Stupid lawsuits


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Eddie Would not be enough space to type abuse I have seen from medical and insurance end of spectrum.
The bottom line is we will always have the bad apples in every proffession and no easy way to get rid of them.
And while the few corrupt PI attorneys do get my goat as I am sure the same holds true bout insurance field, I do sleep well at night knowing I have competent attorney and he is worth every penny.

Lost one of my ex girlfriends to an attorney.Caught her in his briefs,handling his supeona.:D


Turgid Member
Forum Member
Apr 6, 2001
This just in from north of the um...Illinois border::director:"Down goes Eddie, down goes Eddie".


Forum Member
Nov 22, 1999
LMFAO!!! Great post YYZ!

I won't comment on the insurance/lawsuit topic as I currently work for an insurance company and have the exact opposite views than Eddie. I do feel, however, that he needs to leave all comments in his office or court room as he is very one-sided!

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

May I call you Y. Also Bigbagrat, tsichm and bohica. Tschism, are you and Y dating? Do ya think Tsichm that you might also be a little one-sided. Naw, you just work for an insurance company. By the way t, do you also practice medicine? Welcome. Glad you little corporate minions could join the party. Gooooo Bush/Cheney, Enron and all your other Texas whoopin heros. I'm glad all of you chimed in with you nose-up-the-ass comments.

Y, my internet friend. After reading your post I ran to my therapists office. For the last 3 hours he ahs convinced me that you are right and I am wrong. How can I apologize. Here I am an incompetent attorney being undressed by average, blue collar, Joe. What is it that gave you such knowledge and acumen. Is it your litigation experience. Is it your work in the insurance industry.

My guess is that the only litigation experience you have probably concerns some nasty divorce you went through and didn't like your attorney. Based on your posts, I can understand that you went through a nasty divorce. By the way, if your ex wants any free legal advice have her call me. Oh thats right, better have her call a competent attorney.

I may have asked you this before, what do you do for a living other than post on the internet? I realize your social interaction concerns back and forth on the interness as you find reading boring and dull. I think you said you enjoy debate. Debate in front of a computer screen. Maybe some real live interaction between human beings would serve you better. Oh yeah, I forgot, you live in Fon du lac.

However, may suggest, with all due humility, that you read a book other than Limbaugh or Buckley on occasion. Instead of sitting next to a computer with your thesaurus and spell checker in hand, you may, and I emphasize the word, may, learn something of value. Instead of spewing your popular, don't make waves, garbage based upon sensationalism and what the majority of minions on this website want to believe.

Oh course you won't read. too dull and boring for a mover and shaker like yourself You don't need to learn anything. My God, your a 38 year old, non-smoking, non-drinking, non-dope using party animal living in, how do you say it, Fon du lac, Wisconsin. You are one hell of a man of the world.

I got to admit, your intellect sucked me into your trap. average joe. You are good. You even got me to profile you without knowing a thing about you other than you apparently have a lot of time on your hands. (Have you thought about joining the local militia?)

Your to smart for me, Y. You wouldnt respond to my profiling of someone I have no knowledge of, would you. Ya big burr headed galoot, you. By the way, I really like how your cut and paste works on your computer. Well, then again, you have quite a bit of practice dont you. Your right I havent read your posts. I will take my next four week vacation (funded by one of those frivilous lawsuits) and try to squeeze in reviewing your 3775 posts. No doubt entertaining reading.

Back to the meat and potatoes, Y baby. You make three points:

1. Bogus claims made in court rooms. Don't want to be pompous and arrogant, but don't you mean "file" bogus claims. See most bogus claims that are filed never get to trial. Judges dismiss them, plaintiffs withdraw them. Do I think they are filed, of course. Do I think they are any where near 95% of the lawsuits filed. Hell no. Just the few that the media picks up on.

2. Most people can differentiate between frivolous claims and valid claims. Maybe, maybe not. Seriously, your worship, what do you know about the lawsuits listed in this thread? WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE FACTS OF EACH CASE OTHER THAN WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO SUPPORT YOUR PRECONCEIVED IDEAS ABOUT FRIVILOUS CASES. I respectfully, submit, nothing. Nor do I. I just have the common sense to know that the media, insurance industry, manufacturers associations and chambers of commerce are trying to sell the public on the tremendous number of such claims and that I will not buy their propoganda until I know the facts. What do you know about the most famous frivolous case of them all, McDonalds coffee?

