Just a couple of things to clear up.
I can personally vouch that Jack does not get a cut of losses from the books that advertise on his site. That is what makes this site unique compared to others I have been associated with. I even tried to get Jack to sign up a new sponsor that I personally liked but they only run ads where the handicapping site gets a cut of losses so Jack would not agree to it.
Jack makes money off this site but the site does not exist for the sole purpose of making Jack money. The site exists because Jack is an avid sports gambler and a smart guy when it comes to managing a site that gamblers will enjoy. I am sure the money is nice but if you had any idea how much time Jack puts into this site you would realize that there are a thousand other things he can do to make more money for the time he puts in but he chooses to run this site because he loves sports handicapping.
As far as fletcher and Raymond being in cahoots on some sort of scam, that is laughable. Just stick around for baseball season because those two jabronis will both be on every big chalk play you can find. In all seriousness, though, the idea that fletcher and Raymond are in on some sort of scam is outrageous. I can tell you for sure that Fletcher bets very large money. When I was at Sunset Station for a weekend everyone there treated him like royalty with free drinks for me, free meals, free movies, free shows, etc. They don't do that for a person who doesn't bet their own plays. I even got a few free Krispy Kremes
The fact is that fletcher, JT Sneaks and Hoops all have strong enough reputations to charge for their best plays. Another fact is that all three would make more money running a service in association with this site than they would going on their own because of the large number of gamblers who frequent this site and know their reputation. In the very short time that the service area was up, Jack told me he got several dozen payments. At $50 per week per payment, that should tell you how sought after those three guys are. JT Sneaks and Hoops have both kept meticulous records on this site in all sports. Fletcher's records have not been kept on this site to any serious degree long term but his records were kept closely on another site and he has a slew of witnesses who have followed his plays that will tell anyone that he is a profitable gambler long term.
Of course, the preceding paragraph is a moot point because there will be no service on this site. Unfortunately, many people who frequent this site were unable to separate the service area from the rest of the site in their minds and simply ignore it if they were not going to pay for the service. Heck, if anyone should have taken offense, I should have because I put hours each day into posting a *free* picks page. The bottom line, though, is that Jack rightly felt that the good will of running a free operation was worth more than the money of running a service area so he axed the idea.
Whether Hoops, JT Sneaks or fletcher continue to post their top plays or any plays on this site, the fact is that Jack is running a valuable and fun site for handicappers. In my opinion, it is by far the best handicapping site online. Those of you who feel betrayed by the three gamblers who chose to agree to offer their picks for money should realize that you should not expect free money to last indefinitely in life. If you won money following those guys, great. But now if you no longer have the ability to get their top plays, you need to do the work yourself to keep your bankroll growing.
One last note on Rico. Obviously nobody believes that this guy is even a profitable handicapper, much less a top handicapper. You can tell by his lies and tone that he is a bitter losing handicapper who is trying to take his frustration at his own ineptitude out on successful people. He is a hater. This may sound hypocritical, but my advice is to ignore him. Chumps like him will simply go away if they get no response.