on smoking would work too.... UGH, this SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MM 82
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2003
Islamorada, FL
back to work for me tomorrow after a tough 2 days off. Went out walking with no billfold or cash...rode a bike for a while today as well....Kicking cigs has got to be easier than 'Dope Sick Love' I'm watching on HBOZN now....


not banned
Forum Member
Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
TJBELL said:
They do get easier every day. I find it hard on days 10-14. Don't know why?

okay darlin' .... help me out here.... why in the heck do you still smoke after you know that it is hard on days 10-14??? after making it that long what possessed you to start up again?? if it is true that after 96 hours your body is free from the nicotine addiction, what was it that made you go back to smoking??


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
BahamaMama said:
. if i need a patch or gum i have lost.... can't break the addiction by still putting it into my system :( if that worked, cutting DOWN on smoking would work too.... UGH, this SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not true, Annie. Use the gum, patch, whatever. Nicotine is not the problem, it's the delivery method that is destructive. If you chew the gum for the next 40 yrs, who gives a f*ck? Nicotine is not the problem, at least not physically.

I debated whether to go into a long thing here, and I decided i'm not going to. Suffice it to say that my dad, at 61, is given less (per the doctors) than 60 days to live.

As I told Jack via email yesterday, if I could transmit his current state via video, none of the people in this smokeoff would smoke again.

It is brutal and terrible and he struggles very much for each and every breath.

Anyways, I wish everybody in this smokeoff/out the best of luck. We are all pulling for you.

Besides the dad that i'm about to lose way too early, I also lost 2 grandmas and within the next 5 years or so an aunt and and an uncle that I cherish. All over smoking.

Good luck everybody! And please try to hang in there for the people that love you.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 13, 2002
keep it going..mouth full of sunflower seeds helped me after a meal..also When I got a bad urge when driving I used bigleauge chewing gum, the sugar rush got rid of any craving.


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Sep 5, 2003
Went out with the boys again. I left my gum at home and it became so bad I left. By the time I got home, I forgot about it and didnt want to chew it. Prepared myself a bowl of cereal and milk, checked my bets and taking the girl to the bed early again. :SIB So today I got laid (hopefully 2 times), saved $9.50 for the smokes, saved at least 70 minutes of my life by not smoking and won my plays to take home $345.

Day 3 tomorrow. I think I am going to TRY not to have the gum tomorrow. Really thinking what Mama was saying but.. Kosar also had a point. The gum won't kill me, its everything else. We'll see..

Good night!! Thanks to everyone again for the support today. Keep up the great work! Just say :nono:


not banned
Forum Member
Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
kosar said:
Not true, Annie. Use the gum, patch, whatever. Nicotine is not the problem, it's the delivery method that is destructive. If you chew the gum for the next 40 yrs, who gives a f*ck? Nicotine is not the problem, at least not physically.

Matt, guess i'm seeing nicotine as a hidden problem... as long as the nicotine addiction is still there, it doesn't matter what method delivers it... meaning if i feel like a smoke, i'll have a smoke!!! i need to beat the addiction! if the addiction was "smoke" , i'd go freaken camping and sit downwind of a campfire!!! is it smoking that raises blood pressure, or is it nicotine? if Nicotine is the answer, that i guess the patch and gum are more destructive than you're thinking...


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Just wanted to be another poster to say we are all readiing your journey to a better life and are proud of you. Keep up the good work! You have the support of all of us, smokers AND non-smokers!

Sun Tzu

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
glad for al that is important and you need to do it...

but somebody explain the fascination to me with doing it to begin with...

you know it's bad for you, we have all lost loved ones because of it, not a person I know liked it the first time,...I leave a bar the first thing I do is take a shower and watch the black shit come out of my hair.....just one of those things I have never understood...

From what I understand after about 3 days it's all mental, no true physical addiction at made it this far you SHOULD be home all can and will do it if you truly want to...

PS Doctor friend I know claims the last thing you should do is use the gum....just gotta go cold turkey...