3. Y, Y, Y. I'm clueless. I guess I can't argue with that. You're just too smart for me and your lucky you don't have me as counsel. Hell i'd have to increase my malpractice coverage after you sued me. That wouldn't be a frivolous claim though because you brought it. I'm just someone you can dispose of as not providing an intellectual challenge to you

Lastly, you really want to know why you are similar to Hitler youth. Because your innocent and impressionable, much like the young aryans of the 30's. You follow the leaders of the day and always go along with whats popular. You are incapable of independent thought although you have convinced yourself that you are an independent thinker. You accept the media's views without question, (unless it involves Clinton). By the way, any chance your of german descent?

YYY, you prove my point. You are whats on my juries. Is there anything I could say to convince you to change your viewpoints. What if I argued there is a higher authority? I doubt seriously, I would change your view point. Nor can you change mine. It was not my intent, when I came on this thread, by the way, it is still and open forum (in response to your query as to where I came from) to change anyone's viewpoint. I was merely responding to the authors intent to once, again attack the justice system and lawyers with garbage headlines not based on any facts in support of popular media and right-wing philosopy.

I hope you can explain this position to Larry, Curly and Moe a.k.a. Bigbagrat, tchism and bohica. The bottom line: you have no facts, you post based upon popular belief, you use arrogance to mask insecurity, and last, but not least, you have way, I mean way, too much time on your hands. Once again, I apologize for not being your sparring equal. Wait a minute, that should read, I thank God I'm not your sparring equal.

With all sincerety,


Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Dogs That Bark:

Although you and I may disagree on political and legal fronts, I acknowledge your sensible and coherent post. Good lawyers, bad lawyers, good docs, bad docs, good insurance companies, bad insurance companies, good people with over 3600 posts and bad people with over 3600 posts, its all the same.

People who want to make things black and white like my friend y live in a very limited world. most things are grey. if you have a good lawyer, doc, ins. co., friend, wife, etc. hang on to them. I have a feeling you understand my position. I do not dispute the fact that frivlous litigation exists. Actually I distain it and the lawyers on the back of the yellow pages. However, I don't want to feed into the frivlous litigation frenzy and allow unsubstantiated comments to go without response.

From the city,

P.S. Good joke. Let me borrow this joke from someone:

Name the 3 biggest lies in Fon du lac:

1. This F-150 is totally paid for.
2. Brett Favre is my cousin. and
3. I was just helping the sheep over the fence.
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
No court again today, I see...................

By the way, wouldn't it be ironic if we agreed on several issues, other than this one? It's nice to know that your scope of thinking boxes someone in a catagory, based on one opinon. I have never made comments that so insenesed another individual, over absolutely nothing.

I make one statement, and from that, you determine that I am a Socialistic, Nazi, who lives and breathes the Republican gospel! I use words that are on your level, so I must have a, that is some shallow thinking. I would love to debate you in person, but you are not here, so this forum has to do..............give me your number, and we'll chat! (I'll even use 1-800-COLLECT, to save the friends I love a buck or two!)

How can you make a statement, get called on it, and go so overboard? Seriously........what do you do when another lawyer gets the best of you? I have never been in a trial setting, so you have me there, but I can't think that a judge would go for these antics.

Your thin skin started this whole thing, when you made a completely off the topic reply to the originator of this thread. I have yet to see where he was lumping all lawyers into this catagory! You took it there.

Live your life, and get over it.

If you want to become a more rational person, I will discuss this further, otherwise, it is pointless. You want to argue for the sake of arguing, and I won't do it.

I wish you well, even though you seem to have me pegged as some piece of shit on the bottom of your shoe.
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Your attempt to be condescending and place me on the defense is an old lawyers trick. I will not give you the pleasure of falling into that trap as you tried to state in an earlier reply that I was too easy and not a sufficent challenge for you.

Another old trick is to say I'm not going to respond to you until you come up to my level with comments such as "...arguing for the sake of arguing." Quite frankly, you have not presented any facts supporting the frivolity of the lawsuits identified in this post. Pure and simple.

Rather than you and your minions saying I'm jaded and wrong. Show me rather than jump on the hype. YYZ, you attacked me personally as an incompetent lawyer if I was not able to weed people like you off of juries. I only responded to your personal attack.

