WELL HAMMER as i saw videos of heavy hitters in vegas all got banned but were winning like $10,000 to $20,000 per day two of them ...
I stay small $250 per day isnt going to hurt any casino and belive me they want to pay my dont pass bets
i might just go one way again but thats tough because i have to protect my BET if on $15 min table $6 on hop 7's pays me $24 if they throw an eleven fuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggg im out $21
Was so easy before just dont pass bet any 7 for $4 lay full odds to cover that any 7 bet
if 15$ Min alloowed up to 5 x lay
gawd all i need is invesments into CBD dividen stocks just tie up one weeks money buy one ecah month so i collevt every month did research before pandemic thoe who bought in for only $200 soon started raking in thousands per month