all in all looked pretty tame and well behaved...a peaceful protest...that`s the american way...
but all this attacking churches nonsense isn`t helping the cause....results in the gay cause losing whatever high moral ground that they`ve achived...
i have a question,though...gays can already have civil unions, adopt children, will their property, have hospital visitations, form any kind of legal contract they wish as far as i know....
all of that is already legal in california....
so, this is all about those 2 words(marry/marriage)?...
i mean,wtf?....if it`s all about words,i could throw a hissy about the word"gay"....
sometimes you hear the word 'gay' in an old movie and you have to go, "oh:mj03: , that's what it used to mean."...
occasionally, i still use it in the old way....
people giggle when i say, "i feel so gay today.":shrug:
can`t some sort of barter be arranged here?...

lol...pretty creative...
can`t we all just get along?...
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