Suggestions Welcome for Wife's Birthday Present (Prize for Winner!)

Handi Capper

'That Said'
Forum Member
Apr 8, 2004
northern Ky
hey man, I definitely outkicked the coverage. She is great chick and a sensible parent. I was up late going through boxes and scrapbooks looking for the perfect photo to have enlarged/framed per pengy and comfortable1. It was freaky: every picture that was good with her Ps in it, included her sister, who she cannot stand. I have some more photos to go through but it's late in the fourth quarter at this point.

I think I will go Old School and bring home flowers. I may take Hamster's advice and give her a full body massage tonight as well. With hot rocks and everything. :brows:

I thought tigerfan's idea was a good one too, but this Gruaud Larose St-Julien 5cm Fill Corroded Capsule 1961 is like $400 a bottle. Didn't they make Mad Dog 20/20 in '61? I'd have to hit a RAYMOND parlay to buy a case of that stuff.

I'll post a pic tomorrow. I hope you get a handy at least tonite, Handi! Happy Birthday, dude!!!

my offer still stands

tell u what, could be there by thur, blame me, u ordered it 2 mos ago, meet at harrahs, eat ribs,let women gamble few hr, we can drink few beer or 8 & chat bout mj'ers like old times, then u & mrs pepper goo to room for bj :0003


Forum Member
Nov 13, 2009
He was kidding bro. Pep and comfy are real close. To the point that they've shared a uterus in days gone by. They even call each other's mother mom, for chrissakes.

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Place was a mess when I got there:0003


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
IN Same boat mines is coming up the 14th already planned stay over in Ac casino

She likes Gambling .......... maybe yours needs something differnt ..

A night out on the town in a limo whole family.

Movies or theater Dinner maybe go play at arcade or if kids are old enough a nice night club with older type music.

Fuck flowers and candy thats BS gifts.

Another great gift the charm bracelete with whole family birthstones plus a family photo to hang on the wall forever.

Also add maybe you create a special B day card the kind that cannot be bought you and the kids do it together a really huge poster board one.

Last suggestion her own day out spa treatment lunch and open the bank to go shopping.

Then maybe you get that Great night in bed...
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