Supernatural happening...Has This Ever Happened To You?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 21, 2002
Niagara Falls
Its all good Lance.
Its easy to see how one would misconstrue my comments towards Chop`s as being racist.
But trust me when I say that`s the furthest thing from the truth.
Chop`s and I are friends form another forum in which we correspond.So when you see me call him a "basterd",its all in good fun.



Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)
Elegant Lance

Elegant Lance


Hey man, I really appreciate you coming to my defense on Hack's "racist" remark, but I've got to tell you, it's all good. Hack is right, we've been friends for a long time now. We crudely bantar back and forth like this all the time. He is one of my closest "internet friends." It is nice to know that there are people like you that don't tolerate any form of racist remarks. As far as yyz, I don't know him very well, but he seems like an alright kind of guy. As far as being offended by racist statements, I take all of that crap with a grain of salt. NO BIG DEAL. I even call myself zipperhead, fish head, or even Charlie sometimes. They're just names, man. If I have $1 everytime someone calls me a gook, I would own The MGM in Vegas. Afterall, it is ONLY a sports forum. No harm, no foul. Now each one of you owes me a dog!!!!!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 21, 2002
Niagara Falls
Knife and Fork.
Feel free to drop by anytime.
Let me know in advance though so I can warn the neighbours to lock up their pets.

Did you read the contest thread in Andy`s forum about joining the Hilton contest.It sounds good.Each of us to pony up a deuce for the entrance fee.

Take care ya basterd.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I'm sorry, Lance. Jesus was the pool boy, Jorge was the gardener. My mistake.

Quote from the Elegant One: As for a holier than thou attitude, how so? Because I don't laugh at racist jokes?

I'm quite certain he is referring to your crack at Chopsticks about "hoping he doesn't vote". If you think you don't sound condescending, then guess again. Most of your posts here, are pure elitist bullshit.

I believe the better-than-you attitude exists within you and yyz.

I am better than most. It's quite easy to be so, in a world of complacent people. Still, my "attitude" is mostly in jest. Most people can differentiate between seriousness, and jocularity, thus their noses don't get bent. You? Well, who knows what your problems are? I'm glad that old grandpappy and your dad set the table, so you could be the man that you are. You talk about other people acting superior, while twice today, tooting your horn about what a great humanitarian you are. (Providing work for others, etc....)

Judging from your comments (previous and present) and writing style, I suspect Mother Nature dealt you an unfair card in the intelligence department.

Perhaps, but in the game with you, I'm holding the high trump, while you sit with off suit.

Thanks for stopping by agian, and see you in a few months when you get bored, and need some fun.

Elegant Lance

Registered User
Forum Member
May 31, 2002
Hack and Chops, good form by both of you. You seem to be class acts.

yyz, I don't think I toot my own horn. I mean, no one here knows who I am. Why would I feel good about bragging to a bunch of nicknames?

Anyway, you're right. I'll probably be back in a few weeks. It was nice to have a 4th of July with nothing to do, however.

More bragging:
I'm off to a fancy French dinner featuring a string quartet, champagne and a private fireworks show. Thing is, I'd rather be with Big Daddy eating brat and drinking Blatz beer (see the post about what will you eat?)

Most of the people tonight will be a bunch of snobbish schmucks.
Besides, they don't know a middle from a donut; a dime line from yogurt; or a backdoor cover from a goddamn hole in the wall!

Happy 4th to friends and un-friends alike.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Have a good time, then. (Don't imbibe too much! That Moet is a killer!)

I'll sit with the family, poolside at daddy's, chomping brats, steak, ribs, and corn! :grins:

I am sure we will make a big Bacchanalian mess, but I didn't give Jesus off tomorrow, so he'll earn his keep.