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Sun Tzu said:
glad for al that is important and you need to do it...

but somebody explain the fascination to me with doing it to begin with...

you know it's bad for you, we have all lost loved ones because of it, not a person I know liked it the first time,...I leave a bar the first thing I do is take a shower and watch the black shit come out of my hair.....just one of those things I have never understood...

From what I understand after about 3 days it's all mental, no true physical addiction at made it this far you SHOULD be home all can and will do it if you truly want to...

PS Doctor friend I know claims the last thing you should do is use the gum....just gotta go cold turkey...

Leave it to you for a dumbshit post like this. If you haven't ogne through it, how do you know the physical addiction if gone after 3 days?

Would you care to site some research for me? Do you even know how to evaualate clinical research? I've "heard" everyone from texas is a gunslinging, redneck, uneducated farmer. Should I assume that's true?

I didn't think it was possible to take an extremely positive thread into a negative spin. If I had to guess, you'd be the only person on here with the ability to do that.

Sun Tzu

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
Not negative at all. All I did was ask the question to help myself understand what they are going through. I am proud of all of them and wish people I have known had quit themselves.


Registered User
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Oct 8, 2003
east coast
im on board...april 1st.been on and off since jan in jersey goes into effect on april 1st also think it will help me.had a problem a few years ago doctor told me to quit and i still cant,was down to 3 cigs a day since jan and all it took was 1 weekend in atlantic city to put me back where i
btw,we all know alcohol,coffe and big meals trigger a craving, i dont know about you guys but gambling, poker or watching a game you have a nice chunk of change on makes you want to light up also,think i might take a month off betting also and just watch and study mlb for the 1st month.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 8, 2003
east coast
Sun Tzu said:
glad for al that is important and you need to do it...

but somebody explain the fascination to me with doing it to begin with...

you know it's bad for you, we have all lost loved ones because of it, not a person I know liked it the first time,...I leave a bar the first thing I do is take a shower and watch the black shit come out of my hair.....just one of those things I have never understood...

From what I understand after about 3 days it's all mental, no true physical addiction at made it this far you SHOULD be home all can and will do it if you truly want to...

PS Doctor friend I know claims the last thing you should do is use the gum....just gotta go cold turkey...
i think its the fact that you feel fine,your hurting yourself but you dont really notice it.ill quit next year,or when i have my 1st keep putting it off.been smoking since i was 14,you quit for a couple weeks,go to hang out at a frieinds house to play poker ,7 out of 10 are smoking ,what the hell ill have 1 and it starts all over again..1 time i quit ,i was would only smoke when i went out and drank,at the time it was 3 to 4 nights a week.that would be about 2 packs a week better than 6.but i started drinking in the afternoon just so i could have a cigarette.its just 1 fuked up and addicting habit .cigarettes should be banned,what other products are one of the leading causes of deat that u can buy at a grocery store ,gas station least other addicting drugs are a little harder to

Sun Tzu

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
Thanks for the response Moe. Sounds mor epsychological than physical. You ever notice how pregnant women can quit immediately and are fine for 9 months yet seemingly start up again.

Cigs will never be banned.....imagine the economic disaster....and there is so much bad stuff out there it is ridiculous. One could argue we should ban stuff that goes into foods, alcohol, cars, junk food....

Saint mentions clinical trials - you are hard pressed anymore to find one, like for drugs or medical products, that isnt bought and paid for....

Some of my law work involves such things...a company sponsors twenty studies, publishes the two good results and buries the rest...look at asbestos...all the companies knew in the 30s that in 20 years men would drop like flies yet never told a soul, and it still took the government decades to ban it...


Forum Member
Aug 13, 2002
well im still up and having a bad craving for a cig so im eating a big bowl of ice cream instaed,DOES ANYONE ELSE feel like the have more energy u do not kno what to do with????TJBELL sara lee wholegrain white bread has been our niumber 1 seller since we came out with it,i have noot try it but heard it was good thanks for buying,any way have been getting real bad headaches anyone else???allright im going to take a big drink a nightqual i hopefully that will knock me out talk tomm. oh yeaH LOST 3 OUT 4 BETS tonight that does not help either lol
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