May I call you Y. Also Bigbagrat, tsichm and bohica. Tschism, are you and Y dating? Do ya think Tsichm that you might also be a little one-sided. Naw, you just work for an insurance company. By the way t, do you also practice medicine? Welcome. Glad you little corporate minions could join the party. Gooooo Bush/Cheney, Enron and all your other Texas whoopin heros. I'm glad all of you chimed in with you nose-up-the-ass comments.
Y, my internet friend. After reading your post I ran to my therapists office. For the last 3 hours he ahs convinced me that you are right and I am wrong. How can I apologize. Here I am an incompetent attorney being undressed by average, blue collar, Joe. What is it that gave you such knowledge and acumen. Is it your litigation experience. Is it your work in the insurance industry.
My guess is that the only litigation experience you have probably concerns some nasty divorce you went through and didn't like your attorney. Based on your posts, I can understand that you went through a nasty divorce. By the way, if your ex wants any free legal advice have her call me. Oh thats right, better have her call a competent attorney.
I may have asked you this before, what do you do for a living other than post on the internet? I realize your social interaction concerns back and forth on the interness as you find reading boring and dull. I think you said you enjoy debate. Debate in front of a computer screen. Maybe some real live interaction between human beings would serve you better. Oh yeah, I forgot, you live in Fon du lac.
However, may suggest, with all due humility, that you read a book other than Limbaugh or Buckley on occasion. Instead of sitting next to a computer with your thesaurus and spell checker in hand, you may, and I emphasize the word, may, learn something of value. Instead of spewing your popular, don't make waves, garbage based upon sensationalism and what the majority of minions on this website want to believe.
Oh course you won't read. too dull and boring for a mover and shaker like yourself You don't need to learn anything. My God, your a 38 year old, non-smoking, non-drinking, non-dope using party animal living in, how do you say it, Fon du lac, Wisconsin. You are one hell of a man of the world.
I got to admit, your intellect sucked me into your trap. average joe. You are good. You even got me to profile you without knowing a thing about you other than you apparently have a lot of time on your hands. (Have you thought about joining the local militia?)
Your to smart for me, Y. You wouldnt respond to my profiling of someone I have no knowledge of, would you. Ya big burr headed galoot, you. By the way, I really like how your cut and paste works on your computer. Well, then again, you have quite a bit of practice dont you. Your right I havent read your posts. I will take my next four week vacation (funded by one of those frivilous lawsuits) and try to squeeze in reviewing your 3775 posts. No doubt entertaining reading.
Back to the meat and potatoes, Y baby. You make three points:
1. Bogus claims made in court rooms. Don't want to be pompous and arrogant, but don't you mean "file" bogus claims. See most bogus claims that are filed never get to trial. Judges dismiss them, plaintiffs withdraw them. Do I think they are filed, of course. Do I think they are any where near 95% of the lawsuits filed. Hell no. Just the few that the media picks up on.
2. Most people can differentiate between frivolous claims and valid claims. Maybe, maybe not. Seriously, your worship, what do you know about the lawsuits listed in this thread? WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE FACTS OF EACH CASE OTHER THAN WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO SUPPORT YOUR PRECONCEIVED IDEAS ABOUT FRIVILOUS CASES. I respectfully, submit, nothing. Nor do I. I just have the common sense to know that the media, insurance industry, manufacturers associations and chambers of commerce are trying to sell the public on the tremendous number of such claims and that I will not buy their propoganda until I know the facts. What do you know about the most famous frivolous case of them all, McDonalds coffee?
3. Y, Y, Y. I'm clueless. I guess I can't argue with that. You're just too smart for me and your lucky you don't have me as counsel. Hell i'd have to increase my malpractice coverage after you sued me. That wouldn't be a frivolous claim though because you brought it. I'm just someone you can dispose of as not providing an intellectual challenge to you
Lastly, you really want to know why you are similar to Hitler youth. Because your innocent and impressionable, much like the young aryans of the 30's. You follow the leaders of the day and always go along with whats popular. You are incapable of independent thought although you have convinced yourself that you are an independent thinker. You accept the media's views without question, (unless it involves Clinton). By the way, any chance your of german descent?
YYY, you prove my point. You are whats on my juries. Is there anything I could say to convince you to change your viewpoints. What if I argued there is a higher authority? I doubt seriously, I would change your view point. Nor can you change mine. It was not my intent, when I came on this thread, by the way, it is still and open forum (in response to your query as to where I came from) to change anyone's viewpoint. I was merely responding to the authors intent to once, again attack the justice system and lawyers with garbage headlines not based on any facts in support of popular media and right-wing philosopy.
I hope you can explain this position to Larry, Curly and Moe a.k.a. Bigbagrat, tchism and bohica. The bottom line: you have no facts, you post based upon popular belief, you use arrogance to mask insecurity, and last, but not least, you have way, I mean way, too much time on your hands. Once again, I apologize for not being your sparring equal. Wait a minute, that should read, I thank God I'm not your sparring equal.
With all sincerety,