Later, we'll head to the French Quarter, and watch the G-String Quartet. (Those dolls are the cat's ass!)

jois de vivre,

yy of z
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Chops Let me share this true story with you. When I was a kid we used to go to my cousins every other friday and play ball. On one friday we broke a window so the next time when we got there the ball and bat were hidden from us as punishment Well it just so happen I dreamed that they hid them the night before and that they hid them in garage on top of boards that laid crossway on rafter. So I get ladder climb up there --and you guessed it,there they were.Didn't think much of it at the time but certainly did later in life.


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Elegant Lance said:
I don't think I toot my own horn. I mean, no one here knows who I am. Why would I feel good about bragging to a bunch of nicknames?

20+ posts and only 14 references to "your" employees and "your" business. People on the outside may think of you as a successful entrepreneur, but I think that your mirror knows that it would have never happened without Daddy's bankroll.

We'll see you real soon, boss.


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Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
as for me I read the Skeptical Inquirer, and admire the Amazing Randi, a man who would put money on the line if someone could do something he could not explain by science. that they claimed was supernatural.

as for strange supernatural events they happen to everyone but probably can be explained. there are two shows that were interesting

1. was on haunted houses (CBC radio Ideas) a man moves into a house in Alberta Canada (Canmor /spelling) and notices doors slamming, objects moving. was a very interesting show as he trys to explain it through science. (only listensed to part 1 of 2 2 hour show)

2. another one was about when groups of people get together sometimes they can generate (energy??).

groups of 8-12 people would meet maybe once a week, they leave one chair empty. they would address the empty chair as if it was somebody, made up a name, did not matter, but had to use the same name all of the time. by the way alchol was used to :D get things going.

mixed group women,men,single,divorced, more diveresed the better. sometimes it worked half the time nothing, maybe more. the theory is that the mind helps to create energy in the room, passion, love, hate, from the group members. ect.

actually sometimes something would move, fork, spoon, the guess had a scientific explaination for this, I was just interested in some of the groups he took part in, and what sometimes happened. (he claimed, I am sure the Amazing Randi might explain it a different way, however the guest also explained it by using science.)

as for me, I use to dream and a few weeks later a portion of the dream would happen, nothing earth shattering just it was exact with the same words being repeated, would realize when it happened...... does not happen often anymore, basically stopped when a friend had a car crash. I dreamed of many things before the incident, and saw car destroyed similar to the picture in the newpaper. I explain that by just random luck, you dream of accidents or encounters, and sometimes they come close to what happend. also maybe the picture was not as close but my mind wants to believe it was. these can all be explained by science.

anyways good luck and always be skeptical.



Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
p.s. I always wondered one thing though, it was prophecised that Noah brought two of every animal on board the Ark,(it was an ark and not an arch wasn't it HHME?), which were consequently responsible for the repopulation of the world, right. Now if that were true and that it is true that it rained for 40 days and nights and susequently there was no dry land for even longer until the Dove(?) came back with the fig branch or what ever, anyway....being that hippos eat more than 80 lbs of food per day with two hippos that is well over 6400 lbs of grass not to mention elephant consumption, rhinos, giraffes, cattle, goats. He must have had one heck of a payload to pack.


the way I heard it was that God knew all about the nutritional requirements of all the animals and it concerned him. Now God being all powerfull and all , thought about it. And rememeber now this here is a guy with some juice. Talk about being able to get things done. So God remembers that he had made this black bear and it did this hibernation thing for a few months. So God kinda helped Noah as he was all into Noahs business about the arc and the rules. God put every pair of animals that entered the arc into hibernation and they easily slept thru the 40 days and nights.
Hope this helps you out fatdaddycool.
God bless you



Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)


I believe everything, that is supernatural, until science can prove it different. Until there is scientific evidence that proves it wrong, I will assume it is true. I know that sounds very gullible, but I was brought up in a superstitious family. Hate to say that I can't change my upbringing. But thanks for the information. That was pretty informative. And I don't know how to explain how I misplaced my sons toy. I'm 100% positive where I had placed it.
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