If I lump people into catagories of right-wing blockheads, is that any different than starting a thread entitled "stupid lawsuits"? Be real, this thread was another of a long, and may I add, quite tedious series of attacks on plaintiff personal injury lawyers and the civil justice system. I just defended it.

Believe me yyz, I do not consider you a piece of shit on the bottom of my shoe. You are quite humorous and apparently respected on this board. If it is true that you were never college educated you remind me of Don Imus, very intelligent guy who never went to college, well read, and enjoyable to watch on tv and listen to on the radio.

If you reread your posts, I think you will find that you took a holier than thou attitude in your responses to me. (Please hum America the Beautiful while reading the rest of this post) I'm defending what I perceive to be an attack on the civil justice system by several well funded special interest groups. If you think about it, I'm being much more of an American by raising these issues in opposition to the beliefs of the vast majority of people in this country.

I am not thin skinned. If I overreacted it was in response to constant bashing (not on this board) in the local media about how all plaintiff lawyers are money grubbing ambulance chasers like the guys pictured on the back of the Fon du Lac Yellow pages. We aren't and not every lawsuit filed is frivolous.

Yours in a higher power,



Forum Member
Nov 22, 1999
Ooooo....aren't we a little touchy today, Eddie? If this is the way you try your cases....I can see why you dislike the insurance companies and their corporate attorneys. They probably pick you apart in the courtroom. You seem to resort to the defensive side with all of your name calling. You have nothing to prove to us here. It amazes me that a trial attorney can get soooo worked up over a little thread.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!

I can actually read this post without feeling the pent up wrath that you have over "lawyer haters". I, too would be upset if I was being lumped into a group, based on the lowest common denominator. (But, you did that with me earlier, didn't you?)

Originally posted by Eddie Haskell

Your attempt to be condescending and place me on the defense is an old lawyers trick. I will not give you the pleasure of falling into that trap as you tried to state in an earlier reply that I was too easy and not a sufficent challenge for you.

You don't attempt to be condescending. You either are, or you are'nt. I have done nothing more than "give you a taste" of what you did in your initial post. Calling people blockheads over what you seem to have read into. (I still have not seen where anyone said anything to lump all lawyers in as people looking to defend "frivolous" lawsuits.) I certainly never put you in that light.

Quite frankly, you have not presented any facts supporting the frivolity of the lawsuits identified in this post. Pure and simple.

At no time did I try to! The only point I tried to make, was don't act like there aren't any!

Rather than you and your minions saying I'm jaded and wrong. Show me rather than jump on the hype. YYZ, you attacked me personally as an incompetent lawyer if I was not able to weed people like you off of juries. I only responded to your personal attack.

I think you have used the RDA of the word "minions" for the week.

"When I go into a courtroom representing the Plaintiff, the field is by far from level. I voir dire juries about the McDonalds case all the time. They generally think that I and my clients are the scum of the earth. I'm going against preconceived ideas placed in the heads of jurors just like the author of this thread"

Now, unless I have misunderstood this comment all these times that I have read it, you are saying that you go into the courtroom having to beat down the 'meadia bias' that all these people have in their heads? Are you not stating the most of these people cannot make up their own minds an a case by case basis? I think that is absurd, and a slap in the face to anyone with a pulse. THAT is the reason for my "holier than thou" approach. You are so smart and educated, but the 'common man" can't see past what he gets spoon fed by CNN, or reads in the USAToday? I'll tell you what. If you have me as a juror on a case where a person was injured, I am not going to blindly say, "Fuck that money grubbing turd!" All I, or any of the other posters in this thread have stated, is that there ARE some suits that are a joke! Some people who DO think, "Hey, you got yours.....I want mine!"

If you break into my house, and my dog bites you, how the hell can you find a lawyer who will represent you? THAT is what this thread was about. If you represent someone like that, than yes.....I find you contemptable. Now, you can say, "You don't knowm all the facts!", and I guess you would be right.

If I lump people into catagories of right-wing blockheads, is that any different than starting a thread entitled "stupid lawsuits"? Be real, this thread was another of a long, and may I add, quite tedious series of attacks on plaintiff personal injury lawyers and the civil justice system. I just defended it.

