Terrorists pouring in


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Iraqi PM: 'Terrorists pouring in'
Monday, September 20, 2004 Posted: 10:33 AM EDT (1433 GMT)

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Iraq's interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi has warned that "terrorists" are flooding into his country from across the Muslim world.

His comments on Monday echoed those of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair who said the day before that Iraq was now the "crucible" in which the future of global terrorism would be determined.

Allawi, who is visiting London, told GMTV at the end of one of the bloodiest weeks since the end of major conflict in Iraq: "It's not a second conflict per se, it's really an international conflict.

"Terrorists are coming and pouring in from various countries into Iraq to try and undermine the situation in Iraq. They're coming from Afghanistan, Pakistan, from Europe, from Morocco, from Syria and so on.

"Iraq is on the front line of fighting these terrorists. And, God forbid, if Iraq is broken or the will of Iraq is broken, then London would be a target, Washington will be a target, Paris will be a target, Cairo will be a target, as we have seen in the past."

But former British foreign secretary Robin Cook, who resigned from the Cabinet over the Iraq war, disputed that argument.

"There were no international terrorists in Iraq until we went in," he told The Times newspaper.

"It was we who gave the perfect conditions in which al Qaeda could thrive."

Allawi made his comments on British TV on Monday ahead of talks with UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon and International Development Secretary Hilary Benn.

Monday's negotiations were expected to focus on what more Britain could do to support the interim Iraqi administration before January's scheduled elections, which Allawi insisted would go ahead despite the upsurge in violence.

Allawi also stressed again that his interim government would not make concessions with kidnappers. He said: "Our principal drive is not to negotiate with hostage-takers and not to negotiate with terrorists, and this is where we find our strength is."

Part of Allawi's agenda in London was to project a positive message from Iraq to the international community; he has previously blamed the media for focusing on the violence without reporting on the progress that was being made.

Monday's discussions came on the second day of the Iraqi premier's visit to London and followed a three-hour meeting with Blair on Sunday.

After their meeting, Allawi said the trial of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein would begin in Iraq as soon as next month.

Appearing on ABC's "This Week," Allawi said: "I think [it will be] October, with some of his supporters who are detained; will be in court. Maybe he will appear in November or December, but definitely in October the whole issue will start -- of the trial." (Full story)

In another interview published on Monday, Allawi said Saddam was depressed and had begged for mercy.

"He is distraught and depressed," Allawi said of Saddam, who is awaiting trial for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

"Saddam and his colleagues are not the giants that the media sometimes talks about. Saddam sent us an oral message in which he begged for mercy. He said that they were working in the public interest and did not mean any harm," Allawi said in an interview with the Arabic al-Hayat newspaper.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
So what's your point? And I find quote # 2 as complete bs and even you can't buy into that one, hell they are everywhere, and about time to crack the whip harder on any and all who are or who we think are international terrorists in our own country and get the middle east flea bags on student visas the hell out of our country, i am sick of all the Iraq bs they were just as dirty as al Qaeda and iraq was funding and letting al Qaeda train there.

Yes we should of fried other fish first but Iraq should of been on the prep table ready to cook also. But quote # 2 is a total bs from him, you know the just beheaded another american and it's up on the muslim scums web sites on more then one in the middle east, i use to have a good head on me when it came to being a raciest but will be honest i am against all 90% of all muslims, the ones who say they are not in favor of how the extreamest act really do not speak out to louad, most all want to destroy all people from the us so i say get them before they get us, i am now a officle raciest against the muslim people sorry it came to that even ones i know i don't trust and have broken off ties to most extent like the people who live 4 houses up from me, use to speak with him all the time but the more hotter things got he really quit talking to me and other non-muslims on our block and now all you see at his house is many muslim people twice a week about 20-25 meet for what ever on tues nights and fri nights. so hey i don't trust him and neither does many others on the block any more, he choose to break the tie not us so makes you wonder sad i would say i am a raciest towards a group of people but I am and telling the truth.

Why even let them in our country? vegas is over flowing the last few years with them for some reason. i know that has nothing to do with your thread the last part about me being raciest against muslim's but that is how they have made me open about being non-trusting and holding a dislike for them around me, If they would or their leaders in the world would voice them-self a little more maybe i could change my mind but for now i say deep down inside most of them all over the world hate americans even the ones from this country, and they are happy when a american is killed like today, can't prove it but if i had to make a line it would be about -275 that deep down inside they are happy for the death of a american, just like they were with the kids in the russian school and on those 2 planes they are heart less in my eyes most of them rather they show it or not, if not you would think people would be condeming these acts from higher up muslim leaders not lips service, maybe we should kidnap them over here and do the same and see how they like it.

