Supernatural happening...Has This Ever Happened To You?


Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)
This is a true story that just happened. I had set my 2-year old son's Spiderman toy in his big Tonka truck so I would know where it was when it was time to take him and his sister back to my ex's. I had taken the kids to give them a bath. About half an hour later after we were finished, I started packing their bag. I went over to the Tonka truck to get his Spidey, when I noticed it wasn't there. I looked everywhere for his toy, but to no avail. I thought I must have misplaced it and decided to put the kids to sleep, hit the hay myself, and look for it in the morning before I dropped them off. When I woke up the next morning, to my surprise, the Spidey was sitting there exactly where I left it. I totally tripped out. What could this mean? I, of course, am superstitious, but I'd never thought this kind of stuff would happen to me. Anything like this ever happened to any of you guys????


Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)


I know it must sounds like I've been smoking some Maui Wowi, kind skunk bud from Arkansas, or some Northern Lights, but I'm dead serious. For the past couple of weeks, I've been hearing strange things around the house. And since I get the kids only every other week, I know that there's no one else in the house with me. I know you guys don't believe me, and some of you think I'm fruit, but I'm telling the truth. It just feels weird sometimes. I can't explain the feeling, but it's something I've never felt before.


Vulcan Visitor
Forum Member
Nov 1, 2001
mebbe time to call in the people who keep track of ufo sightings and stuff. .

i have never encountered anythin but do believe there is a superior form of life other than earth.

i wish the truck had landed in front of my house :D .. just kiddin ..

be careful


Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)


I don't know how someone could be f--king with me. It was just myself and the kids that night Spidey was gone and as far as the noises, they all came from within the house. I know you're thinking I'm either making this up or I'm really whacked out, but I'm dead SERIOUS. You know that feeling you get every once in a while where the hair on the back of your neck stands up? Well try intensifying that by 10!!!! Twice already, I've gotten cold chills down my back for no reason, with goosebumps all over. Please explain to me how someone is f--king with me. I don't know how this all started, but it did just start a few weeks ago.
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I don't know, but there is no such thing as ghosts.

Perhaps you sleep walk? Maybe one of the kids took the doll, and later put it back?

I know several times I have looked for the car keys, and the seem to wind up in a place hat I had already checked. I can't give you an explanation, but I wouldn't sweat it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
but do believe there is a superior form of life other than earth.

And you'll be surprised to know that we got someone right here in our own little corner of the world: BeandipJim


Registered User
Forum Member
May 1, 2002
I was checking out some topics when this one caught my attention.
Sounds like you have ghost!!
Don't worry they or it won't hurt you.

I on the other hand had not had any experiences with ghost ( who are actually people that have passed on but just don't know it.) :shrug:
maybe someday your ghost will figure it out!

On a serious note i have had dreams or visions that came to past sometime after the fact. And also have felt a presence which was unseen but felt as big as life itself.

He Hate Me

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca
most people arent familiar with the spiritual realm, because they are so much into there own flesh and worldly possessions and are so self centerd that they are completly oblivious that they are in complete bondage to satan. and this is exactly how satan wants it. Noah prepared the arch partley because the Nephillium which are spiritual beings were crossbreeding with man. UFO's are demonic spirits that are flirting and taunting humans. Nothing can make the devil run like the BLood of Jesus, satan has no choice but to run like a thief at that point. If you are walking with Christ you are a new creation, and you have victory because you have had your sins washed by the blood of Jesus.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
well being that I must be in complete bondage with Satan, according to He Hate me, he hasn't said anything to me lately about sending Demons to your house. I am sure he would have said something to me. Being married and consequently divorced twice, I am probably a pretty high ranking member of the Hell crew. I thought Noah built the ark because of impending rain?
Answer me this chopsticks. Are there crop circles in the front yard? Check to see if the aliens He Hate Me speaks of left behind anything, like an anal probe or an old tazer gun. A lot of times those damn aliens hide as the people that serve chili at the Stuckeys on the interstate. One time I was looking everywhere for my keys, this was when I was married, and I mean everywhere. Then my second wife in Satans secret service said, they are probably right where you left them, and lo and behold there they where. So she must be demonically possessed. I knew it!!!!! Thats it!, next time a meet a girl that doesn't have a reflection in the mirror, I am going to ask why!!!!!!!!
I think the best explanation of this freak occurrence is simple.


Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)
Hack and fatdaddycool

Hack and fatdaddycool

LMFAO!!!! You guys have great senses of humor and I'm glad you can make light of this situation. Makes me feel better about all of this. But I do think there is something freaky going on in my house.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
p.s. I always wondered one thing though, it was prophecised that Noah brought two of every animal on board the Ark,(it was an ark and not an arch wasn't it HHME?), which were consequently responsible for the repopulation of the world, right. Now if that were true and that it is true that it rained for 40 days and nights and susequently there was no dry land for even longer until the Dove(?) came back with the fig branch or what ever, anyway....being that hippos eat more than 80 lbs of food per day with two hippos that is well over 6400 lbs of grass not to mention elephant consumption, rhinos, giraffes, cattle, goats. He must have had one heck of a payload to pack. Also, with all the antelope and cattle and such, did Noah have to go out and collect ticks and fleas or did he just let them stow away? What did he and his family eat. Man if there used to be some animal that tasted better than Pork or beef and those jerks ate it and it ceased to exist I am going to be pissed!!!
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Felonious Monk

Site Owner
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
Originally posted by He Hate Me:
Noah prepared the arch partley because the Nephillium which are spiritual beings were crossbreeding with man

Can you please elaborate on that? Also, I've never heard of the word this something you made up?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 21, 2002
Niagara Falls
NEPHILLIUM is a MYTHOLOGICAL half man-half angel.
Seems to me we have somebody thats lost in a fantasy world of dungeons and dragons.

But then again Chops if he hate me is correct then
you`re going straight to hell.Do not pass go,do not collect 200 dollars;)


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 30, 1999

It appears the only thing left off the Ark were the dinosaurs. Not sure how they would taste.


He Hate Me

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca
You wash your windows with the blood of Jesus and satan cannot enter, he will run like a thief. Here is a testimony from a brother in Christ at a site that I like to visit.

Posts: 1324 | From: Clayton, NC USA | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

New Member
Member # 1426

Rate Member posted November 07, 2001 08:10 AM
I'm pretty new to this board, but I would like to share my salvation experience. It happened 22 years ago when I was 18. I was a single mom with a 5-month-old son, had just graduated high school and moved into my own apartment. I had been into drinking and getting high and was also arrested for shoplifting a year and a half before. Not a terrible troublemaker, but just a little messed up. I went through a bout of depression for a year in which I constantly thought about taking my own life. Finally I realized I just could never do that, and ironically I said to myself that if I couldn't kill myself, it could only be because God was holding my hand back from doing it! I wasn't raised in church and didn't think about God too much, so for this shining truth to surface was a miracle in itself. I figured if God wouldn't let me do it, I might as well stop trying and I wondered what His reasons were for keeping me alive. A year later, after moving into my own place, I met a guy named Paul, who I became friends with. He started bring a Ouija board over and "just for fun", we would try and communicate with the spirits of dead people. People we knew who had died or famous people who had died. When my brother found out about this, he told me I was talking to the devil. I laughed at him, not believing there was such a thing. My brother had gotten saved a year or two before this. He said he could prove it to me and wanted to be present if we used the ouija board again. During our "session", with lights out and candle lit, Paul's and my hands on the moving piece and my brother sitting nearby, I felt something like a cold breath on my right hand, the one on the moving piece. Then my entire right arm turned ice cold. At that same moment, my brother had said that he sensed an evil spirit in the room. I was so scared, I jerked my hand off the moving piece and announced "I'm done" and turned on the lights.
I was shaking like a leaf and for the next 4 hours I listened to my brother tell me all about Jesus and shot my questions at him, too. After he left, I got out my old dusty Bible, that I'd had since I was 4 and started reading. My friend, Paul, was not impressed and asked me why I was doing that. I told him that I now knew I was on the road to hell. It's all real, and I wanted to find out how to go in the other direction. He shook his head and said that my brother has ruined everything! I kept reading and started praying. That night my eyes were opened. I saw everything. Satan was real and so God must be even more real. And if God is real, there must really be a Jesus who came and died on the cross. And if he did, he didn't do it just for a few, but for all, including me, and I was determined to understand more about it. A week or so later I went to church with my brother and answered the altar call, praying for God's forgiveness and to be made clean by the blood of Jesus. I felt the warmest feeling all around me. I knew it was a love like I had never known before. It enveloped me and then filled me. I left the church that day with a brand new life. Praise the Lord! Thank you, Jesus.

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