Again, no it was not! I'll tell you what. If I get injured by no fault of mine, I would like to know that I have a course of legal action to take, thus, I don't think you are "scum" at all. This was an attack on "stupid lawsuits" not, "all lawsuits are stupid".

I'm defending what I perceive to be an attack on the civil justice system by several well funded special interest groups.

Well, there you might have us "commoners". I will grant you the fact that you see, and hear more about the leagal world than we do. Perhaps that is where this whole thing went to hell. If you hear 100 times a week about what a shitty lot the PI lawyer is, you might bristle at everything perceived to lean in that direction. So, when Snake brought this topic up, you said, "Here we go, again!" I still don't believe he was bashing the legal profession, only what he saw as silly suits.

I am not thin skinned. If I overreacted it was in response to constant bashing (not on this board) in the local media about how all plaintiff lawyers are money grubbing ambulance chasers like the guys pictured on the back of the Fon du Lac Yellow pages.

I think that I have covered these points, and made clear that I assumed that was where you were coming from. I can understand your strife, as far as that goes.

We aren't and not every lawsuit filed is frivolous

Amen........I said that all along, brother.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Billy bob tschism and muscle dude:

Not worked up young pukes. just like given you little computer geeks a good ole ohio ass whuppin by usin them thar big old fancy words that you all have trouble understandin. Your right i get picked apart in the court room. cant win me a case. how is it being a billie, tchism. fat dumb and stupid is no way to go through life young man. steroid boy, got one thing to say to you...... huh.

Your father,


Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

My point exactly about you. Your correction of "attempting" to be condescending vs. "either you are or you are not" is the continuing arrogance you display. Give it a rest. You know the point why waste space on the innane.

I don't know you. How can I lump you into any group. I do not want to get into a 5 year old battle here, but you started this flamer. Did I say you were an incompetent anything? No you went on the course of personal attacks.

I'm not going to waste any more time on this subject and give you the last word if you choose. Final statment as to what this thread is all about:

"stupid lawsuits" sensational headlines aimed at pouring gasoline on hot topic ( greedy pi lawyers) no facts. feeding frenzy by follow-along types who dare not clash popular opinion. bottom line greedy people who want something for nothing.

You know, yyz, I have several real right wing, Attilla the hun, type republican clients who continue to complain (on a daily basis) about clinton, lawyers, etc. Several of them have litigation currently pending where I represent them on defenses which are in my view questionable. Yet they bash others in similar positions.

As a grumpy old man, I guess i have a hard time with the irony of it all. It is true, mankind is a greedy lot. Every one elses lawsuit is frivilous, except mine. As I said you can have the last word, as it was not my intent to change anyones views on this subject. In addition, it's rapidly approaching 7:00 and I have to get my picks in with my local.

I wish you well. I do not agree with you on probably most issues, but then again, we live in America where differing viewpoints can be raised. I guess some lawyers are somewhat instrumental in that freedom. With respect to frivolous lawsuits, let me close by saying I hope you are never in a position as a plaintiff in a lawsuit for personal injuries. You will then see how, no matter how valid your claim may be, uneven the playing field is as a result of the concerted effort of what i will call republican special interest groups.

Iam quite sure you will not be an Alabama plaintiff when your BMW has a bad coat of paint.

Best wishes,
Eddie, the ambulance chaser.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2000
Alberta, Canada
Great thread

Great thread

Fantastic thread guys. Really enjoyed the exchange. It's what the site should the general discussion area...

Thanks for an excellent read. Like watching two heavyweights sparring. The "down goes Eddie" comment was premature. Definitely would be a bout decided by the judges. Glad to have a ringside seat.




Turgid Member
Forum Member
Apr 6, 2001
Gee wiz Eddie, I sure hope I wasn't the turd in your punchbowl. I have always aspired to be a minion. Thank you for elevating me to that level. Retired capitalist doesn't sound nearly as good.

I don't think name calling and stereotyping need to be a part of this conversation. I do think that everyone deserves a fair shake in our legal system. There is nothing wrong with people filing lawsuits that have foundation, and I would be more then fair as a juror seated on such a case.

Eddie, in your profile, you list humor as one of your interests.
TRY SOME :thefinger

p.s. I want to be Larry, cuz he gets all of the chicks.
Bet on MyBookie