so it's been over 7 years...


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I'm not the one who said "if this was 50 years ago...."

I was drunk and regret saying that. I don't like making comparisons like that. My whole point was that it seems Bush never cared about getting Bin Laden. He will end his presidency without getting the culprit of 9-11. I find it amazing that this doesn't seem to bother his supporters.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
and fucking dubya never caught or killed bin laden.. that is the most pathetic statistic i can fathom. i mean WTF???? how can anyone defend this atrocious administration? AT THE VERY LEAST this guy should be dead. ....right?

if this was 50 years ago, bin laden would be dead, saudi arabia would be in our posession, and we wouldn't have invaded a country that never attacked us.


--and I thought from thread title this was going to be 7 years--that we been safe from attacks.

---contrasting views on the half empty/half full


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
tell me five things that W accomplished during his 8 years that actually benefited the american people.

in any particular area you want the 5?

Lets start with pres # 1 priorty--keeping america safe--

1--Has did what he called his top priority of keeping america safe after 911 by taking it to terrorist on their turf.

2 disarmed lybia without firing a shot--

3 Korea Ended supplying them with money to build their nukes--instead went multi lateral route and now are disarming them.

4 Our # 1 enemy AQ was training openly and rampant in lybia-yemen-afgan-pakistan-etc after
1st attack on trade towers by UBL-- they have hide like roaches now with all the above now fighting them. Quite a turn around

5 Accomplished in days what Russia couldn't do in 10 years in Afgan

would you like more in this area or move to different area--how about economics?

1 Inheirted dot com bust and recession--

2 Worldcom/enron fiasco

3 911 greatest man made disaster in history

4. Kartina greatest natural disaster in history

5. July 2007 Markets hit all time high--unemployment less than 5%--interest rates at all time lows.

enough?? OK your turn

Now give us any 5 accomplishments of Obwanna in any catagory--ok will settle for just ONE

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
May I digress:

1. he did not keep America safe as he had the memo warning of a probable attack by Alquida on his desk for a month before 9-11. In addition, by your logic, all presidents, except FDR, "kept America safe".

2. disarming Libia was the effect of American policy towards that country since Kadify took power in the 70's. Dumbfuk just happen to be in power when in happened. You might want to give Carter credit for it.

3. NK. no negotiations with that country and remains very dangerous to entire world. Moran refuses to negotiate.

4. Alquida - totally blew an opportunity after 9-11 to unite the world in an effort to eradicate this terrorist group and focused US efforts on Iraq. We could have had multi-national cooperation to completely destroy most terrorist networks and organizations to make the world a more peaceful place. Instead, they are still in operation while we focused on Iraq. To the contrary, Bush may be responsible for future attacks.

5. Afghanistan - story is not over. Because of Iraq, Taliban is resurging in Afghanistan. By the way, we supplied bin Laden during Russian invasion.


1. You really want to go here?

All I have to say is he inherited a 500 billion dollar surplus and in no time turned it into a 700 billiion dollar deficit.

Cut tax's for the wealthy and corporations and made the gap between rich and poor wider minimizing the middle class.

Presided over top level corruption like this country has never seen in the executive office. (Dick Cheney, Tom Delay, Scooter Libbey, Ted Stevens, Mark Foley, Craig, Louisiana senator, Ted Haggarty, Ken Lay, etc.)

Ignored the law and exercised power without checks or balances. (Alberto Gonzalez)

Failed to insure regulatory agencies were doing their job causing the most serious financial crisis since 1929.

Turned the world against the US, joked about being the worlds biggest polluter, killed about 4500 US soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's.

Refused to let US participate in the Kyoto Protocal

This is a list off the top of my head. This guy is by miles, the worst president the country has ever, ever had.

Obama's accomplishments.

1. character
2. honesty
3. hard work
4. achievment
5. love of country over anger towards it

Those are 5 accomplishments George W. Bush never had, does not have today, nor will he ever have.



Forum Member
Apr 26, 2008
U.S. American
i wonder if osama bin laden is even a real person. if he is , shit he might be just a myth made bigger to keep the military industrial machine cranking... a modern day boogie man


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
Obama's accomplishments.

1. character
2. honesty
3. hard work
4. achievment
5. love of country over anger towards it

Those are character traits. Or the appearance of. Those are not accomplishments.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Marine Pretty tough crowd we have--

Wasn't 7 years ago we had even liberals in New York buying up entire supply of American flags--and scared to deathbegging for gov to protect them
--you keep em safe for 7 years and are they thankful or appreciative--fck no- they wonder what if some recluse confined to obscurity is still alive.:rolleyes:

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