That's right, Bart ran it, not me.
We can do one but I don't want to collect the money. I'll put up the square pool and run that part of it but collecting the money is out for me. It's truly a huge pain in the ass.
jr11 runs one but it's either full or he's not taking new players.
And if you're thinking of collecting the money forget about Paypal because they will shut you down if they suspect it's for a pool. it's happened before. And they will suspect something because a red flag will go up when they see all the transactions coming in all of a sudden. Irregular activity.
I run everthing, so if someone ever wants action let me know. NFL Survivor, NCAA Bowls, Brackets, Blocks, fantasy golf leagues and salary cap golf leagues. I am running a SB block but it is filled already, and it did so in 3 days, faster ever....they know how I run things. Spot on. There are many from MJs (maybe 30-40 ish or more) that have been with me for years. Money in is money out.
The collecting money has always been a pain in the ass. It is even more harder now with me having a baby at home. My rule is if you are not in before we start I will not include you and you will booted. I confirm receipt of everything and expect the same should you win something.
I too will get in another if you get this up and running. I just cant take on another one running myself.