Yeah, W's obsession with that archaic photo is really strange. I guess he threw it into this thread to try and cause a subconscious judgement against the relatively normal protesters.:shrug:
au contraire,mon frere....a subconscious judgement? think you`ve mistaken me for a tenured berkeley professor.....
i thought most of the signs had far more class and tact than any of the other gay/anti-war marches we've seen over the last several years....many of them appeared to support a more positive message than "we hate you back" or something.....
maybe it was just me? just didn't appear all that outrageous this time.... i mean, every protest tends to have a few nutjobs, but this one seemed like they were trying in general for a more positive message?....
or maybe i need more coffee? ...
..i threw "my boy"in to try and underline the responsiblity and constraint shown by those that took part in this demonstration....i thought i stated as much in this thread?...
i thought,as far as demonstrations go,this one was pretty much well effectuated...
"inflated scrotum fellow " is,imo, one of the all time greats in protest history.... here he is at the "world naked bike ride" in san francisco in 2007(sans inflated scrotum...he`s the one with drawers around his ankles)....
my intent in posting that picture isn`t to send folks screaming to their eye doctors...or their "aura cleaners".......just to give a civil rights icon his just due...