Step on in here, mister, I got just what you're lookin' for


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 28, 2000
El Paso, Tx, USA
Great stuff COW boy. I was on the Eagles before and now heavier. However I was on the Raiders now stradlin the fence again. I remember years ago when I joined this forum, I believe it was you who told me "You my friend need a new name" That was great (funny). Take care and good luck.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 8, 2001
I was thinking the Bears, but you started to make me wonder.....
Maybe I don't know shit? But screw it, I can't ever change my mind after I've been thinking it all week, or maybe I'm just drunk.

Taking Da Bears, cause Da Eagles can move the ball against GREAT De Fence, and don't even start to say the bucs have a GREAT D, cause mcNabb won't have time to surf in the pocket this sat.


Forum Member
Aug 7, 2000
Cowtown, VT
Nice call on the Birds, o' pasture grazing one...being from Vermont, I see alot of your relatives....they get tipped by the college kids ;)


Packer Fan
Forum Member
Nov 15, 2000
Pats -2'!! You sumbitch!

Your posts greatly resemble those of an expert 'capper named Unholycow who haunted the Internet some years ago. I heard he was shot by a jealous husband and--though he could walk and talk well enough--he lost all ability to handicap.

Yes, he was shot in the arse and couldn't sit at that 'puter long enough to compute yacs and racs and all the other esoteric things a real handicapper does.

Perhaps you remember him? He would have had the ballz to pick my Packers on the moneyline (!!) on Sunday and not even blink.

I miss GTD, too.

Superb stuff Mr. Beef, superb as always.

Have to look hard at that Packer game. There seem to be a few people who think that actually might lose to the St. Louis Caprines. Naaaaah!!!



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 20, 2000
Port Arthur, Tx
Two great selections, as always ! Just reading this makes my day. Looking forward to today's write ups. Win or lose, you are the man , when it comes to expressing yourself in script. Without a doubt, you are in a class by yourself. Madjack's is fortunate to have someone of your calibre hang out here, with the rest of us bums. I can't even pick a winner , much less spell it. Thanks again for everything you do and the way you do it. GL and keep the streak alive.


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Jul 13, 1999
Portland, OR


Hello sports fans, Unholycow here, back again. I hope that you had as much fun as I did yesterday. That was my kinda day. However, I like today?s game even better. Going off today is my highest rated play of the year in the AFC and the much anticipated Surreptitious Super Secret Psychic Selection, A.K.A. The Furtive Pie in the NFC. Moreover, both are available to members for the very affordable price of . . . Hey! It?s a joke . . . it?s just a silly little joke. Sorry, boss.

Mosta yuz have probably figured out where I stand on this game. I mean, it don?t take a freakin? genius, am I right? I?ve been behind the Steelers for nearbout the entire season and I certainly can?t find any reasons for bailing out on ?em now. In my mind, they are the best team in football and I don?t believe they?ve played their best game yet. I know many of you would argue with me, but I think they win this game easily.

Since these teams have met twice previously this season, lets take a look at the numbers outta those games. The Steelers came into the first meeting at 5-1 and feeling pretty good about themselves, whereas the Ravens stood at 4-3 and spoke about the game in Pittsburgh as a sort of coming out party. They were gunna show the new guys who the champions really were. To the Raven?s credit, they came in as a 1-point dog and got the win in Pitt 13-10. Other than the final score, however, the numbers what stayed with me were:

1) 4 missed field goals by Pittsburgh Kris Brown
2) Baltimore being held to 183 total yards and only 10 first downs
3) Pittsburgh?s 348 yards of total offense and 21 first downs

In the rematch 6 weeks later there was much trash talk coming outta both sides, as apparently the Ravens thought that Pitt could be intimidated and actually had been unsettled in the first game. This game was in Baltimore and the Ravens were favored by 3 points. People, the game was not close. Oh sure the final score was 26-21, but in case you don?t remember, the Steelers owned ?em that day. It was a massacre.

Pitt totaled a season-high 476 yards and controlled the ball for more than 41 of the game?s 60 minutes. Perhaps most shocking is the fact that Jerome Bettis didn?t play! Yet the Steelers were still able to wrap up the division crown on Baltimore?s turf. It was maybe the most impressive performance of the year.