And on a off note take that damn osu banner down, put the youngstown state one up:D

sorry muslim people i don't trust you and hold a ill feeling towards your people from anywhere in the world more and more eachday even if you are living in the us or even born here because have not heard many of you talking about how wrong that action is, and you say you are peace loving people who don't believe in killing bs i think more then we know wish americans harm, but just keep it to them-self till they strike or support a strike in the form of money, safe housing and just flat out not saying that radical extremest are giving your reglion a bad name, i don't hear or nor do i see it. yes this was a vent. # 2 in line on my list of scum is pakistan with the people of france and the chia doll looking dick in korea, he is someone who really would use the bomb If he had the whole thing he is not all there.

can't wait till the election is over here and in iraq sick of hearing this bs every single day. we caused iraq to harbor and have terrorists and bin dickless fighters in their country PURE TOTAL BULLSHIT. MOST OF THE MIDDLE EAST IF NOT ALL IS FULL OF SICK TERRORISTS.

and get rid of the student visa bullshit program!


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
There were no international terrorists in Iraq before the invasion? I hope you're joking. What about Saddam? What about the Baath party?
Kosar I can't believe you even tied your name to this BS article. How embarassing.


Forum Member
So there were no terrorists before we invaded Iraq? Better Iraq than the U.S.

In another interview published on Monday, Allawi said Saddam was depressed and had begged for mercy.

"He is distraught and depressed," Allawi said of Saddam, who is awaiting trial for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

"Saddam and his colleagues are not the giants that the media sometimes talks about. Saddam sent us an oral message in which he begged for mercy. He said that they were working in the public interest and did not mean any harm," Allawi said in an interview with the Arabic al-Hayat newspaper.
So much for being a Warrior for Allah!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Wouldn't it be great if we could get all the terrorist in the world there and fight them in one location.

Ask yourself one question If it is so important to terrorist that we do not succeed there, how important is it that we do.
They, unlike many here, realize the importance of setting up operations and bases in the heart of terrorism.

The terrorist are counting on one area for victory, they hope there etrocities will sway the weak--and they have succeeded in Spain and Phillipines and about 40% of folks here--
I forgot who the quote was from at conclusion of movie Tears in the Sun but it goes like this and is one of my favs.
"Evil can only exist when good men do nothing"

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

You know the funny thing about your point on rounding up the terrorists, I believe we had an opportunity to possibly accomplish that on 9-12-01. Unfortuneately, your boy decided to piss off the rest of the world, seriously damage whatever good will other nations had toward us, wasted an opportunity to group the nations of the world together to root out these killers, and go on this wonderful adventure into Iraq where about 30,000 people are now dead.

Yes, he's done a wonderful job of fighting terrorism and creating a whole new generation of terrorists. God help us if this guy wins. With regard to your quote, that is why so many of us are actively fighting to defeat George Bush.



Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Wouldn't it be great if we could get all the terrorist in the world there and fight them in one location.

Well, yes, that would be great. Surely you aren't suggesting that that is the case in Iraq. Even though they are pouring in, it's really just yet one more place for them to ply their trade.

Ask yourself one question If it is so important to terrorist that we do not succeed there, how important is it that we do.

That doesn't make much sense, man. It's not just the terrorists who don't want us to 'succeed', it's pretty much the whole region. They think that our definition of 'success' is to try to impose our way of life on them and to control their oil, either directly or indirectly. So who over there, exactly, would be rooting for us to succeed. This is similar to your ' who does France want to win the election' logic.

They, unlike many here, realize the importance of setting up operations and bases in the heart of terrorism.

That's funny. Our actions lead to a whole new breeding ground/playground for terrorists, where there was none before. Then we say, 'hey, look, we're right here in the heart of terrorism, right where we need to be'. No shit.

spibble spab

Forum Member
Apr 16, 2004
Concord, Michigan
The terrorist are counting on one area for victory, they hope there a trocities will sway the weak--and they have succeeded in Spain and Phillipines and about 40% of folks here--
I forgot who the quote was from at conclusion of movie Tears in the Sun but it goes like this and is one of my favs.
"Evil can only exist when good men do nothing"


enough said

spibble spab

Forum Member
Apr 16, 2004
Concord, Michigan
you dont see the fleas until you get the dogs.

of course were pissing off the terrorists, girls

were stamping them out, one by one

one thing that scares me though. theres alot of them

were in deep, but we must remain strong and not act like
little sissies. (ahem, kosar)
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