The Steeler defense was outstanding again, as they held Baltimore to 149 total yards until the Ravens final drive when they went 58 yards to score a meaningless TD. Remember, fellas, this game was a HUGE Sunday Night matchup and everybody was watching. And the pre-game hype reminds you of a heavyweight championship bout. Baltimore TE Shannon Sharpe had call Plaxico Burris, the Steelers? young WR ?Plexiglass?, because he said Burris was afraid to go over the middle. And Bettis had said that Takeo Spikes of the Bengals was as good as Ray Lewis, so you know Lewis was fired up. Mugging for ESPN?s cameras before the game, Lewis said, ?they wanna see what our defense is like, they?ll see tonight.?

What we all saw that evening was Kordell Stewart?s best game as a pro, as he threw for 333 yards and 2 touchdowns and Pittsburgh once again controlled the ball for 41 minutes.

The Ravens seem have renewed bravado coming into this conference semi tilt, but beneath the false front, they must be hoping that they don?t get blown away as badly as the numbers say they should. I mean, 390 ? 824 total yards in 2 games is significant to say the very least.

Pittsburgh is 3rd in the league offensively in yards per game and number 1 defensively, while Baltimore comes it at 13 and 2, but them numbers don?t really me nuthin?. What?s gunna make the difference in this game is the last time they met, when Kordell went to their place and had the greatest game of his career. Sorry, Jack, you and Ray can talk up your team as much as you want, but when the game is on, everybody?ll know what?s up.

In my strongest play of the year, I want yuz should all be on the Steelers with me. Once you stand up to a bully, like Kordell did, they are never as tough as they used to be. STEELERS ?5? is a Cow Power Pie

Like, moo

Thanksa million for the kind words, fellas. You're aces, every one of yuz! BTW - jng I wasn't tearin' up just then, I hadda little dust in my eye is all. Them was good days, man.

Where are you GTD?

Get Yo Freak On

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2002
united states
Cow has the rythym and can Dance

Cow has the rythym and can Dance

Yo Yo YO Cow has the Vibe and will Dance another storm today. I love it when my picks match the Cow's picks. Cow knows the NFL, that is for sure. Great calls yesterday as duriing the Eagles game I was singing all game.

Also love the Steelers today as they will dominate again and scare Grbac into a couple of INT's and sacks. Cowher is the man in big games. He'll have his boys ready to play, and Kordell is a focussed young man right now.

After this one the Cow will have his Freak On dancing all the way to the Bank..

Cow ---- rating Great Guy


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 3, 2002
Just want to say your a class act:D Seems like here lately everyone has let their emotions get out of controll :shrug: Thanks for your info already on Balt but thinnk I'll add a little more:D


Registered User
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Jul 13, 1999
Portland, OR


There seems to be little doubt among most serious students of the NFL that the Rams are the best team in the league. The question of who is the best big-game quarterback though, ain't quite so clear-cut.

I wish I had more time to pass along all of my thoughts on this one, but I don't. Things to do, people to see, you know the routine. Anyway, my thinking is Brett Favre gives the Packers a legit shot in the game. And believe it or not, jng, I am playin' 'em on the dough-line. +400 is value, I don't care how you slice it. Acourse, I'm takin' the generous points, too, but that seems more like insurance to me. I'm runnin' with the Pack!

St Lou seems to beat people in the first half by taking their hearts out and stomping on it for thirty minutes. If the Pack can stay within a touchdown until the half, I really think they're gunna win this thing.

Check it out: A fellas named Cow wins the Mad Jack NFL handicapping contest and get to go to Vegas to watch the Super Bowl. Doesn't it seem appropriate that a team from America's Dairyland be playing vs a team coached by a guy named Cowher? To me it feels like that script has gotta be written out somewhere other than in my achin' head. I mean, I'm practically expecting it.

A lottayuz'll say I'm nuttier thanna Payday, that's for sure, and hey! You'd probably be right. Sometimes though, yuz gotta getta little crazy if you wanna win. Ya see what I'm sayin'?

Say cheese, everybody! PACKERS +400 & PACKERS +11

It's a Favre, Favre bettor thing to do.


psst ... prospector ... are you comin' to Jack's gig?


Registered User
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Dec 30, 2001


Still as confident about Pitt w/ the bus a ??? I assume not but just checking.


Registered User
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Oct 12, 2001
Long Branch Nj
Man, you got madcow skills!!! Way to be Pour that man a double.
make that a triple. If he hits the 4 oclock game forget the quadruple, let's go straight for the Dom!!

:drinky: :toast:
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